Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 876: it's over


I saw that at this moment, the pigheads and kobold civilian legions, which had already had a full advantage, were compressing the morale-losing noble legions to within a radius of one kilometer. Suddenly, they stopped their offensive. In an instant, they had just been murderous. Rushing at the scene suddenly turned into a confrontational situation.

Seeing, Todd, the pig-headed commander, walked out of the ranks of civilians, and walked slowly toward the noble legion that had panicked. Finally, he entered the noble legion.

"It looks like..." After witnessing this sudden change on the battlefield, Zana looked back at Wang Xu and said crisply: "The pig-headed man named Todd, Major General, is trying to persuade the noble army with his personality charm. Surrender!"

"Is it possible?" After listening to Zana's words, Nilu interjected with a puzzled expression: "Isn't there a blood feud between them? How could the noble army be persuaded to surrender?"

"If it weren't for persuading to surrender..." Based on the analysis of Nilu and Zana, Wang Xu looked up and made a judgment after thinking about it for a few seconds: "Maybe it is the pighead named Todd Wan Wan The husband, I want to take advantage of this situation to persuade the noble army and civilian armed forces to unite and rush out of the valley. After all, blood feuds must be alive to repay. The noble army also knows that if they stay in the valley, they will undoubtedly die. ..."

"Ah..." After listening to Wang Xu's analysis, Nilu was stunned, and then whispered: "That's not easy. At this moment, there are still eight or nine hundred thousand people left with the enemy. If they unite now to break through a pass, we may be able to stop it!"

"Hmm..." After listening to Nilu's worried growl, Zana nodded and snorted infrequently, agreed with Nilu's point of view, and actively asked Wang Xu: "What are you going to do?"

"We can't let them have time to negotiate and cooperate. We have to destroy their negotiation now..." After saying that, Wang Xu offered his three flying swords again, and then left the sentence "I'll go and come..." , He teleported and left there again.

Just when Nilu wanted to ask Wang Xu what he was going to do, Wang Xu, who teleported to a suitable distance, directly caused the three flying swords to drop from the sky, and a fierce man rushed into the core position of the noble legion.

After the explosion of "Boom...", the thirty middle-level extremely explosive charms attached to the three flying swords exploded at the same time, and immediately, a bright red mushroom cloud with a curl of black smoke rose from the ground. Then, an explosion equivalent to the power of three god-level forbidden curses, with a scorching flame, was carried in all directions by an extremely powerful shock wave.

In Wang Xu’s view, this explosion was definitely his worst shot. The 100,000 or so people of the enemy aristocratic legion are now shrinking within a radius of one kilometer, and this kilometer just happens to be Thirty Intermediate Extreme Explosive Talismans have the most effective damage range. Therefore, the enemy aristocratic legion squeezed into a group, under such an explosion, unless it is a person whose strength exceeds the holy rank, it is definitely impossible to survive. Even if it is a holy master, even if it can survive, it is probably bombed into a waste.

Although the most effective killing range of the 30 Intermediate Extremely Explosive Talisman is kilometers, this does not mean that people will not be injured beyond the kilometers. Because the civilian legion surrounding the noble legion is very close to the core of the explosion. , Also stood densely and tightly packed, so at least half of them were swept into the sky by the shock wave generated by the explosion, and all of them were burned by the heat radiation, and no one was spared.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh At the point of the explosion, a huge crater with a depth of tens of meters and a radius of hundreds of meters was blown out. The enemy aristocratic legions that were originally concentrated there have been completely turned into fly ash, and even the corpses were invisible. In that battlefield where the enemy is struggling and self-mutilating, fewer than 100,000 people can stand up, and five to six hundred thousand people who have been burned are tumbling and struggling on the ground in pain.

"Since ancient times, people have said that fire magic gods are the most terrifying gods. I was very unconvinced. Now, I take it..." Nilu, who looked at the explosion site, faced Wang Xu, who had just returned. Feeling a sentence.

"There is no the most terrible magic god, only the most stupid enemy. I have already released 500 extremely explosive charms in the valley before. I have already told them what my extremely explosive charm is. I have seen my extremely explosive charm. After the explosion effect of the talisman, they dared to stand so concentrated, then it is not that I am cruel, but they are deliberately sent to death,..." Wang Xu helplessly responded to Nilu: "Well, war is like this, not our enemy. To die is to die by ourselves..."

"Hey... There are almost two million people who died here today. Then at night, after the souls of the dead people come out, there will be a group of demons dancing around here again. I guess, there will be no more than ten days, and people cannot live here. ..." Zana, who is an expert on the undead, shook her head and smiled bitterly.

"It's only ten days. I thought it was impossible to live here for at least a month. Ten days is too suitable. When we finish cleaning up the group of enemies who have returned to aid, we will return here, probably in ten days. If all the soul here disappears~www.wuxiaspot.com~ we just start to rebuild here!" Wang Xu joked.

"Can it be rebuilt here? It was blown up by you. I saw that ten of the land in the valley was burned by the flames, four rivers, three broken, and the lake in the middle also burst its banks. If you want to rebuild this place, it won't work for more than ten years!" Nilu shook her head and stunned Wang Xu.

"It's not that serious. I just watched it explode. What I bombed was land that could not be cultivated in the valley. Moreover, it happened to take this opportunity to make two of the original four rivers in the valley. As for the piece of bank that broke the bank. The lake, I will expand it so that it can accommodate all the land that I bombed and cannot be cultivated..." As an expert in city construction, Wang Xu gave a perfect reconstruction plan in an instant.

"Okay, you are good," after listening to Wang Xu's completely feasible reconstruction plan, she couldn't find anything wrong with Nilu, so she had to change the subject and asked Wang Xu: "Then, what shall we do next? What?"

"Next... everything," Wang Xu glanced at the already defeated enemy, then gently shook his head and replied to Nilu: "It's not our business...". () "Warlock War" only represents the author ah ah Rongrong's point of view. If it is found that its content violates national laws and conflicts, please delete it. It is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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