Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 838: Old hand to old hand

"My name is Lucian..." After hearing the old goblin Angelo asked his name, Wang Xu temporarily made up a fake name and reported it to Angelo. By the way, he also made up a fake name for Zana: "My wife's name is Naza..."

In order to save trouble, Wang Xu didn't make up Zana's false name too complicated, but used her real name upside down. Nevertheless, Zana's false name is also very nice.

"I think little hero, you are carrying a Gayageum behind you. You should be a bard..." In order to get useful information, the old goblin Angelo started to circle around, "Since you are a bard, then Things like war should have nothing to do with you, but why did you just say that you escaped from the battlefield?"

"Hey...Do you think I would be involved in the war? I can't help it," Wang Xu complained after shaking his head with an annoyed look on his face: "Originally, my wife and I traveled to the Elephant Human Race and planned to live there. One night, but suddenly, pigheads and kobolds came to kill, and the sound of killing all over the mountains has been entangled in my ears!"

"Hmm... the pigheads and kobolds and elephant humans are fighting, how is this possible? Are the pigheads and kobolds crazy? That is the elephant human race, it is the most powerful race among the orcs!" I feel Wang Xu has revealed The old goblin Ahn'Qirao, who seemed a bit inconsistent with the information, asked with a puzzled face.

"Isn't it? I also think the pigheads and kobolds are crazy, do you know what I saw?" Wang Xu deliberately asked Anqiluo, just to use his curiosity to spread rumors.

"What?" Anqiluo was really caught, and asked curiously.

"I saw five to six hundred thousand kobolds and pigheads dead. The corpses were piled up in four valleys. The blood stained the rivers red. Even several streams were blocked by corpses and became small It's a lake!" Wang Xu used vivid language to express the cruelty of that non-existent war.

"So, in the end, the elephant human race won, but as far as I know, the elephant human race has only one or two hundred thousand people. No matter how powerful they are, they can't kill so many pigheads and kobolds... "The old goblin Ahn'Qirao is quite shrewd. He doesn't believe every message at the first hearing.

"Of course the Elephants won. Let me tell you. It's not just Pigheads and Kobolds who died. When Pigheads and Kobolds attacked, they also brought a lot of centaur and spearmen. This group of centaur It’s the cannon fodder rushing in the front. The dead is the worst. I hardly saw one of them still alive..." Wang Xu grinned at the corners of his mouth and said, "It's nothing to do. With an expression of "hanging", Anqiluo returned.

"Is there no loss to the Elephant Human Race? Listening to you, the Elephant Human Race seems to have won completely?" Anqiluo continued his doubts.

"Where can it be? If the elephant human race really wins, am I so miserable? I was hiding in the elephant human tribe. Look at the Gayageum behind me. The strings are all burned. He has also been chopped several times. An old Terran painter who was traveling with us has been chopped into several sections. Let me show you my injuries..." Then, Wang Xu opened the collar of his robe.

There, there was a thick gauze cloth, which had been soaked in blood, and a strong smell of blood permeated the gauze.

The blood on the gauze was made by Wang Xu with a potion. In order to make it more realistic, Wang Xu also added some ingredients to the potion to make it very "taste" and smelly.

"Wow..." Glancing at the gauze under Wang Xu's neck, and sniffing the stench secretly, the old goblin Angelo frowned slightly and said with emotion: "You really are not easy. The little hero, if it were me, would definitely not survive the battle of hundreds of thousands of people, right..."

Suddenly, Anqiluo performed an expression that suddenly thought of something, and asked Wang Xu: "Are there many people injured in the Elephant Human? It just so happens that my caravan is also running a pharmacy business. If there are too many injured people there If so, I will go to sell medicine as soon as possible, and don't let other caravans steal my business."

On the pretext of selling medicine, Anqiluo wanted to test out the loss of the elephant race in that war from Wang Xu's mouth.

Finally, Wang Xu, who finally waited for Anqiluo to ask this question, performed a painful expression and sighed: "Hey...there are not many people injured, but there are many dead. I guess, like the human race. Half of them died, you haven't seen the big pits dug by them to bury the war dead, you can't count them..."

"Oh, it's so miserable..." Anqiluo, who thought he had collected all useful information, sighed with emotion, and finally tried: "How can there be so many pigheads and kobolds in this area? Ah, there are not many big tribes that can take out five to six hundred thousand people to die..."

"Hey, aren’t the pigheads and kobolds in the Great River Valley to the east? After they occupied the territory that belonged to the tauren, they felt that they were invincible. The end of annihilation can be regarded as the punishment of the beast gods for their ignorance and stupidity!" Finally, Wang Xu created all the rumors that can be made, and then, it depends on whether the old goblin believes it or not.

"Yes," after following Wang Xu's words, the old goblin Anqiluo asked Wang Xu with a mouthful of words that meant to see off guests: "Next, where are you going, little hero?"

"I'm going to go to the newly built hill city to rest for a while~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After recovering from the injury on my body, let's talk..." When I heard the old goblin Ahn'Qirao speaking, he meant to see off the guests. Later, Wang Xu immediately understood that this guy must have believed the rumors he made. His purpose of sending guests off was to let himself and Zana leave. As long as he and Zana leave, he can immediately go to the valley to find Pigheads and kobolds are selling intelligence.

"Um... the business opportunity should not be missed," the old goblin Angelo suddenly stood up from the stool, and said sorry to Wang Xu: "We are going to get up immediately and go to the Elephant Human Race to sell potions. To thank the little hero, you brought us With this business opportunity, I will personally give you three barrels of the best rum!"

The old goblin Angelo was treacherous. He was clearly going to go to the valley to sell intelligence to pigheads and kobolds, but he said that he was going to sell potions in the human race, and he didn't change his face when he said such a big lie. Don't panic, at first glance, he is a veteran in the liar world.

"You're welcome, we have to rush to Hill City, thank you for your wine..." Wang Xu helped Zana, who was still sitting on the ground in a daze, and put away Angelo's subordinates. Brought three barrels of rum, then turned and left.

Before Wang Xu and Zana had gone far, they heard the sound of shofar horns coming from behind. Wang Xu looked back and the corner of his left mouth was slightly raised...

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