Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 882: Lost Dog

"That...I'm different from Gabriel's bad guy," Wang Xu, who had exhausted his brain power almost instantaneously, finally came up with a set of words for getting out. He first performed an expression of "great righteousness", and then , Replied with a very serious tone: "Gabriel’s scumbag is a scumbag who treats women as playthings. A woman who is tired of being played by scumbags will of course be abandoned by him. I am not a scumbag. I have never No scumbag, do you think I will be like him?"

"What's the difference, you are all men, and you are all lustful men, but you are going to elaborate, how are you better than him?" The addictive goddess of plague, Golia, apparently doesn't want to just let it go. After Wang Xu, she continued to extend the topic that caused Wang Xu's pain. Wang Xu, who asked, had to burn his brain cells again and think about words.

"I respect my women very much. I never force my women to do things they don't want to do, and I have never hurt them. For these two points, I can guarantee that I am more than half of Loren’s world. My sons and men are strong, plus, I am a tall, rich and handsome, with good physical strength, which can satisfy any needs of all my women. So, I am definitely the best man in Loren’s world. How can I be Gabriel? That **** can be compared..." After Wang Xu finished his second set of "getting out words", he immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Obviously, he felt that what he just said was definitely the perfect answer.

Sure enough, Wang Xu’s brainstorming rhetoric worked. After listening to Wang Xu’s words, his women all nodded softly. Obviously, they recognized that Wang Xu was a good man to him. The description of the identity.

"Wow..." Different from Wang Xu's women, after listening to Wang Xu's words, Golia, the plague goddess, first stuck out her tongue in disgust, and then said sarcastically, "We haven't seen you for a month and a half, why are you? With such a big change, you don’t even blush when you brag..."

"What bragging, I'm very objective..." Wang Xu continued to answer Goliath with a serious and inexplicable expression, and she shook her head.

"You've passed the test, let's not talk about this, do you... know the relationship between the archangel Gabriel and the great devil Zaku?" Goliath has a physical body and is in a good mood, like a middle-aged woman in menopause , Chatting endlessly, after just ending a topic, she immediately opened a new topic. Her ability to change topics quickly made Wang Xu, who is also proficient in this trick, start her tongue.

"I know, isn't Gabriel the father of the Great Demon King Zaguta? I even know who Zaguta's mother is..." After listening to Gelia's question, Wang Xu first turned down the white smoke impatiently. Then replied.

To be honest, Wang Xu at this moment really wants to drive Goliath away, but his reason does not allow him to do so, because he understands that he still needs to get more information from Goliath.

"I also know that Zaku's mother is not your fairy goddess Luna, right?" The plague goddess Golia replied with a look similar to Wang Xu's wretched expression.

"It seems that this matter is not a secret anymore," Wang Xu knew very well. If Zaku's background is known to even Goliya, this woman with a long tongue, then 80% of everyone knows about this. "Right," It’s been a long time since I heard about the Great Demon King Zaku, how is he?"

"Oh... Speaking of him, I think of two things related to you." After listening to Wang Xu's question, Goliath suddenly tilted her head slightly and replied: "Of those two things, one One is good, one is bad, which one do you want to hear first?"

"Let’s talk about the bad things first, and keep the good things behind?" After realizing that he could get important information from Goliath, Wang Xu first lifted his left chin and grabbed his chin. Then, he just relaxed, immediately again. He pricked his ears and prepared to listen to Goliya's report.

"Hmph, I want to tell you the good news first..." Goliath, who was a bit rebellious, came back to Wang Xu again.

"It's up to you..." The indifferent Wang Xu raised a gesture to Ge Liya, and he was ready to speak.

"Huh..." Goliath, who felt that she was taking advantage, snorted proudly, and said: "In the past three months, Zaku and his servants have been hit by the dragon clan one after another. Now, even me I don’t know where he is hiding..."

"No, isn't that guy hiding in the ground? The Dragon is not a mouse who is good at drilling holes. How could he be hit hard by the Dragon while hiding in the ground?" After listening to the so-called good news from Goliath, Wang Xu Questioned her.

"He was hiding underground, but recently, a fierce man came from the fourth floor of the abyss. This fierce man killed Zaku with nowhere to hide. Then, he was raided by the dragon clan. In the end, he was killed like a bereavement dog and fled to nowhere..." Goliya replied quietly. When she answered, she looked at Wang Xu's eyes with an emotion of watching a mole.

After listening to Goliya's narration, Helen, the goddess of the night standing in the dark, suddenly stunned. Obviously, she had guessed something.

"Who is the fierce man on the fourth floor of the abyss?" Looking at Goliya's inexplicable eyes, Wang Xu asked her curiously.

"The appearance of that fierce man is the bad news I want to tell you, haha..." After a quiet smile ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Goliya continued: "As for the identity of that fierce man, he is... Abyss Four The Great Emperor Leviola, one of the three lords of the tier, to be honest, you and him are quite related. His daughter Helen is now your woman, that is to say, he is your cheap father-in-law."

"What kind of bad news is this, my old father-in-law is here, not to mention that he is still the overlord of the party. In his capacity, would he directly kill his son-in-law and me? This seems to be demeaning..." Then, Wang Xu felt that something was wrong, because Helen, one of the protagonists, silently said nothing after hearing her father's arrival. This did not seem to be her way of acting.

"Huh..." After a disdainful snorted, Goliath continued: "You haven't been on the fourth floor of the abyss. You don't know Leviola's style of behavior. He is very domineering. It wasn't that Zagu kidnapped his daughter and threatened him. With Leviola's cruelty, Zagu died long ago!"

"No, Zaku is a fierce at the main **** level. If he can't even save his life, then I...not..." Wang Xu, who still felt that Golia was a bit exaggerated, turned to look at Helen and asked her. "Your father, isn’t it really going to kill me..." () "Warlock War" only represents the author's point of view, if it is found to violate national laws, please delete it. ,'S position is only dedicated to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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