Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 818: Bullshit

Under the cover of petals and colorful fireworks in the sky, the pine wood platform was already full of people. After glanced at everyone on the platform, Wang Xu found that those present were really his brothers and sisters. And, like themselves, they are all with their families.

However, what embarrassed Wang Xu was that when he brought his family members, he would bring two or three people at most, and there were twenty or thirty people sitting here, ten times more than others. In such a scene, even if he emphasized it again. I am not a **** person, and no one believes it. After all, there are more women with me than the Elf King.

"Ahem..." Before and after a group of maids moved a half-person-height "amplifier device" to the Elf King's body, he covered his mouth and coughed, cleared his throat, and then he slowly got up," "Domineering" walked behind the "amplifier equipment" and raised his arms high.

Immediately after the Elf King’s arms were raised high, the maids who scattered the flowers stopped their boring mechanical movements, and the magicians who were "setting off" fireworks and firecrackers around also stopped their stupid behavior of burning fireworks during the day. , The messy roar that was originally on and off the stage gradually weakened. In the end, those who were able to calm down became quiet, and only the unicorns who could not calm down were left snorting one after another.

After watching everyone in the audience focus their gazes on him, the Elf King with a arrogant expression nodded in satisfaction. After taking a deep breath, the Elf King spoke in a tone like a declaration. He opened his mouth and said: "Today...we are gathered together, not because of any festival, nor because of war, but because of peace..."

Although I don’t know what the Elf King is talking about, everyone who has heard the Elf King’s speeches for countless times, at the moment when he paused, they all cheered and applauded. People who whistle and yell at the same time, in this chaotic scene, Wang Xu shook his head and said in his heart: Who are you? How much money did the Elf King give you as childcare? You can use it. Is it such a desperate "performance"? Really, they are all movie kings.

"Why do I say this is a peaceful gathering?" The Elf King was very satisfied with the "performance" of the onlookers. After smiling and nodding to the crowd, he continued to tell: "Because I will show here. My kindness and the kindness of our elves, I want to release all the prisoners present and express our belief in peace to the surrounding races!"

"Oh, oh, oh..." This time, it was the turn of the tens of thousands of captives to cheer. Of course, because Wang Xu arranged for the group of captives to pass letters in advance, their cheers were reasonable. There are more vigorous and disciplined than those childcare professions.

The Elf King, who was also very satisfied with the attitude of the captives, smiled with a "dominant spirit" on his face, and continued to speak: "Our Elves..."

The next thing the Elf King talks about is those unnutritious, stinky and long official nonsense. The main content is self-praising, saying how powerful he is, how high his achievements, and how difficult the elves have been before. However, in his Under his leadership, in the future, the elves will surely regain their glory and so on.

In the end, the Elf King even praised Wang Xu, making Wang Xu "moved." However, at that moment, Wang Xu laughed at the Elf King in his heart: You still know that there is me, I thought you could be alone Every second, every second...

Probably after an hour of ridicule, the Elf King stopped his speech, if he hadn't lost his words and had nothing to continue, he would never end this rare "performance".

"Now, my child, Mario will give you a speech... Welcome..." When he had nothing to say, the Elf King pushed Wang Xu up again. Obviously, he didn't want to be so early. After this event, I want to enjoy the applause of the audience more.

However, the Elf King’s intention is destined to be unfulfilled, because he picked the wrong person to speak for him. Wang Xu hates nonsense and listeners. The Elf King asked Wang Xu to give a speech. This is doomed. The speech is about to end.

"Hello everyone, this is Mario Wharton," Wang Xu said after taking off the black mask from his face, "After listening to His Majesty the King’s speech, I think the future of our elves is definitely It's bright."

Under the satisfied smile of the Elf King and the warm cheers of the nurses, Wang Xu said nonsense, and in a hurry, he immediately started to talk about business and said: "Now, we are going to release the prisoners, please leave slowly. On the spot, don’t delay our work. Also, within two hours, it’s best not to wander around the city gate, so as not to block the city gate and affect our work. If anyone doesn’t follow my request, Then, I will let him leave with the captives, what I said is true..."

"Wow..." As soon as Wang Xu's words fell, the crowd onlookers began to dismiss with a scream of exclamation. They all saw how Wang Xu rectified the once great elven nobles, and knew Wang Xu was not joking, so everyone rushed to leave.

It was also because Wang Xu's design of the city was too perfect, and his ability to direct the flow of people was too strong, so in less than five minutes, the millions of onlookers were all scattered.

"Huh..." Wang Xu heard a cold snort of dissatisfaction coming from behind as he watched the crowd leave. Needless to think, Wang Xu knew that it was the grunt of the Elf King. Obviously, the Elf King was not satisfied with himself. Soon the end of the event that made him feel better, he has not enjoyed enough applause and cheers from the audience.

"Your Majesty, it's getting late at the moment. If you don't release the prisoners now, then things will be in trouble until the evening..." Although Wang Xu doesn't care about the attitude of the Elf King at all, but, look. Wang Xu still persuaded him because he was his own cheap father.

"This is your business~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You just need to do these things well, I'm tired, I'm going now...huh..." After another grunt, the Elf King turned and left.

After the Elf King left, Wang Xu's brothers and sisters and their family members also left one after another, and some people came to get close to Wang Xu, but they were all persuaded by Wang Xu as an excuse to deal with them.

Finally, the official prison exchange ceremony began. Wang Xu first invited the mermaid envoy and the idiot Alex to the high platform. Then, in front of Alex, he ordered the commander of the Imperial Guard to take the mermaid’s fish fighter’s spear. Give it back to others.

When Alex satisfactorily praised Wang Xu as a good person, the core figure of the captive exchange ceremony, Archibald, the second prince of the mermaid tribe, was accompanied by a group of merman tribe maids, leisurely boarded the high platform.

When Alex saw his second prince, he couldn't believe his eyes...


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