Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 860: Grace and revenge

"The explosion..." After listening to Wang Xu's question, Towns Wharton asked with a look of horror, but because he was too nervous, his tongue trembled a little, so he was half talking. He couldn't talk anymore.

"Yes, that explosion was caused by me. This is the power of God War. In God War, destroying an area, just like playing, ordinary people are really not suitable for participating..." Finally understood Tangs Wharton With his lover Doreen, why did Wang Xu smile and replied after seeing himself with a "hell" expression on his face.

Then, without waiting for Downs Wharton to respond to him, Wang Xu continued: "Um, second brother, you don't have to worry about the dragon girls coming to you and harming our boys. I don't need to send them over again. Because, Cremont has been killed by me, the corpse has been taken away by me, and the soul has been imprisoned by me. From now on, there will be no more Cremont in this world.

"That's good..." After listening to Wang Xu's remarks, Towns Wharton let out a sigh of relief in an instant. His expression became much more relaxed at once. I don't know the reason why he relaxes because of Clay. Monte's threat disappeared, or it was because the dragon ladies didn't come to harm him.

"Then I'll go first, I have a lot of things there," Wang Xu, who knew that Towns Wharton and Doreen would enjoy the two-person world, said goodbye to the current affairs: "I will send someone over to bring enemies Because the enemy’s battle situation is changing all the time, it’s too early for us to formulate the tactical details. Once the enemy’s battle situation becomes clear, let’s talk about specific strategies to break the enemy!"

"Okay, you go, be careful..." After listening to Wang Xu's parting words, Towns Wharton replied.

"Yeah..." After nodding and snorting, Wang Xu disappeared in place, leaving Tangs Wharton and Doreen who were filled with emotion.

"Cremont is dead... he... but the most legendary God of War in our clan..." After Wang Xu left, Doreen raised his head and sighed bitterly.

"Hey...slowly you will get used to..." After listening to his lover's bitter sigh, Downs Wharton comforted Doreen: "Stop talking about these annoying things, let's go, I'll give you a massage... …"

Although Downs Wharton said that he would go for a massage, his true intention was...

"Okay..." Doreen, who knew what her lover wanted to do, blushed and agreed to his request.

Just when this couple with a huge difference in size was about to go to Wushan Yunyu, Wang Xu also returned to the position where Zana and Nilu were waiting for him.

As soon as he came back, Wang Xu was irritated by the sight in front of him and was speechless. He was "stunned" to see that Zana had actually placed a straw mat on the head of the bald Cremont **** corpse. She was sitting cross-legged on the mat, chatting with Nilu excitedly.

Because Cremont was very big, his head was also quite big. The space above, let alone sitting on a Zana, was that all three people in the room sat cross-legged and were dissatisfied.

"No, they were also a **** of war before they were alive, you just sit on top of their heads, you are not afraid that he will be resurrected by your anger..." Flying to and from Zana's body, Wang Xu squinted at Cremont. The body as strong as a giant mountain murmured.

"What's the matter, he used to be the **** of war, now is my mount, follow me, he should be able to create greater glory..." Zana was too excited, like stroking her own child, stroking under the cushion That bare forehead.

"Take you..." After shook his head helplessly, Wang Xu said: "Put him away, we have to go back quickly. These two days are a critical period. If a moth comes out at this time, then our The grand plan was gone..."

"Hmm..." After Nilu and Zana nodded in unison in response, Zana took her "baby" into her necromantic space, and then the three of Wang Xu flew towards their troops. ...

A day and a half later, Wang Xu's troops camped and repaired ten kilometers away from the valley mouth on the west side of the pighead and kobold valley territory.

Under Wang Xu’s intention to do so, the pigheads and kobold spies in the river valley detected the movement of Wang Xu’s troops. At the moment, the regular army of pigs and kobolds in the river valley has only 200,000 people, so After realizing that Wang Xu's troops were far from their own regular army troops, they wisely did not come out for a decisive battle, but quickly sent people to notify the troops that had gone south and request support.

Of course, the reason why the liaison staff of the pig head and the kobold can break through the blockade set by Wang Xu and go south smoothly is that Wang Xu deliberately let go. Otherwise, how can he bring back the enemy "remnants" who went south Well, without drawing it back, how can he completely eliminate those enemies with ease.

"En will revenge, En will revenge..." Wang Xu couldn't help shaking his head and sighed as he watched the extremely bleak scene before him.

At this moment, Wang Xu, leading his women and the three allied orc chiefs, was standing on a land of burned vegetation one kilometer west of the camp.

The reason why Wang Xu made those sighs was because, before his eyes, there was a scene like a **** execution ground.

I saw that the scorched ground was filled with burnt scorched logs with thick calves. The tops of the logs were sharpened. In the middle of each log, there was a burnt string. Unrecognizable burnt corpse.

From the scene of the scorched corpses still smoking, it can be seen that they should have died within half a day. Their deaths were extremely miserable. They were all pierced directly from the bottom to the top by a log, and then concentrated. I got up and burned, even if it was not completely burned~www.wuxiaspot.com~ it was only half burned, and then the body was exposed. The method was extremely cruel. .

What made Wang Xu feel even more miserable was that the scorched corpses were extremely short and thin, and their skulls looked like mice. They were the fifty-person, family-style goblins that Wang Xu had spoken and chatted with. All members of the clan caravan, at this time, they are basically annihilated.

"You will be enmity..." After shaking his head and sighing again, Wang Xu said fiercely: "They are here to sell information to Pigheads and Kobolds. They have helped the Pigheads and Kobolds, but, This ends..."

"Could it be that the pigheads and kobolds knew our plan and guessed that these goblins were accomplices and felt that they were trapped, so..." Seeing the hell-like scene of the underworld in front of them, Miao Xin couldn't bear to ask Wang Xu One sentence.

"Hmm..." After listening to the wonderful question, Wang Xu thought for a moment, then shook his head and replied: "It shouldn't be the reason..."


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