Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 852: Strange assassin

"I'm here to discuss with you how to deal with the coalition of pigheads and kobolds. As for the hidden snowfield half-orcs, I will deal with them personally, so don't interfere. The reason why I don't let you interfere is not me. I look down on your combat power because, this time, the leader of the snowfield half-orcs is a **** of war. Dealing with the gods is not a matter of ordinary soldiers. We can't let our people become the target of the **** of war in vain! "Wang Xu explained.

"God of War! Cremont is dispatched?" After listening to Wang Xu's explanation, Towns Wharton turned his head and looked up to Doreen, who was more than half his height. Obviously, he was asking Doreen.

"Hmm..." Doreen, who knew that her lover was asking her, nodded in response. When she replied, there was a trace of worry in her eyes. This emotion soon infected Dons Wharton. His eyebrows frowned slightly, and his emotions became a little nervous.

"Don't worry about you two. I will deal with him. Although he is a god, he doesn't seem to be very famous. To this day, I have heard his name for the first time. I have never heard of him before. He, since he didn't leave any sensational record, then he knows that this guy's combat power is not so fierce, or his reputation has spread all over the world!" Look at the two opposite people. Wang Xu comforted a strange couple in a metaphysical way.

"I'm not worried that you can't deal with him, I'm worried, that guy is playing yin?" After taking a deep breath, Towns Wharton curled his lips slightly: "I think you already know that from Doreen. The guy has a lot of information. I have analyzed the fact that the guy is an idiot. But, I have contacted him many times, and I still know him better. Although that person is really an idiot, he is self-conscious. He thinks he is smart and likes to play yin, his favorite method is assassination!"

"Oh... so, you are worried that he will come and assassinate you suddenly?" Wang Xu, who realized what Downs Wharton wanted to express, narrowed his eyes and asked him in a low voice.

"That's not the case. Because I have friendship with him, and the relationship he used to be good, he probably won't come to assassinate me, but it's hard to say about the generals under me, such as: Yuli, Rebecca and Berg Baker..." Towns Wharton said worriedly.

"You have been stationed here for a few days. The news that our wood elves have deployed the border should have reached the snowfield half-orcs. If Cremont really wants to do it, he should have done it by now. After all, Taking advantage of the moment we have just deployed the defense, it can severely damage our morale, and also take the opportunity to defeat us. If after a while, when we have a firm foothold, then even if he does it, it will severely damage our morale. , There is no chance to defeat us!" Wang Xu analyzed slightly with a frown.

"You are right, but you don't apply your way of analyzing smart people to Cremont. He has a bit of brain after all... I am surprised, even though he thinks he is very smart, he does things. Er is very uncomfortable. Therefore, although we know that he will come to engage in assassination, it is difficult to analyze when he does it!" Towns Wharton replied helplessly, shaking his head.

After listening to Towns Wharton’s answer, Doreen, who stood aside like a hill, nodded softly. Obviously, she agreed with Towns Wharton’s point of view. She also believed that between genius and idiot There is only a thin line between them, and the behavior patterns of these two kinds of people are too difficult to predict.

"What should I do? I have a lot of things to do. I can't stay here and watch it, or else," Wang Xu doesn't have any good analytical methods for that kind of paranoid character. Shaking his head and sighed bitterly: "When I go back, I will send a few dragon girls over to help you. You should have seen the leader of the dragon girl. Her combat power is extraordinary. I guess that she is enough to kill him. Remont’s, she will guard it, so Cremont will dare to come, and there will be no place to bury him!"

"Okay, that's the only way..." Dons Wharton, who had no better solution himself, nodded after listening to the method given by Wang Xu: "Okay, now tell me how you plan to deal with it. Pigheads and kobolds!"

"Hmm..." After nodding and snorting, Wang Xu took out a map of the dark mountains and spread it on the grass in the tent. Then he pointed to the map and said: "Pighead, kobold and The centaur coalition deployed a total of more than 1.3 million people to clear the obstacles to the southern invasion of the snowfield half-orcs. As for the elephant human race, that is only the first target of the enemy coalition attack. I guess, after the elephant human race is destroyed , They will chase after victory and attack the next target. My analysis shows that their next target is the lizard people whose territory is southwest of the human race. The group of lizard people has been stunned and has no friends at all. Whoever enters their territory, they will all Attack someone, so the snowfield half-orcs won't have such a hidden danger."

"I don't understand. Are the pigheads and kobolds so devoted to the snowfield half-orcs? What benefits did the snowfield half-orcs give them?" Hearing the astronomical figure of 1.3 million from Wang Xu's mouth After the number of enemy troops, Towns Wharton grinned first, and after a few tsks, he sighed with emotion.

"If I were a snowfield half-orc~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I would definitely promise the pigheads and kobolds, as long as they open the way for me to go south, then I will join them to capture the entire dark mountain area, and then , Give them this territory!" Wang Xu smiled and gave his own guess.

"Is this the past? The snowfield half-orcs think that the dark mountains are elven forests. If they want to take them, they will take them. Before coming here, I also felt that the original horrible rumors about the dark mountains were all nonsense. It’s ridiculous. Now, after living here in person, I know that those rumors are true. In this place, the complexity of the entanglement of various forces is comparable to the endless sea. According to my few According to the information from the month, here, there are more than a thousand powers that are more than our elves. The snowfield half-orcs can’t handle even our wood elves, and can handle a thousand powers more than ours. It's a foolish dream!" Towns Wharton was also scared. At this moment, he was a little scared.

After listening to Downs Wharton’s emotions, Doreen nodded slightly in agreement, while Wang Xu was “ill” again...


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