Warhead Pet Hamster

Chapter 4: Jinghong

Chen Chengzhen took back the spirit of trying to communicate with the pets. It doesn't matter if there is no way to communicate with the war pets. Chen Chengzhen estimates that he is not close enough to the position of the war pet, or the consciousness is not very skilled.

However, he is probably able to determine the general location of the war pet, just in the city in front, in the past, look for it.

Chen Cheng squatted at the temple and looked at the two people who had quarreled to the side. "Don't quarrel, go."

When he said what he said, he heard it and went to save people.

Chen Chengyi’s team is driving a modified off-road vehicle with a silver paint on the outside. This paint is newly developed and can avoid the fluctuation of life swings of semi-mechanical animals. This paint is very difficult to do.

Chen Chengzhen took the co-pilot, Li Hui Suobin two people sitting in the back seat, the trunk is crocodile who is not afraid to provoke except Chen Chengyi, the name is called crocodile, is the cold stone in the driver's seat Rui's war pet, Shi Rui's character is also similar to his war pets, not many words, playing a strange animal is also particularly embarrassing.

Li Hui, whose total love is not finished, his pet is called the cat tooth leopard, and the leopard is held by him.

Then a big leopard, pressed on Li Hui's leg, is just like no weight. Li Hui is holding a thick paw like a big cat.

It’s just that the leopard will show off the teeth from time to time and make some snoring sounds.

Sobin’s war pet Black Hawk flew in the sky, and it also hovered back and flew back. It was very successful to bring back a few strange animals, which was solved by Chen Cheng’s Gatlin on the window. Then the Blackhawks rushed toward the team with their car.

Li Hui scratched his chin's chin and said, "Come here, you all come to guess what the boss's war pet is? I think it may be an elephant or a black bear, the strength is particularly big, if it can make the boss I have doubled the combat power, and I am dripping, so I don’t have to use it when I go out. The boss is absolutely easy to solve."

In the past, they all found their own pets, but the old Dalian sensor did not sense them. Therefore, they have never dared to ask more questions. Now the boss finally clearly said that they have sensed the war, they naturally Guess guessing without any scruples.

Sobin pondered for a long time and said, "If it is an elephant, we may have to change a heavy truck later."

"That is, I can't let the boss's war pets run behind the car," Li Hui said. "But it's not sure. The boss likes to bring hairy animals. From time to time, I still touch the head of my cat's teeth. Maybe the boss. The war pets will be like lion tigers."

Shi Rui, who has always been screaming, suddenly said, "Dinosaur."


Chen Cheng glanced at the faceless Shi Rui, who lost this kid.

"Hahahaha, is it possible? What is impossible in this year, maybe it is only an ant." Li Hui was quick to say that he was happy, and he felt that he had made a rather absurd guess.

Chen Chengyi laughed and saw that he was about to rush to the team. He suddenly smiled and said, "Ready to fight."

This team does not know where it came from, the car is quite a lot, there are more people installed, and now the safest way to transfer is not like this, the goal is too big, this is simply looking for death!

Although the Tate spacecraft has been destroyed, the Tate has upgraded the semi-mechanical beasts, they are all self-evolving, and there is a clearer hunting plan.

This team, can live to the present is absolutely semi-mechanical and deliberate.

Chen Chengyi kicked the door and slammed Gatlin to sweep away a few strange animals. The three men quickly caught up, and their respective pets became light and melted into their bodies, strengthening their attack power. Several people rushed up with their weapons.

The siege team is relatively low-altitude, mostly single-ion guns, which are not upgraded, so they were quickly solved by Chen Chengyi.

Li Hui shouted at the door. "Everyone is scattered, the interval is big, and if you want to survive, don't squeeze it!"

However, those who have been brought out of the air raid by Li Chitian have already seen the power of Li Chitian, and they are strong enough to protect them in their eyes.

Therefore, no one listened to him, or they were crowded together, and they all embraced Li Chitian’s short building.

Li Chi Tian said, "This is my own person. Why do you listen to you? Helping to solve a few strange animals wants to attract people's hearts?"

Li Hui looked at Li Chitian like an idiot. "Do you know if you want to escape first? Don't you know that it is the easiest to attract a beast? You will be surrounded by a beast!"

"Is alarmist, what Laozi believes in you! Not to mention even more exotic animals, Laozi can solve them!" Li Chitian did not let it, he just built the prestige, naturally want to hit the iron, not to mention that he now integrates himself The war pet has already increased its combat power by twice.

When Shu Xiaohui heard the intensive gunshots outside, he boldly stretched his head and opened his head. However, his car was carrying guns. It was the most important thing in Li Chitian’s eyes. So, let Fan Dong give it to the beginning. With his own wind abilities, he slammed the car all the way into the underground garage door.

Therefore, Shu Xiaohui only vaguely saw that someone else had come over.

At the same time, Shu Xiaohui also felt very familiar with the very excited emotions, just like the feeling of a close person to visit.

Shu Xiaohui stretched his claws and licked his face. Hesitated for a while. When the truck got stuck at the entrance of the underground garage, he slipped down the carriage.

Shu Xiaohui carefully sewed along the wall and looked for a hidden point to stretch his head and look at the direction in which the gunshots gradually stopped.

Just near the low-rise building where Li Chitian was located, an off-road vehicle parked there, and along the road, four people stood there with weapons and talked with Li Chitian.

Shu Xiaohui didn't mean to listen, but his little black eyes felt that some figure in the distance was surprisingly familiar.

Will it be an acquaintance? Shu Xiaohui jumped up and screamed. After the semi-mechanical invasion of the beast, he did not find anyone who knew him. The loneliness is really difficult, especially after the hamster has disappeared for no reason. Really let him want to find someone to know, at least psychologically more support.

Therefore, Shu Xiaohui slid along the chaotic street, and a few people's conversations were introduced into his ears.

Li Chitian said quite arrogantly, "You are all following me. Seeing that your strengths are very strong, we will all be together. What kind of strange animals are not a problem. It is easy and simple to go to the new city, and we will definitely be able to do a big business."

Chen Cheng saw that the man did not realize the current problem. He shot a shot at the ground with one hand and Gatlin. The loud voice said, "Everyone wants to live, go to the basement to hide!"

This voice is a bit familiar... Although the sound line is slightly different than what he heard at some point, it is more serious and cold, but he seems to have been in contact with it.

More and more people who may be known, Shu Xiaohui speeded up, running down the calf.

Shu Xiaohui finally ran to the vicinity of the low-rise building, with small eyes screaming, and finally saw the man who was carrying Gatlin and wearing a combat uniform.

The body shape is very familiar, the movement is very familiar, that is the handsome face, he has never seen.

Shu Xiaohui stayed for a moment and suddenly remembered who this person was. He turned slightly and turned to the underground garage. He didn't know, didn't know!

Just after Shu Xiaohui ran a short distance, there was a dense sound in the distance, and an ion gun rushed over here.

Chen Chengyi snorted, not to take care of the group of people who wanted to hold a life-saving straw and believed in Li Chitian, and turned to deal with the semi-mechanical beasts that flooded the tide.

Shu Xiaohui's whole mouse is not good, even his little one has seen the Wuhuan group of strange animals rushing towards them.

Li Chitian was shocked. The figure standing on the low-rise building shook and shouted at the crowd. "Don't be afraid, there is Laozi, you can't die, pick up the gun to fight!"

After Li Chi’s death, he rolled over from the low-rise building and slammed down the building. He ran to the entrance of the underground garage. Then several cars were thrown out by Li Chitian and blocked in the doorway of the underground garage. .

The dramatic scene made everyone stunned and all forgot to resist.

Shu Xiaohui just ran to the garage and almost didn't get the car thrown out by Li Chitian.

Shu Xiaohui was angry, waving a small paw with indignation, watching the blocked entrance, the little black eyes flashed, if the ion gun could hit it all at once.

Then, a burst of ion guns really hit the stacked cars!

Shu Xiaohui was scared. If it was a coincidence that the building collapsed for the first time, what is it now?

Is it difficult for him to be an eloquence, and to say that 啥 is true?

However, at this time, the voice of Chen Chengzhen came over. "If you have no power, you should hide in it first!"

Shu Xiaohui turned his head slightly, and then saw Chen Cheng licking an ion gun pulled from a semi-mechanical animal. After the man finished this sentence, he threw the ion gun aside.

After the entrance of Chen Chengyi’s underground garage was opened, he turned and went to solve the strange beast that was surrounded. But just as he turned around, he seemed to have picked up a little mouse?

After Chen Chengfei flew a strange animal, he shook his head and felt that the idea that he had just emerged was a bit ridiculous. How could he feel that the little mouse was quite familiar.

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