Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 820: Go back and forth

"Although our mermaid is a race living in the sea, we also need to trade materials with the 6 races, so," Archibald thought that the question Wang Xu asked was very boring, and was not angry. Answered Wang Xu: "We need to establish several trading strongholds on the coastline. Of course, these strongholds need to be guarded. The prisoners of the six races are more suitable for guarding those strongholds than our own."

"Oh...that's it, not bad," Wang Xu nodded softly in response after hearing Archibald's explanation. Then, Wang Xu asked Archibald in a low voice: "Since we met for a while , Well, in the future, we can also do business, you know, I like doing business very much."

"It's okay..." Although Archibald has always been a captive of Wang Xu, because Wang Xu has always served Archibald with good wine and meat, it makes his life happy, so he also He doesn't hate Wang Xu that much. In his opinion, if Wang Xu is a prisoner, he would never treat Wang Xu like this, so...

"Okay..." After a "weird" smile, Wang Xu replied quietly.

While Wang Xu was chatting, Yaheng Baker led his men to finish all the matters concerning the exchange of prisoners. Since Archibald really didn’t want to stay in the hill city anymore, he was finished. After children, they left the city directly.

Wang Xu sent Archibald and them some distance out of the city, and according to the agreement with Alex, he secretly stuffed him a black iron space ring containing half a million gold coins.

Before leaving, Wang Xu whispered quietly in Alex's ear: "Be careful..."

Of course, Wang Xu didn’t expect that his provocation against Alex would really cause the mermaid’s civil strife. However, Wang Xu felt that since there was a glimmer of hope, then he had to do 100% hard work, or try hard. It is estimated that even the glimmer of hope cannot be grasped.

Finally, the second mermaid prince Archibald, who was imprisoned by Wang Xu for almost half a year, was taken away by the mermaid's messenger Alex after this farce-like prison exchange ceremony.

After Wang Xu led a 1,000-man Janitor, sent the mermaid spearmen out of the city, and returned to the square in front of the palace, he found that the great chieftain of the cat people and the two tauren tribes The little chiefs are here.

After a few polite words, Wang Xu asked the chiefs of the three orc tribes to take away their tribesmen. At the same time, he also gave them the slave contract of those people. Then, Wang Xu took the captives of the fox tribe. And the captives of the centaur were handed over to the fox girl Molina and the centaur staff Adaya to manage.

Because the relationship between Wang Xu and the Centaur and Fox is really not good, and because these two races are small races, there is really no need to please them, so he decided to keep those Centaur and Fox tribes. Captives, don't release them.

After the settlement of a small number of prisoners was settled, the most important question came, that is the more than 7,000 Nagahai prisoners.

Wang Xu first asked Miao to place the more than 1,300 people who were unwilling to leave in Miao’s mage tower, leaving more than 6,000 people who were directly sent out of the city by Wang Xu. Waiting in line at the door.

An hour later, after Miao had settled the more than 1,000 people and went out of the city to meet the prisoners outside the city, Wang Xu handed over the slave contract of these people to Miao, and let her lead the group of prisoners back to the endless sea.

Before leaving, Wang Xu smiled and said to Miao: "Go early and return early..."

"Aren't you afraid that I won't come back?" Miao, who was riding on the unicorn's back, asked Wang Xu softly.

"Are you willing?" Wang Xu learned Miaoping's usual tone and asked her back.

"Unwilling to..." He sighed for a long time. After speaking out what was in his heart, he turned the beast's head and waved his right hand, leading the captive army to leave.

When the captive army disappeared at the end of the horizon, Wang Xu turned around and prepared to return to the city. At this moment, the sound of "Da, Da, Da..." horseshoes came from a distance.

Wang Xu looked back and saw a familiar figure rushing over riding a wonderful unicorn. It was Matilda, and she was back again.

"What's the matter?" When Matilda pulled the reins, stopped the unicorn, and jumped from the back of the unicorn, Wang Xu continued to ask, "Forgot to take things. Up?"

"It's not..." After repliing Wang Xu with a frown, Matilda flung out a roll of parchment.

With a "pop...", Wang Xu took the sheepskin scroll thrown by Matilda and unfolded it. Wang Xu found that the sheepskin scroll in his hand turned out to be Matilda's slave contract, which made Wang Xu. What was puzzled was that he had already returned this contract to her, so why did she send it back again.

"You are..." Looking up at Matilda's slightly tangled expression, Wang Xu asked her incomprehensibly.

"I'm not leaving..." Matilda tilted her head slightly, and replied to Wang Xu.

"Why?" Wang Xu asked Matilda puzzledly.

"Need a reason?" Matilda replied uncomfortably.

"Don't need it? Don't it..." After a wicked smile, Wang Xu molested her: "Did you like me, so... But I have to explain my situation first. There are many women around me. , I personally think that you can't compete with them!"

"Don't be stinky!" After humming Wang Xu slightly angrily, Matilda explained: "I stayed here to figure out one thing?"

"What is important enough to make you willing to continue to be a slave?" Wang Xu asked her in a low voice.

"I want to know, why do you marry you?" Matilda said the answer.

"Does this still need to be explained? Don’t you have eyes? Me, suave, strong, and strong, which woman doesn’t love me, don’t believe me, go to the city and ask, find a woman on the street, it’s definitely love The woman I love..." Wang Xu continued to molest Matilda.

"Cut..." After a disdainful glance at Wang Xu~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Matilda responded: "I will find the answer by myself. Before I find it, I can do something for you!"

With a sound of "pop..." Wang Xu threw Matilda's contract back to her, and said indifferently: "You can keep it for yourself, anyway, when you find the answer, you will leave. At that time, you might not find me, and..."

With that said, Wang Xu turned and walked into the city gate, leaving only one sentence: "The wonderful mage tower needs a person in charge. If you want, you can do it. As for the salary, you can find a good discussion... "

"Weirdo..." Matilda whispered while looking at Wang Xu who had disappeared in the dark shadow of the city gate.

That night, when Haoyue was in the sky, Kay Wharton led his family, his confidants, and these confidants, a total of more than two hundred people, standing in the middle of Wang Xu’s courtyard, surrounded by magic lights. ...


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