Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 857: Immortal Xiaoqiang

"I don't know what his strength is, but judging from the lethality displayed by his magic, it is indeed the power of the main god-level forbidden curse. If your brother Mario Wharton really has the same strength as the main god, Then, the rise of your wood elves is definitely no longer just a dream!" Doreen shook his head and replied, with a paler face.

"Fortunately, he is my brother, he is our wood elves, otherwise..." Thinking of sending people to assassinate Wang Xu several times, Tangs Wharton's legs were a little weak when he was talking.

"What kind of person is your brother Mario Wharton?" After listening to Downs Wharton's trembling emotions, Doreen nodded first and agreed with her lover's point of view, then she asked casually Said my love.

"I can’t tell, nor can I see through. Let’s put it this way, he is a very mysterious person, he has too many secrets, and he has been living in various secrets like that, but, according to me for so many years Judging from the experience gained from suffering a loss, it’s easy to deal with him, that is, don’t be his enemy, you don’t have to be his friend, but if you don’t want to die, it’s best not to offend him..." After his lover's question, Towns Wharton shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"So, you have suffered a lot from him, hey," raising an arm thicker than Towns Wharton himself, Doreen, who knows how to coax a man, comforted herself after talking to Towns Wharton. The lover said: "We are really a couple in distress, and I have suffered a lot, let me tell you something..."

In an extremely sad tone, Doreen told Downs how hard she had worked to save her to 50,000 people, and how cruel Wang Xu was, and immediately told Downs about the slaughter of 50,000 people under her. ·Wharton.

Listening to the story of his lover Doreen, Towns Wharton nodded repeatedly, and continued to answer, "Me too..."

Just as the couple of dog men and women in Wang Xu's mouth—the snowfield half-orc infatuated girl Doreen and the elf prince infatuated man Downs Wharton, whispering bad things about Wang Xu behind their backs, the shock wave generated by the explosion carried the sky Sand and rocks, as well as a stream of hot air, swept to the place where the two of them were sheltered.

"Wow, jingle..." After a strange sound, the sky filled with sand, rocks and mud fragments, falling from the sky like hail, hitting the ceiling of the barrier where they were.

Immediately, their vision was completely blocked by the thick sand and dust, and the smell of hot oil stir-fried stones in the air made them very uncomfortable.

What made these two people even more uncomfortable was that with the arrival of the sandstorm, the air temperature rose rapidly, and it soon reached 50 degrees. This temperature was fast enough to catch up with the temperature of the footwashing water. The foreheads of the dog men and women saw sweat.

Fortunately, this sandstorm moved quickly and quickly swept across the bunker. Otherwise, it is estimated that this place could be heated to the temperature of boiling water—one Baidu!

"Dragons..." After feeling a large amount of Dragon Whisper magic in the scorching air, Tangs Wharton, who had put on a dust mask, whispered, "This is the breath of Dragon Whisper magic..."

"What... Could it be that Mario Wharton has mastered the dragon language magic..." After listening to Towns Wharton's mutter, Doreen suddenly looked down at her lover and exclaimed in amazement: "That said Of the past..."

Just as the pair of dog men and women were guessing and muttering, the pillar of fire that skyrocketed to the sky finally used up its energy, began to gradually become thinner, darker, shorter, and finally disappeared.

After the pillar of fire disappeared, a scene that made Wang Xu stupefied appeared. I saw that Cremont, the muscle mountain and snowfield half-orc war-god, was not dead yet, but he was still flying. He didn't hit seven or eight kills. Die, he is no longer a human being, the whole thing is just not dead, Xiaoqiang!

However, Cremont at this moment is more than a hundred times more miserable than before.

I saw that the snow-white braids on his head and the snow-white beard under his forehead were all burned out, and his entire head was completely bald; the necklaces, straw sandals, and wrist guards on his body were also completely bald. Was evaporated by the flames, but I don’t know what the material of his pants is. It’s okay. It’s a magical tool, but that’s fine. At least Cremont’s stubbornness is gone. Wang Xu doesn’t like talking to someone. The undressed hunks fight against each other. If they really fight like that, Wang Xu is afraid that he will see too many needles.

What can best reflect how miserable Cremont is, at this moment, his bare skin is no longer the silver gray that was before, but a golden color. This color is the same as the roast chicken sold on the street. Se'er, besides, there were a lot of big openings in his golden skin, and blood was constantly overflowing from those big openings, and it was oozing.

Once again, Wang Xu, who teleported to fifty meters in front of Cremonte, suddenly smelled the aroma of roasted meat, and then thought of Cremont’s golden skin, Wang Xu couldn’t help being stunned. At this moment, Wang Xu Xin said: Isn’t the guy in front of me roasted, it smells like meat, this...

"Ah..." Cremont, who already knew that he might die, finally forgot that timidity and began to fight his life. Although he was deeply wounded at this moment and had little combat power left, he was after all He is the God of War. A lean camel is bigger than a horse. He still has the power to fight.

With the sound of "ding...", Wang Xu, who was holding a brand new rapier and wanted to test how powerful he was, had a spell with Cremont, who was dancing with a giant axe in his arms. Wang Xu immediately understood that he was really not strong enough, even if the opponent was about to die, he was still stronger than himself.

Looking at the expression of Cremont's gritted teeth~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I glanced at the bleeding mouth like a fountain on his body, smelled the smell of roasted pork feet from his body, and listened to his bones. With the sound of "creaking, creaking..." joints rubbing, Wang Xu drew a sharp sword and bounced Cremont, who was holding axe in both hands.

The bounced and battle-tested Cremonte, after just fighting with Wang Xu, immediately understood that he had the advantage in strength and vindictiveness, so he did not hesitate to get close to Wang again. Xu's side, ready to fight with Wang Xu.

Wang Xu, who felt that he might have to fight against King Aken, the king of melee combat in the future, also felt that this was a rare opportunity to practice melee combat, so he also gave up his intention to use magic and Taoism, and just wielded his rapier. On it.

"Ding..." There was another sound, just as Wang Xu and Cremonte tried again and suffered a small loss. Suddenly, for some reason, Cremont, who was next to Wang Xu, suddenly opened up. When he opened his huge mouth, there was a pile of foreign objects in his mouth...


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