Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 880: Resurrection

"Don't worry, everyone, it's me..." With a kitsch replied, a cloud of black smoke emerged beside Wang Xu. Soon, the black smoke dissipated, and the place where the dissipated black smoke was, "floating "A woman Wang Xu had never seen before.

"You are..." After asking, Wang Xu, who turned around, began to look up and down seriously at this **** who he was a little familiar with but had never seen before.

Wang Xu discovered that the **** who appeared next to him was a very young woman, who should be no more than twenty years old. She only looked at her appearance and could not tell her ethnic origin. She was tall and thin, and her forehead was almost the tip of her nose. Even now, she should be more than two meters tall.

This female deity has a pretty face with a small melon seed, and her skin is light blue. Compared with the wonderful dark blue skin of the Naga Sea, her skin is far from blue, and , Her complexion is unnatural blue, a bit like the color after poisoning, very unhealthy.

In addition to the weird skin tone, the hair color of this female **** is also quite distinctive. Her head and waist are long hair, half of which is blood red, half of which is golden yellow, the left half is blood red, and the right half. They are golden yellow. What's more, her eyebrows, like her hair, are half red and half gold. It looks so unusual.

Wang Xu also saw that the female **** in front of him combed her two-tone long hair into two big braids hanging over her shoulders. With these two big braids of very different colors, her overall temperament On the basis of the skinny and morbid beauty, there is another pure beauty. Obviously, this woman came from under the shape.

On top of the female god’s head, there was a helmet resembling an Egyptian pharaoh’s hat. The helmet showed a maple leaf-like hexagonal radial shape, and its color was also composed of gold and red stripes.

The whole body of this female **** was covered in a golden translucent silk dress. The dress was very thin and thin, so thin that it could be ignored, so Wang Xu could clearly see through the dress. , See everything inside.

It was because the dress of the female **** was too thin, so Wang Xu looked a little embarrassed to see her. The reason why Wang Xu was embarrassed was because, besides this slim, close-fitting golden dress, there was this There was no other clothes on the female god's body, she almost straightforwardly sent the endless "welfare" to Wang Xu's eyes for Wang Xu's appreciation.

"Is it because there are too many women around you, and they have tossed you badly, or else, how could you forget me? We are less than two months old..." After listening to Wang Xu's doubts After his questioning, the female **** who was standing opposite him answered Wang Xu in a charming voice.

"No..." The more Wang Xu listened, the more he felt that the tone and intonation of the woman who had not seen him opposite him was so familiar. Suddenly, Wang Xu remembered who said that, and then he slightly Shaking his head, he responded with a wry smile: "Is that you, Goliath?"

"Yeah, didn't I just change my dress? You don't even recognize me..." Then, Goliath slowly moved to Wang Xu's side, separating her with only a layer of tulle The body was attached to Wang Xu.

"No, where did you get this body?" Feeling the corpse-cold body temperature close to his body, Wang Xu deliberately tilted his shoulders, letting go of Goliath's entanglement. , Asked her: "Why are you so cold?"

"Hey, of course the corpse is cold." After twisting her waist and showing her demeanor in front of Wang Xu, Goliath asked Wang Xu back: "How about it, my new body is good, I'll come here to let you Appreciate it, or else, I'll take off this one on my body too, let you enjoy it."

"Come on, although my lustful reputation has stinks all over the dark mountains, but we are so familiar, don't you think I am really lustful stupid?" After listening to Goliath's words that completely exposed her nature, Wang Xu's "righteousness and strictness" denied her "kindness."

"You've got it, I don't know you yet. If your women are not here, you...huh..." After raising her eyebrows at Wang Xu, Golia finally stopped being coquettish, she I put on a black bear skin gown, and then continued: "The body I occupy now is the body of Eve Ella, the goddess of wind, one of the three beauties of the human race. I let you enjoy this for free A perfect body is already very good to you, you are still picky, huh, if someone else just begs me, I won't show it to him, you really have no taste!"

"Well, I have no taste..." After shaking his head helplessly again, Wang Xu asked with a wry smile and asked Golia, the plague goddess: "This time, what's the matter tell me, you came so far away It’s impossible to make a trip just for me to appreciate your new body."

"Cut... haven't seen me for so long, you don't even say anything about me, you just want to get information from me, you are too ruthless..." With that face belonging to Eve Ella, After Wang Xu bit her lower lip sadly, Goliath complained about Wang Xu.

"No, it's been less than a month and a half since we last met. It's also called a long time." After being so speechless by Goliath's unreasonable trouble, Wang Xu compromised: "Well, I am now Just care about you, may I ask, how have you been recently?"

"Of course it's great, hehe..." After all the laughing facial features were entangled, Golia, who seemed to be brain-dead, started talking to Wang Xuxu: "Since you gave me the body of the demon leader Tieru. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I traded Tieru’s corpse from the dead tyrant Kent for the corpse of Eve Ella. In this business, I traded an ugly demon’s corpse for one. Beautiful corpse of the goddess, I have made a lot of money!"

"No," after listening to the story told by Goliath in an extremely excited tone, Zana got close to her, touched Goliath's new body, and then said: "How do I feel, Tieru before my death, than This Human Race chick is amazing, and how come I haven't heard of Human Race and evaluated the three beauties!"

"Don't touch me with your corpse-toucher," "Smack...", patted Zana's little girl who was touching her cheek. Goliath gave Zana a sideways glance, and then replied uncomfortably: "You How long have they been away from the Western Continent? One or two hundred years ago. Can you know the latest news there? Also, don’t you look at this little girl when she is not old. She was also a **** before her death. Yeah!"

"I have never heard of such a person in the human race. She is so strong. I shouldn't know it..." Taking advantage of Golia's attention, Zana casually grabbed her ass. I asked...() "Warlock War" only represents the author's ah ah Rongrong's point of view. If it is found that its content violates national laws and conflicts, please delete it. Our position is only to provide a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!

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