Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 80: The holy city of Atlagon in reality

After being destroyed by himself in the illusion space formed by the Sulman enchantment circle, Wang Xu hovered in mid-air as he stepped on the flying sword emitting a slight blue light, and he frowned fiercely. He strained his mouth tightly, and looked down at the whole earth with a solemn expression, because a new world had appeared there.

  He saw that there was still a ruined ancient city weathered by time in the torrent of years, and underneath was a super-giant metropolis intact.

The tall city wall that surrounds the entire giant city stands there intact. It is not contaminated by any moss, nor is there a trace of ancient vicissitudes left. It looks like it was just built, quietly looking down. The earth, all the bluestones on it, are stacked tightly together, making the whole city wall feel unbreakable and heavy, and its height of nearly 100 meters makes Warren and others standing under it. , Even if I lift my neck with my best effort, I can't see the top of it.

The walls of the city that are several kilometers long are lined with sixty or seventy arched gates with a height of fifty meters. Each gate is composed of two heavy obsidian door panels. Each door panel is embossed with one The heroes of the ancient troll clan, each hero poses a heroic posture.

Wang Xu discovered that when the illusion barrier was destroyed by himself, the ancient city of Atelagang in reality was not that big. Although it was too big to imagine, this ancient city was not like the one in the illusion. As it appears, the scale is large enough to cover several mountains.

In reality, the ancient city is also very big, about the size of a small city on the earth. This city was built on a very complex terrain. The city center is on a high ground. The rest of the city has terrain. It is relatively low-lying. At the northernmost part of the city, there is a large lake. To the north of the lake, there are several small rivers flowing down from the mountains. To the south of the lake, hundreds of two-meter-wide, staggered heights emerge. Stone magic canals, these canals are used to provide water for the residents of the city.

Due to the complex topography in the city, the ground at different altitudes in the city is obviously different. Therefore, the city is covered with steps made of pale yellow granite slabs, which connect the different heights of the city. The ground facilitates traffic in the city.

The main road in the city is about ten meters wide and is paved with long strips of giant bluestone; the small roads in the city are about three meters wide and less than one meter narrow, which can only accommodate one person sideways. Through, all the small roads are paved with diamond-shaped yellow granite stones; whether it is a large road or a small road, on both sides of the road, at a distance of more than ten meters, a magic street lamp with a height of ten meters is erected These street lamps are made of bronze. The poles are only thick forearms and are engraved with intricate floral patterns. On the top of the poles, there is an inverted umbrella-shaped disc, and the bottom of the disc is full of castings. A circle of round bronze card slots with the size of a fist, the card slots are inlaid with first-order light monster crystal nuclei, those crystal nuclei should have bright white light, but unfortunately, all the crystal nuclei have been Lost the magic power, and couldn't emit the slightest light, so at this moment, all the magic street lights were just decorations.

All the buildings in the city stand intact on the ground at different heights, like undulating mountains, with a sense of beauty that echoes each other; most of the buildings in the city are two-story buildings with flat roofs. , These small buildings are made of light yellow granite stones; there are also some buildings, built like a small castle, made of obsidian stones, the small castle is surrounded by There is a small courtyard. The surrounding courtyard is surrounded by a black iron fence. On the fence, there are spikes shining coldly under the silver moonlight.

The center of the city is still the square-shaped stone mountain that already exists in the world of illusion. On the top of the mountain is still the very flat large platform. The platform mountain still stands on the huge tower composed of various circular towers. The castle, the round full moon, is hanging on the roof of the tallest and most “fat” spire in the center of the castle, plus the strange sea of ​​clouds that rolls and rolls like waves around the full moon. This scene makes Wang Xun. I felt like I saw the classic vampire castle in the horror movie.

After all, this is a city that has been killed by the plague and has claimed the lives of tens of millions of people. In every open space in the city, there are neatly arranged, different sizes and different colors of arched stone monuments, some of the dead bodies are too late to be buried. , There are no stone monuments. They are wrapped in a light gray linen bag, and the bag is tied with a circle of hemp rope. In this way, the corpses in this bag are piled up. Corpse mountain.

There are corpses like this on the streets, squares, roofs, drains, and courtyards. Some corpses in sacks have decayed. Therefore, some corpses have even collapsed; some sacks are not strong enough and are broken. So, some bones have already leaked out of the sack and are buried in the dust.

Except for the corpses wrapped in sack, some poor people died desolately on the roadside, at home, in the yard, by the river before they even had time to be wrapped in the sack. Died in the lake, died on the steps...

Most of the corpses exposed in broad daylight did not rot into bones, but were dried into a different shape of mummy, from their open mouth, staring eyes, and the "big" shape of their bodies. Judging from it, they must have been painfully tortured before they died desolately.

What made Wang Xu even more horrified was that he saw that near the ground in the city, there was a faint white mist floating in the mist. In the mist, you could vaguely see countless white translucent ghosts standing blankly, in twos and threes. Standing together, they seem to be talking about their great achievements in life, and they seem to be crying about the tragic pain that they felt before death!

What’s even stranger is that the whole city is in a dark and treacherous state. Only the troll palace, which stands on a high mountain platform in the center of the city, reveals a pattern from the wooden doors and windows with beautifully carved patterns. There was a loud noise from the light of the Tao, and it seemed to be brightly lit and lively, as if someone was holding a grand banquet in the palace.

All the four women of Nilu saw the miserable scene in the city below. Their faces were unbearable, and their bodies trembled slightly. Even Zana and Niya's eyes were red and swollen. A large piece of her black face towel was wet with tears.

  At the same time, the four women also saw the strange and strange scene on the palace side, and they all guessed who was crazy in the brightly lit troll palace.

"Goliya must be in the palace. Taking advantage of the great opportunity that her soul can't stay away from the Coffin of Kam, we will kill her so that she can no longer do harm to the world!" Nilu turned her head and looked at Wang Xu , With tears in the corner of his eyes, gritted his teeth and said.

"I'm not going," Wang Xu felt. Since the illusion barrier has been broken by himself, it is enough to leave here as soon as possible. There is no need to provoke a god, especially even if he provokes that god. Without any benefit, the act of invoking Goliath, the goddess of the plague, seemed a bit silly, "While Goliath is not mad, let's go quickly!"

"Well, aren't the tauren and the human your friends? They were captured by Goliath and even killed. Don't you want to avenge them?" After hearing Wang Xu's attitude Nilu was a little angry. She wanted to be angry with Wang Xu, but after thinking about it, she felt that in this case, she couldn't convince Wang Xu by being angry, so she thought of another way, which was to convince Wang Xu went to save the two people who might have died long ago. In this case, Wang Xu would go with him to deal with Goliath.

"Don't go, to provoke a **** for the two of them, and the result may be that so many of us have died. Is such a stupid thing normal people should do?" Wang Xu once again rejected Nilu's Suggestion, pouting, squinting, and shook his head slightly towards her.

   "Then you are going to watch Goliya continue to use plague to kill people?" Nilu thought of a way to deal with Goliya up to the moral level, and began to persuade Wang Xu with the moral code of doing good and eliminating evil.

"Cut," Wang Xu curled his lips in disdain, looked at Nilu sideways, and said to his heart, you want to persuade me with this little trick, forget it, "Success and defeat, and the survival of the fittest are the most realistic rules in the world. , The trolls are not Goliath’s opponents. It is inevitable that they will be slaughtered by Goliath. We don’t have to go to the muddy water, just avoid her. Killing her will not do us any good. In the future, if she is It really provokes me. It's not too late to kill her. Anyway, she is not a fool, she should understand that she can't offend us."

   While Nilu kept searching for a way, trying to persuade Wang Xu to go with herself to deal with the plague goddess Gelia~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zana was also thinking about it in her heart.

After shed tears for the troll race, Zana's heart suddenly became excited. She knew that there were tens of millions of corpses and bones stacked in the city below. If she could get those corpses and bones, And turn them into your own subordinates, then, whether it is your undead magical power or your own spiritual power, you can rise a big step, and even, you may advance to the high-level undead magic sage, or directly become A low-level undead magic god.

After figuring out all the benefits of the corpses and bones below, Zana stood decisively on Nilu’s side and decided to stay here. She understood that if she wanted to get the countless corpses below And the bones, then I must kill Goliath, otherwise Goliath will not look at herself to receive them.

Therefore, Zana also decided to kill Goliath first. She is not as direct as Nilu. She speaks so simply. She already knows Wang Xu’s character. She clearly knows that Wang Xu is not that reckless and impulsive. Human, he is a very rational and wise person, not easy to fool, but he still has weaknesses when he is so wise, that is, he loves money very much, and if he wants to convince him, he must find enough benefits. Move him, if you want him to spare his life to deal with Goliath, then he must benefit him so much that he loses his mind.

After thinking for a minute or two, Zana figured out a set of rhetoric. Then, she suddenly interrupted the conversation between Nilu and Wang Xu, raised her eyebrows at Wang Xu, blinked, and whispered: "I just thought of ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Book friends are welcome to visit and read. The latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ mobile phone users, please go to read.

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