Warlords: Rise From the Land of Doom

Chapter 1406 Three Parties Gathering

"Lord God!"

"Well, how is the situation? So where is the God of Hunting Alliance Army now?"

"Lord God, as expected, the God of Hunting actually continued to pursue him."

"Then, we will follow your instructions to lure the God of Hunting coalition to move in another direction."

"However, after they chased us for two days, they suddenly stopped when passing the second city."

"When we saw this, we also stopped moving forward, and then we saw that they started to attack the city."

"And their attack didn't seem to go very smoothly. They couldn't capture the city for two days in a row. The coalition of gods in the city must have made arrangements in advance."

"Then we received the messenger you sent and left with our men 1"

In a city that had just been captured, the Glacier God saw his subordinates returning and immediately asked about the situation.

At this time, whether it was the God of Glacier, the God of Steel or the God of Dark Gold, they all had happy smiles on their faces.

Before, they conquered the city all the way, but were disturbed by the God of Hunting and took advantage of them.

Not only did they lose a lot of manpower, they almost became so angry that they vomited blood.

But this time, they finally used a trick to defeat the God of Hunting.

They probably never dreamed that they and others would actually divide their forces.

And now judging from the reports from subordinates, the God of Hunting coalition was completely fooled.

And they also successfully captured a city.

"Haha, it's so satisfying. Those damn guys, I just want to see how they react when they find out they're being teased by us."

"That's right, these guys don't want us to capture the city. When they know that we have captured the city, they don't know how wonderful their expressions will be." The God of Steel and the God of Dark Gold were the first to laugh.

"Haha, they will probably know the news soon, because I think those guys may still follow the trail." The Glacier God said.

Hearing this, the God of Steel and the God of Dark Gold restrained their smiles slightly.

"God of Glaciers, do you think those guys will come looking for you again?"

"Yes, it is very possible."

"Then should we take some precautions as soon as possible? After all, even if the lightning legion of the damn foreign boy attacks the city, it will probably cause us a lot of trouble!" The God of Dark Gold asked the God of Glacier.

"Of course. Didn't I order my soldiers to cut down the trees around the city today? It was just to guard against that damn boy from the outside world." The Glacier God nodded immediately.

"I wonder what you can do, God of Glacier?" God of Steel and God of Dark Gold asked immediately after hearing this.

"That boy's most powerful ones are lightning and flame whirlwind. Now that we are in the city, his flame whirlwind is of course useless, so only the lightning is left!"

"And we have arranged this lightning in advance, so it is not impossible to prevent it. For example, we have built a large number of wooden sheds on the city wall. With the existence of wooden sheds, the power of lightning can be greatly weakened!"

How did the God of Glacier know that his method had actually been used to death by the God of Waves and several other gods in the outer realm?

Naturally, the God of Steel and the God of Dark Gold didn't know either, and their eyes suddenly brightened when they heard this.

"That's right, as long as we limit that boy's lightning, we don't need to be afraid even if we give the God of Hunting coalition twice as many manpower!"

After all, he has three alliances on his side, while the other side only has one. As long as Nalant's lightning threat is suppressed.

The God of Steel and the God of Dark Gold believe that thinking with their toes can ensure that the city is foolproof.

As a result, in the next two days, the Glacier God coalition began intensive defensive operations.

Not only did they erect thick wooden roofs on each section of the city wall, they also completely blocked the door openings on three sides of the city wall.

Then they also built a lot of fortifications in the city, almost turning the city into a fortress.

Equipped with five million people, it is indeed a city that is difficult to capture.

While the Allied Forces of the God of Glacier made the city impregnable, the Allied Forces of the God of Hunting finally arrived belatedly.

"These guys have indeed captured a city!"

"Hey, look, why is there a roof on that city wall?"

"Damn it, these guys are so cunning. They even installed a roof on the city wall. This is to prevent the attack of the Nalant Lightning Legion!"

When the God of Hunting and several other gods suddenly noticed the fortifications on the city wall, they immediately began to curse.

Because in their view, having such fortifications will indeed make the attack more difficult.

"Gods, don't forget, we are not the ones responsible for attacking the city this time!"

Fortunately, Nalant suddenly reminded several gods at this time.

Although the fortifications were really dispensable to Nalant, their plan this time was to turn the main force of the siege into the Mountain God coalition at the rear.

"Haha, Nalant is right. We almost forgot. This time we are going to divert the trouble eastward and let the Mountain God Alliance and the Glacier God Alliance have a fierce fight!"

"Oh, what a pity. Although it is painful to watch them fight, if possible, I actually want to personally drive those guys from the Glacier God out of the city." The God of Tides and the God of Gray Mist React immediately.

However, now that the two gods have a teammate called Nalant, who can be called a cheat, they are a little distracted and feel that it is boring to let the coalition of mountain gods attack the city.

The God of Hunting glanced at the two guys angrily, and then said: "Okay, you two guys, without Nalant, it would be difficult to capture a city with our coalition forces."

"With such a good strategy now, we must conserve our troops first. Who knows what will happen next!"

"Haha, the God of Hunting is right, let's set up camp first. I think the mountains over there are quite good. Not only can you overlook the inside and outside of the city, but there are also forests around it. The God of the Mountains will definitely not dare to act rashly. ”

"Okay, then go there and set up camp!"

Immediately, the God of Hunting coalition headed towards a mountain range located on the southeast side of the city.

There is a wide and high slope over there, which happens to be a condescending terrain, which is very suitable for them to sit outside the city and watch the battle between mountains and tigers.

And just as the God of Hunting coalition was preparing to move forward, the God of Glacier coalition in the city had obviously discovered them long ago.

The God of Glacier, God of Steel, and God of Dark Gold couldn't sit still, and Yukong immediately came to the top of the city wall.

"Haha, God of Hunting, long time no see. You didn't expect that we just used a small trick to make you fool around!"

Obviously, this was because he had been bullied so badly some time ago, and after occupying a city, he immediately wanted to regain his face.

But how did he know that the God of Hunting Alliance had already thought up a plan to deceive them, so they didn't care at all about them taking the city.

"God of Glacier, what are you so proud of? The alliance of the three gods has only occupied one city, but we have occupied four cities along the way!"

"Haha, that's right, God of Glaciers, how dare you show off in front of our coalition of Gods of Hunting, you are not ashamed to see this!"

The God of Tides and the God of Gray Mist spoke first.

When the Glacier God and the other guys heard this, their originally triumphant expressions immediately froze.

The reason is naturally that what the God of Tides and the God of Gray Mist said is true.

Their three-god allied army, with more than five million people, had not captured a city until now.

But the other party captured four buildings in a row, so of course there was nothing to show off.

Of course, the other thing is why these guys are not angry.

The other party was obviously fooled by the scheme of himself and others, so they should be very angry.

The God of Glacier and God of Steel suddenly felt uninterested.

"Hmph, God of Glaciers, we can capture the city anytime and anywhere. Before, it was just because you were despicable that you specially attacked us!"

"Now we are using bait to fool you, and we captured a city immediately. What does this mean?"

"It shows that we didn't take you to heart before. If we really get serious, your mere God of Hunting coalition will be useless."

Although they felt the gap in their hearts, it was naturally impossible for the Glacier God and the others to show it.

This is still a tough talk.

"Haha, God of Glaciers, even though I unexpectedly captured a city for you this time, you won't be proud for long."

"I advise you to feel the feeling of occupying the city, because it won't be long before you are probably kicked out of the city!"

The God of Hunting sneered at the God of Glaciers.

"Haha, God of Hunting, we really want to see how you drive us out of the city!"

"Yes, the God of Hunting, we can't wait any longer. You should hurry up and attack!"

When it comes to siege, the Glacier God and the others are very confident, because they have made full preparations and are very confident that the Hunting God's coalition will suffer heavy losses and yet return without success.

"Huh, just wait. Let's take a rest for the night. Then tomorrow we will let you feel what despair is!" The God of Hunting sneered, and then he led the God of Hunting forward.

"These guys didn't start attacking immediately!"

"Yeah, I can't wait for them to come and die!"

"By the way, why don't these guys station themselves outside the city? Instead, they head towards the high slope over there."

"Never mind them, we are guarding the city anyway, they can stay wherever they like!"

The God of Hunting and the other gods were very disappointed that the coalition forces of the God of Hunting did not launch an attack immediately.

Because at this moment they want to take advantage of the geographical advantage to teach each other a lesson.

In addition, they also discovered that the movements of the God of Hunting Alliance were somewhat strange.

Obviously outside the city is the most suitable place to station and attack, but the God of Hunting coalition forces camped five or six miles away.

This is very troublesome for siege.

Of course, soon, the God of Glacier Alliance knew why the God of Hunting Alliance made this choice.

Because just when it was getting dark in the evening, the coalition forces of the Mountain Gods arrived outside the city.

"Damn it, why are these guys here!"

When he saw the flag of the Mountain God Alliance, the Glacier God immediately frowned.

The main reason is that the number of the Mountain God Alliance is too large. If the opponent chooses to attack them, it may pose a very big threat to them.

The mountain god also quickly saw the glacier god on the city wall. At that moment, the mountain god also had an evil look on his face.

"God of Glaciers, I never expected that I was deceived by you that day!"

"God of the Mountain, I am here to apologize to you for what happened that day, because I had no choice but to do so."

"Because we did not lie about the vision in that city, it really happened."

"But unfortunately, our three coalition forces were unable to capture that city, so we decided to let you, the coalition of gods, take the lead."

"It's a pity that later we found out that even you couldn't capture that city, so we chose to leave!"

The glacier god spoke to the mountain god with a sincere expression.

The mountain god frowned upon hearing this, unable to distinguish the authenticity of the glacier god's words.

However, whether it is true or false, it doesn't matter now.

Because at this moment, both the God of Hunting coalition and the Glacier God coalition were found by them.

Then, with their numerical advantage, they will definitely be dealt with by both teams.

For example, the coalition forces of the God of Hunting will be their first choice to deal with them, because they are likely to get the secret about entering the protective shield, which is the top priority.

And when the Glacier God Alliance forces capture their city, they will be taught a lesson.

However, seeing that it was getting dark and the legionnaires were exhausted after traveling for so long, the God of the Mountain did not choose to launch an attack immediately.

Instead, let the army camp outside the city, and at the same time closely monitor the surrounding situation to prevent the God of Hunting and Glacier God coalition forces from escaping.

"Those guys did exactly what Nalant said and did not start attacking immediately."

"That means they will definitely attack us first tomorrow!"

"That's for sure. They are chasing us so persistently. They have determined that we have a way to enter the protective shield, so they will definitely choose to attack us first!"

"Then it seems that tonight's operation must succeed and must not fail, otherwise our plan to let the coalition forces of the God of Glacier and God of Mountains bite each other will fail!"

As he said that, several gods looked at Nalant, "Nalant, do you really not need help from a few of us?"

"Your Excellency, God of Hunting, you three gods are too conspicuous. I'm afraid you'll be noticed just after leaving the camp, so I'll go alone." Nalant said.

"Narante, you have to be careful and pay attention to your safety!"

"No problem, I'll be careful!" Nalant was still very confident in his abilities.

Although he is still unable to defeat the gods in his normal state, it would be difficult for the gods to kill him alone.

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