Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 33: small business

Wang Xu, sitting on the red sandalwood master chair, looked straight at Warren’s eyes sitting on the ground, and whispered: “I’m not capable of helping you train the team, but if you have money, I I can sell you some equipment, but I dare not say anything else. My equipment is definitely much better than the equipment of your knights."

After that, Wang Xu glanced at Thornton and Downs who were sitting beside Warren. When they heard what they said, they both sneered and shook their heads slightly. Wang Xu understood that it seemed his business. It's not so easy to do.

Sure enough, after thinking about it for a minute, Warren looked up at Wang Xu and said to Wang Xu in a suspicious tone: “It’s not that I don’t believe that your equipment is very good. It’s just that the ones that our knights wear. A set of equipment, we bought from the great casting division of the dwarves, can be said to be one of the best cavalry equipment in the entire western continent."

After seeing that Wang Xu was not angry because of his doubts, Warren continued: "Otherwise, you can take out a set of your equipment and try it out. Let me first see what level of your equipment is. Then decide whether to buy or not, how about?"

"Okay," Warren's words were right in Wang Xu's arms. Wang Xu had long seen that the quality of the knights' steel equipment was superior, but if the equipment was really made by the dwarf foundry. Wang Xu is absolutely unbelieving. It’s not that he has never seen the level of the equipment cast by the dwarf master caster. How can this kind of stalls be comparable, "But, I will speak first. This set of equipment is very expensive. A set of 100,000 gold coins includes a set of armor, a handle of a long sword, a crossbow, and a shield. Also, if you need a crossbow, you have to buy another one. There are twelve pots and crossbow arrows, I sell a thousand gold coins."

   Before Wang Xu's words were finished, Tang Si, a senior swordsman who was an equipment expert, intervened: "What equipment is so expensive, you grab the money!"

"Well," Wang Xu smiled indifferently, watching Thornton and Downs sitting cross-legged next to Warren, and continued: "I don't mean to sell, I just talk about the price of my equipment first. , If you don’t want the whole set, I also accept to disassemble it and sell it."

"Stop talking nonsense," the tauren Sanggu on the side also heard the conversation here, walked over, sat cross-legged next to Warren, looked at Wang Xu, and yelled and interjected: "Take it out and see first. !"

   "Okay," Wang Xu got up, put away the red sandalwood grandmaster chair first, then took out a set of equipment from his backpack system, and threw it on the ground with a "bang".

I saw that there were so many things in this set of equipment. Among them, the armor alone included a helmet, breastplate, arm armor, leg armor, and shoes. In addition to the armor, there was also a round shield with a large window. A half-height rapier and a crossbow machine with long arms.

This set of equipment is very dark, even darker than coal. At first glance, it’s not made of steel or what kind of metal it is. It looks very cheap, but this equipment is quite heavy. With a light throw, Wang Xu made a shallow hole on the volcanic rock platform.

Warren, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, stretched out his hand to fetch the round shield on the ground, and wanted to take a closer look. It was the first time he had seen such a black shield after living so long. He probably could guess This shield was made of metal, but he couldn't see what metal it was.

   But when Warren grabbed the cold edge of the metal shield and lifted it up forcefully, he didn't even lift it up, and he couldn't lift it even more.

At this time, Warren, who was over a hundred years old, was also out of anger. He squeezed his staff hard, stood up, then, bent over, grabbed the edge of the black buckler again, and went up with all his strength. Mention.

   This time, Warren lifted the shield, but the shield was only less than 30 centimeters away from the ground. Then, Warren suddenly let go, and the shield fell to the ground with a bang.

   Because of the excessive force, even though Warren had released his right hand holding the shield, his right hand was still trembling.

Downs and Thornton, who were sitting side by side, were shocked when they saw the embarrassed look of the old man Warren. They both knew how strong Warren was. Even though Warren was a magician, if you just said In terms of strength, he is no worse than an ordinary knight.

The tauren Sanggu didn’t know how hard Warren was. He thought that Warren was too old to be able to bind the chicken, so he kindly advised Warren: "You are always a magician, don’t try so hard. The soldier’s equipment is ready, let me try it."

   After finishing speaking, Sanggu bounced from the ground, walked to the side of the equipment, stretched out the right hand covered with red hair, grabbed the hilt of the cold thin sword, and lifted it hard.

It didn’t matter, it almost made the tauren Sanggu embarrassed. He was almost pulled forward by the rapier and turned somersault forward. Although he didn’t turn it into a somersault, he still staggered a few steps forward. .

Sanggu was also taken aback now. He originally thought that this thin, narrow-looking long sword wouldn't have much weight, but he didn't expect that this black and black thin sword would be so heavier than his own. The original giant battle axe is even heavier.

After watching the embarrassed looks of Warren and Sanggu, Downs and Thornton could not sit still, and both got up and stood in front of this set of equipment. The two who had learned the lessons of their predecessors did not look like Like Warren and Sanggu, they recklessly tried to pick up the equipment on the ground, but only lightly tried it with their hands. When they found that they couldn't pick it up, they shook their heads and gave up.

"This is," Sanggu came to this set of equipment again, tried his best, and finally picked up the rapier, but he could only mention the waist and couldn't lift it up, so his eyes widened. Turning his head and yelling, he asked Wang Xu, "What is it?"

   "Equipment," Wang Xu smiled faintly, paused, and continued to reply in a low voice: "This equipment is a little heavy."

"I know this is equipment!" Sanggu let out a "boom", dropped the rapier he couldn't lift up, and snorted heavily. After spitting out a lot of sticky nose, he continued to roar and ask. Wang Xu said, "I'm not asking what they are, but what metal are they made of?"

"Oh," Wang Xu smiled slightly, stretched out his right hand, leaned over and grabbed the rapier with ease, and then replied in a low voice amidst the extremely surprised expressions of the Warren trio and Sanggu. : "This set of equipment is made of tungsten gold. It is heavy in weight and very hard. Moreover, it is engraved with a wood magic circle. This can increase the toughness of this set of equipment. Therefore, it is a set of both. Good equipment that is sturdy and durable."

"Moreover," Wang Xu casually slashed at the giant stainless steel tower shield where Sanggu was lying just now, just like cutting tofu, and he cut the tower shield in half, even When the rapier touched the tower shield, no sparks were rubbed. This shows the sharpness of this rapier. "This sword is very sharp, at least much sharper than the giant swords used by the knights." ."

Looking at the giant stainless steel tower shield cut in half by a rapier, the Warren trio and Sanggu all shook their heads silently, and all of them whispered in unison: "It's not only very sharp. It's incredibly sharp."

"Okay," Wang Xu turned his head to look at Warren with a blank face, and after attracting his attention aloud, he continued: "I have already demonstrated the power of this sword. Now, let me show you the power of this sword. The defensive ability of this armor."

After speaking, Wang Xu asked for his sharp axe from the tomb of the devil’s mummy from Sanggu, and then he slashed at the breastplate on the ground with a sharp sound, the breastplate Without moving, the sharp axe was bounced away. At the same time, a thick layer of volcanic dust rose up on the ground, which just covered the breastplate on the ground. Everyone can't see how the breastplate is.

   The surrounding knights were all attracted by the scream, and within a minute, they all gathered around, forming a circle, enclosing Wang Xu, Sanggu and Warren.

   The knights whispered and talked for a while, and the knight who already knew the weight of this equipment quietly explained it to the unknown knight. After a while, all the knights realized the weight of this equipment.

The smoke cleared, and the breastplate on the ground was exposed. The Warren trio and Sanggu looked down and saw that on the black breastplate that was chopped with a sharp axe, there was not even a trace of scars, even, When Wang Xu showed the sharp axe to the four of them, they saw that there was a small gap in the blade of the sharp axe.

"Okay, everyone has seen it," Wang Xu handed the axe to Sanggu, then turned his head to look at Warren and said, "As for the crossbow and shield, I won't show it. Anyway, the whole equipment is Made of the same material, both the attack power and the defense power are very fierce, far exceeding the equipment on the knights."

"But," Warren still hesitated, frowning at Wang Xu, and said, "This set of equipment is too heavy. It is difficult for our people to pick up one of them. No one can wear this set of equipment. "

"Haha," Wang Xu smiled slightly. What he was waiting for was Warren's words. After Warren had finished speaking, Wang Xu began to talk about the most powerful part of this equipment: "Actually, this equipment is very light. Yes, it's as light as a feather."

After that, Wang Xu picked up the breastplate from the ground with his right hand, and then picked up the helmet from the ground with his left hand. Then, he started tossing with his hands continuously, just like playing acrobatics. The helmet seems to have no weight.

After the surrounding people were shocked, Wang Xu continued to explain: "This equipment has a magic circle carved by me. As long as a drop of the user’s blood is dropped on each object, the user will feel completely It’s less than the weight of this equipment. Of course, except for the users who dripped blood, everyone else will feel the incomparable weight of this equipment."

After finishing talking, Wang Xu waved a knight and asked him to lift the breastplate on the ground. The knight couldn't lift it. Then, Wang Xu asked the knight to face an inconspicuous position on the breastplate. After dripping a drop of blood on his fingertips, the knight used only **** to easily lift the breastplate.

   After the show, Wang Xu looked at Warren again and asked in a low voice: "Should you buy it? The price of each set remains the same. How many sets do you want, as long as you have money?"

   Hearing what Wang Xu said, Warren looked up at Wang Xu and frowned ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and asked in a low voice, "I want to ask, where did you get this equipment."

   "Oh," Wang Xu had already seen that Warren probably already knew that this equipment was built by himself, so there is no need to keep hiding from him, so he replied softly, "I did it."

Although he had already guessed the answer, when he heard Wang Xu personally say it, Warren was still surprised. He sighed and suppressed his endless fantasy of Wang Xu, and glanced at the pinewood lying beside him. Livka, the apprentice on the door panel, nodded slightly, and decided to sell her beautiful apprentice.

"I'm sorry, princess," Warren said in heart: "With this set of heaven-defying equipment, I dare not say that we can all go back alive from the Eastern Continent, but, at least, our strength has increased by more than ten times. The chance of retreating all over the body is much greater. This half-elf named Wang Xu has surprised me too much. His wisdom, his talent, his strength and his skills are so unpredictable. He stays in the Eastern Continent, it’s too wasteful and too pity, princess, I can’t do anything about it myself, I tried it, I can’t recruit him, now, it’s all on you, no matter what, you must He takes it back. Your beauty can't be wasted on those dudes. Only he is worthy of you. Although he is disrespectful to the Sauron Forbidden Spell Mage, I think that one him is worth ten Sauron Mage ."

Wang Xu didn’t know what Warren was thinking at the moment, but looking at his erratic eyes, Wang Xu thought he wanted to counter-offer, so he said softly: “I won’t drop the price, but if If you buy more than one hundred sets, I can give each set of equipment a pot of crossbow arrows for free. What do you think?"

   After listening to Wang Xu’s words, Warren hesitated for a while and replied: "I..."

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