Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 826: Family issues

"When I get things done with the tauren and cat people, let's go to the north together and let the snowy orcs in the north see the greatness of our big family..." There are no more serious words, Wang Xu joked again.

"Aren’t you planning to use the opportunity of the snowfield half-orcs to hold the wood burning ceremony to assassinate their high-level nobles. For things like assassinations, the less people go, the less likely it is to reveal their whereabouts, and the easier it is to succeed? Going with multiple people will increase a lot of risks!" After listening to Wang Xu's joke, Zana responded to Wang Xu after thinking for a while.

"You are right. I originally planned to go alone, but now, the plan has changed. What I want to do is not just assassinate," Wang Xu replied helplessly after a wry smile. I promised Downs Wharton that he would rescue all his family members. With so many family members, it is absolutely impossible to save him by myself..."

"Well... saving people is the opposite of assassination. The more people go, the lower the risk..." After listening to Wang Xu's answer, Zana nodded and agreed.

"Towns Wharton has been mixing on the snowy field for so long. Maybe there are women from the snowy field half-orcs in his family. What if those women don't want to leave?" Afrah proposed a new idea problem.

"That's no way. I promised Towns Wharton to bring his family back. If anyone in his family doesn't want to come back, then I need to use it. I hope... it won't happen. This situation..." Wang Xu, who knew that the "hope" he was expecting was very slim, continued to reply with a wry smile.

"If we really want to be strong, then, are we going to bring those 20 dragon girls, they are a super strong team, everyone is at least a holy rank or above, and the total is worth five? Thousands of combat power..." Helen, who had been thinking about it for a long time, said.

"I'm also hesitating whether to take them with me. Although they are indeed very powerful, their self-discipline is a bit poor. In case, I'm talking about in case, their old problems have been committed. When I get sick, where can I find a man to let them cool down?" After rubbing the tip of his nose, Wang Xu replied dubiously.

"This problem is easy to solve," the succubus sister Shana, who is no worse than the dragon girls, said in Meisheng: "We are on the way to the north, and we can catch one or two hundred snowfield orcs soldiers and give them a squeeze. Those people were tossed to death by those 20 dragon girls, so we can arrest one or two hundred more!"

"Good idea..." Although Wang Xu felt that Shana's idea was a bit "cruel", he had to admit that Shana's idea was indeed a good idea. He said "good idea" in his mouth. At that time, an old saying suddenly appeared in Wang Xu's heart: dying under a peony flower makes you a ghost.

"Since there is a solution, it is so decided. In this operation, take the twenty dragon girls with them, and use the method of catching the male captives of the snowfield half orcs on the way to let them vent their lust..." Wang Xu clapped. .

"I have another question..." Zana spoke again after being silent for five or six minutes.

"What's the problem?" After hearing Zana's words, Wang Xu turned to look at him and asked seriously.

"Do you know where the family of Downs Wharton is placed?" Zana asked quietly.

"I know..." Wang Xu nodded and replied.

"Are those people still where they were? The Snow Orcs are not stupid. They also know that Towns Wharton knows the location of his family members. Under this circumstance, wouldn't the Snow Orcs transfer them? Is it?" Zana raised her doubts.

After listening to Zana’s analysis, the women around the dining table nodded in agreement

However, Wang Xu gently shook his head and replied, "I don't think the snowfield half-orcs have transferred those people away..."

"Why?" Nilu asked curiously before Zana spoke.

"It's precisely because I think the snowfield half-orcs are not stupid, so I don't think they have transferred the family of Towns Wharton, think about it." After filling the empty teacup in front of him, Wang Hao low The voice replied: "If we all know how attached Towns Wharton is to his family members, don’t the Snow Beasts know, they must also know that Towns Wharton will save his family members. So, if they are really not stupid, then, this time, they can just use those family members as bait to lure Towns Wharton into the bait, I'm afraid..."

"What are you afraid of?" Zana asked Wang Xu softly. When she asked, her eyes flashed brightly. From this we can see that she should have almost guessed what Wang Xu was worried about.

"I'm afraid that the Snow Orcs, after learning that Towns Wharton has become the Lord of the North, will use his family members to coerce Downs Wharton and make him submit. Now, it depends on whether or not Towns Wharton believes. I can rescue his family. If he believes, then everything is fine. If he hesitates, then..." Wang Xu shook his head helplessly.

"That said, rescuing the family of Downs Wharton is also an urgent matter..." After listening to Wang Xu's analysis, Afrah nodded and concluded.

"Well," Wang Xu said in a low voice after nodding and humming, "I try to catch a high-level figure of a snowfield half-orc in the elf forest first, and get some useful information from him, and look at the snowfield. How the Orcs want to use Towns Wharton's family members, after understanding all this, it is never too late to act!"

"It seems that this can only be done..." After listening to Wang Xu's plan, Afrah nodded in response.

"That, wonderful!" Wang Xu turned his head and shouted wonderfully.

"Hmm..." She was still looking down and analyzing the problem. Suddenly she heard Wang Xu calling herself. After a moment of daze, she raised her head and looked at Wang Xu with a puzzled look~www.wuxiaspot.com~Notice Take a look at your brother's roots and ask him to meet us. After we rescue the family of Towns Wharton, he will send those people back. He is the most suitable person! "After smiling slightly at Miao, Wang Xu told her.

"I see..." Miao nodded in response.

"Well, we can analyze it. We have analyzed it clearly. In case something really goes wrong, we can solve it on the spot. We have a great talent here. Nothing can't be solved. Let it go. I’m out for a stroll, I’m going to relax, starting tomorrow, I’m going to be busy again..." After saying that, Wang Xu got up, smiled at his women, and then walked out of the restaurant’s door. Soon, outside There was the sound of Wang Xu closing the door when he went out.

"Huh, why is he going out to relax, he is obviously hiding from us, we are all so beautiful, he has to hide..." After Wang Xu left, the succubus sister Shana snorted like a woman...


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