Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 884: Leviola


"Wow..." After watching Helen and his father Leviola disappear into the night, Wang Xu said with a wry smile: "The devil on the fourth floor of the abyss is really powerful. He is right in front of my eyes. I can't feel him. exist……"

After raising his hand and scratching his eyebrows, Wang Xu turned to look at Nilu, and asked her who was the strongest on the scene: "Can you see what strength Leviola is? Could it be that his strength has really surpassed Has this stage been the main god?"

"It shouldn't be," after looking down to recall, Nilu raised her eyelids, frowned and tilted her head slightly and replied: "The feeling he gave me is similar to the feeling the blue dragon Malygos gave me. Both of them should have the strength of the Lord God level, and the strength of both of them is definitely stronger than that of Zaku!"

"That's right, no wonder I always feel that Leviola gave me a familiar feeling. It turned out to be the sight of the blue dragon Malygos, who dare to love Malygos so fiercely, I am really young I saw Malygos’s old ruffian..." Although Wang Xu was slightly stimulated by Leviola’s terrifying power, he still thinks that Leviola and Malygos both lived millions. After an old monster who had cultivated for millions of years, Wang Xu was calm. He said in his heart: Any individual, even an idiot with the lowest talent, has cultivated for a million years, how to say, he has become perfect.

Just when Wang Xu developed a rich imagination, thinking about how strong he could be in a million years, Golia, the plague goddess who had not said a word for a long time, said: "Helen has gone with her father Leviola, don't you worry Did Leviola force Helen away?"

"Worry, but if that happens, what can I do? Do you think that with my strength, I prevented any move of my old father-in-law Leviola?" Listen When Goliath uttered again, Wang Xu turned to look at her and teased her: "Why didn't you talk just now and were so scared?"

"Aren't you afraid? Cut..." After humming Wang Xu's voice, Goliya instantly changed her disdainful tone and said sincerely to Wang Xu, "I would like to thank you. If it weren't for you, I must have been Leviola was killed. After all, if I hadn't revealed his whereabouts, he wouldn't have to show up so early. He could continue to observe you in secret for a while. It was I who broke his original plan."

"Don't thank me, I just survived by chance. Didn't you hear what my old father-in-law just said? He secretly used a killer to me, but I was lucky and didn't get a spike. Anyday, he looked at me again It's not pleasing to the eye, I guess I'm not as lucky as last time!" Wang Xu shook his head and smiled bitterly and replied to Ge Liya.

"To tell you the truth, you are pretty good. In today's world of Loren, there are probably not many people who can resist Leviola's killer moves without dying..." After listening to Wang Xu's humble words , Ge Liya really praised Wang Xuju.

"By the way, as far as I know, there are more than four levels in the abyss. There are six levels. According to the rumors on the rivers and lakes, the demons in the abyss are more powerful. My old father-in-law is just named Abyss Four. The lords of layers are so powerful, then you say, to what extent can the lords of the fifth and sixth layers of the abyss be so powerful? Are the creation gods living in them?" Wang Xu Mengjue Xin Muttered grimly.

"The abyss is not as simple as you think. Although the devil in the abyss is indeed as powerful as the rumors, but it is not as powerful as the **** of creation. As far as I know, the fifth floor of the abyss He has been completely ruled by a famous lord, and that lord has been called the king. Now, he is the king of the fifth floor of the abyss, and there is a message saying that the king of the fifth floor of the abyss once took his The tentacles extended to the fourth floor of the abyss, but it was defeated by your father-in-law Leviola. Therefore, it seems that your father-in-law’s strength should be stronger than the king on the fifth floor of the abyss. As for whether there is a sixth floor of the abyss, I I really don't know, and I don't know where you got this news. It sounds really sensational..." After listening to Wang Xu's mutter, Golia, who had been in the abyss for a long time, told her secrets.

"No, my old father-in-law is so fierce, oh, yes, if Leviola's strength is really so fierce, then how did he come from the fourth floor of the abyss, even the strength of Zaku Far inferior to my old father-in-law’s main god, it’s very difficult to come here. It’s already necessary to use the godhead crystals to activate the Mithril Transboundary Teleportation Array, and, just like that, it’s estimated that it’s difficult to stabilize the spatial channel. If you want to build a teleportation formation for Leviola, what kind of raw material teleportation formation is needed?" Wang Xu asked Goliath in a puzzled way.

"Cut...say you are stupid, you are the smartest person I have ever seen, you are smart, and you like to ask these silly questions, do you think that with Leviola's powerful strength, he needs to pass Did the Teleportation Array come over sneakily? He can come directly from the entrance of the abyss. Will the dragon guarding the entrance of the abyss be able to prevent him from coming?" After listening to the question that Wang Xu questioned, Goliath immediately resumed her know-how appearance , Directly satirizes Wang Xu sentence.

"Please, I can understand something that you find easy to understand. You have lived for a few years, hundreds of thousands of years. I have only lived for a few years, less than a hundred years, just the age between us. The poor experience caused by the difference can't be made up for by being smart!" Wang Xu took the opportunity to ridicule Ge Liya~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Are you talking about me... old? "Sure enough, no matter what kind of woman, even Golia, the plague goddess who represents death, can't stand being said to be old. After listening to Wang Xu's ridicule, Golia directly "exploded" and roared: "Your woman There are more people older than me. Nilu and Miao are no younger than me, and Helen, she is the daughter of Leviola, who has lived for millions of years. , Do you think Helen can be younger..."

"Xu..." Wang Xu was shocked by Golia's irrational curse. He hurriedly stepped forward, covered her mouth severely, and whispered a warning in her ear: "Leviola just It’s nearby, you don’t want to be lost in your soul..."

"Huh..." Goliath realized that she had made a big mistake. Although her eyes flashed with fear, her breath was still not gone, her nostrils were still wide open, and she kept facing outwards. Snorting heavily.

"Oh..." Suddenly, Wang Xu found that his right hand, which had just covered Goliya's mouth, turned green... () "Warlock War" only represents the author ah ah Rongrong's point of view. If it is found that its content violates national laws and conflicts, please delete it. It is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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