Warlords: Rise From the Land of Doom

Chapter 1411 Opening the protective shield

"Damn it, these bastards actually formed an alliance and attacked us."

"What should we do now? We can't run away even if we want to!"

Seeing the attacks of the coalition of gods under the mountain one after another, the God of the Mountain and others also enjoyed the feeling of the coalition of the God of Hunting and the God of Glacier.

"There is no other way but to hold on first and then find a way to break out!"

The God of the Mountain looked at the densely packed enemies at the bottom of the mountain, his eyes full of anger.

Originally, after they got the news, they attacked four cities and obtained four stone tablets.

And then they only need to capture the remaining three, and they will be able to meet the needs of their own team's alliance for stone monuments.

Unexpectedly, after halfway, news spread all over the sky, and these gods' coalition forces actually surrounded them.

"Strange, why didn't they go to the God of Hunting Alliance? Logically speaking, didn't the news also say that the God of Hunting Alliance also has a stone tablet?" There is something a little confusing.

"The coalition forces of the God of Hunting are already hiding. They can't find them at all, so they are targeting us!" The God of the Mountain Mountain felt aggrieved.

The God of Hunting coalition was very smart and disappeared immediately after being separated from them. This made all the coalition of gods have no choice but to focus on them.

"Okay everyone, you can take your subordinates to defend. Let's see if there is still a chance to evacuate at night!"

After some discussion, the mountain god sent these gods back.

Although it is very difficult to break through even at night, this is the only way at present.

As the other gods dispersed, two gods did not leave. The mountain god asked doubtfully: "Two of you, why don't you go back? Is there anything else?"

"Your Excellency, God of the Mountains, we do have something going on!" The two gods nodded.

"Then tell me!" The mountain god was a little confused.

The two looked around carefully and confirmed that there were no other gods. Then they spoke in a low voice: "Your Excellency, the God of Mountains, the surrounding hills are now blocked by the coalition of other gods. Even if we want to escape at night, it will be very difficult." difficult."

"I know this, do you two have any good ideas?" The God of the Mountain nodded, and since the two of them stayed here to specifically mention this matter, the God of Hunting felt that they must have some good ideas.

The two looked at each other and whispered to the God of the Mountain: "Your Excellency, the God of the Mountain, we do have a way, and there is a high probability that we can leave with the stone tablet!"

"Let a few of us leave with the stone tablet? What does this mean?" The mountain god frowned slightly when he heard this.

"Your Excellency, God of the Mountain, don't you think how long our alliance can last under the current circumstances?"

"Not to mention the enemies that besiege us, we currently have seven coalition forces, but there are only four stone tablets, so what we will face next will definitely be internal strife."

"The reason why there is no internal strife now is because the news about the stone tablet has spread. We are still trapped here and have a common enemy!"

The two gods did not shy away from clarifying the outcome of their alliance.

And the fact is that there are few stone tablets and there are many people. They are destined to fight for a few stone tablets internally.

The reason why it hasn't broken out yet is just because we are under siege and everyone is still in the same boat.

The mountain god frowned for a moment, then let go and looked at the two of them, "Tell me what you two can do!"

The god of mountains is not the god of fairness. Although he usually pays more attention to fairness than other gods, in the face of such huge interests, it is naturally impossible to do anything selfless.

The two smiled knowingly after hearing this, and then said: "God of the mountain, the coalition forces outside are here for the stone tablet, and the same is true for their alliance."

"So, if we want to get out of trouble, the way is also on this stone tablet, and what we have to do is very simple."

"That is to throw one of the stone tablets at the camp of the coalition of gods at night, so that the coalition of gods will definitely rush to snatch it."

"At that point, I'm afraid not many people will be interested in paying attention to our side. At that time, our three coalition forces will each take their own stone tablets and escape."

"After we break through, we will rush to every node that requires the cooperation of the stone tablets, and then we will be able to successfully enter the protective shield!"

After saying that, the two of them stared at the mountain god intently, waiting for the mountain god's answer.

As long as the mountain god agrees, the success of their plan will be very high.

"Okay!" Finally, what reassured the two gods was that the mountain god had no reason to reject this plan.

Because this is the best way for them at the moment.

Immediately, the mountain god and the two gods discussed the course of action for the evening.

In the blink of an eye, night came. In order to obtain the stone tablet, a group of gods and gods did not give up their attack even at night.

In this way, there are still shouts of killing all day long up and down the hills.

What these coalition forces of gods didn't know was that the God of the Mountain and the other two coalition forces of gods were already preparing to evacuate.

Of course, if they want to evacuate, the first step they have to do is to get the stone tablet.

This stele is jointly guarded by the seven divine envoys of their Mountain God Alliance. In addition to preventing enemies from stealing the stele, it also prevents internal guards from stealing it.

The Alliance of Mountain Gods and the other two proposed divine envoys of the Alliance of Gods had already received instructions in advance.

Taking advantage of the unprepared situation of the coalition of gods, they directly attacked several divine envoys, knocked them unconscious and tied them up tightly.

Immediately, several divine envoys quickly headed to the predetermined meeting point with the stone tablets.

"Lord God, the stone tablet has been brought!"

Several people immediately dedicated the four stone tablets to their respective gods.

Naturally, the three gods of the mountain took over the stone tablet excitedly, and then only the last piece was left in the field.

"We must move quickly, otherwise the other coalition forces will easily discover the problem!" The God of the Mountain said immediately.

"God of the mountain, we understand, let people take action immediately!"

Immediately, more than a dozen dragon knights took the stone tablet and flew into the sky, and then flew towards the area with the densest concentration of the alliance of gods.

Although there are attacks and obstacles from the coalition of gods on the road, it is still very simple to fly three or four miles away if they are not willing to fight at all.

Soon, the most important dragon knight in the dragon knight team took out the stone tablet, and then poured a large amount of divine power into the stone tablet.


With the infusion of divine power, the stone tablet shone brightly in an instant.

"Look, what is that?"

"Ah, what a pure breath of divine power, it's that stone tablet, it must be that stone tablet!"

And this movement naturally attracted the attention of many gods for the first time.

Under everyone's gaze, the stone tablet suddenly fell from the air and plummeted to the ground.

"Quick, go grab that stone tablet, we must grab it!"

This was simply pie in the sky. Compared to robbing the coalition of mountain gods on the hill, the stone tablets falling from the sky were easily accessible to these gods.

As a result, no god hesitated and immediately called on the gods in the coalition to snatch it.

Suddenly, there were hundreds of gods rushing towards the stone monument in the camp of the coalition of gods.

And their actions also interfered with the battle ahead, causing the battle to stop.

Both the divine envoys and the legionnaires looked at the spectacular scene of hundreds of gods competing for the stone tablet.


Just when the fighting on both sides was stagnant, the coalition forces of the Mountain God and the other two coalition forces of gods immediately launched a breakout.

With the cry of killing, he headed towards the weakest point of the breakout that he had paid attention to before.

The gods had no time to pay attention to the breakout here.

Because the battle to snatch the stone tablet has reached a fever pitch.

Almost as soon as a god got the stone tablet, dozens of gods around him attacked at the same time before it could heat up.

In order to avoid being severely injured, the god could only throw the stone tablet away immediately.

The same thing happened to the next person who received the stone tablet. He also did not heat the stone tablet and was attacked by the enemy again.

In this way, the battles caused by a stone tablet will be endless, and no one can immediately seize the stone tablet and escape.

In the blink of an eye, the sun rose in the east, and as the sunlight spread across the earth, when everyone looked at the camp of the divine alliance under the hill, earth-shaking changes had already taken place.

The camp that was in order before sunset yesterday looked like it had been trampled by a giant beast today, with tattered tents, broken wooden posts and other messy scenes everywhere.

And these messes are the traces left after the battle between the gods last night.

As for the attack on the hills by the coalition of gods, they have also stopped.

Because early this morning, the Alliance of Mountain Gods on that mountain had already chosen to surrender.

It's no good if we don't admit defeat. Even the God of the Mountain betrayed the alliance and fled directly with the other two gods with the stone tablet. No matter which god's alliance the two sides were, they had no motivation to continue the fight.

At this time, both the gods and the legionnaires were cursing the Mountain God coalition and the other two coalition forces in unison.

Because not only had the manpower they had lost in so many days been in vain, but their gods had been fighting all night over a mere stone tablet last night.

Although no gods fell during the fight, several gods were severely injured.

As for the god who finally obtained the stone tablet, he also escaped with the stone tablet even though he was seriously injured.

After being played like this, these coalition forces of gods naturally refused to give up. At that moment, all the coalition forces of gods regrouped and headed towards the protective shield again.

However, it is no longer possible for them to go to the Mountain God Alliance and others in front.

Because the gods of the Mountain God Alliance had already reached the place where the protective shield was.

"Hey, God of the Mountains, I didn't expect you to be able to escape. Didn't you say you were besieged?"

The other coalition forces of gods that have obtained the stone tablet have actually been hiding near the protective shield for a long time.

In this way, after the arrival of the coalition of gods from the God of the Mountain, they were immediately discovered by the coalition of other gods, which naturally included the coalition of the God of Hunting.

Everyone was extremely surprised that the God of the Mountain and others could still run out unharmed with the stone tablet.

The god of the mountain would naturally not make a big deal about the despicable things he and others did, so he did not answer after hearing this.

Instead, he urged: "Everyone, everyone is here now. Let's start opening the protective shield quickly. Otherwise, if those coalition forces of gods come after us, none of us will end well!"

"Haha, no problem!" Upon seeing this, the other gods stopped asking any more questions and immediately agreed to enter their respective nodes at the same time.

The distance between these nodes is not very far, only more than ten miles apart.

In this way, all the gods soon arrived at their respective nodes.

Then, one by one, the stone tablets were placed on an altar in the node.


Nalant also had his own exclusive altar. When the stone tablet was placed, a buzzing sound came from the front.

Then I saw the dazzling white light shining from the stone tablet, reaching straight into the sky.

Looking towards the left and right sides, other white light pillars also appeared one after another.

The stone tablets of other gods were also placed on the altar.

Finally, when the twelve light pillars stood between the sky and the earth at the same time, the protective shield began to fluctuate.


Then, a huge whirlpool cavity appeared at each altar.

"Is this a teleportation array?"

Nalant was no stranger to this, and at the same time he also understood that if he wanted to enter the Temple of Creation, he should enter the teleportation array.

"Quick, they've opened the protective shield, everyone, hurry up!"

And just when Nalant and others opened the teleportation array of the protective cover, the vanguard of the divine coalition forces located more than ten miles away also noticed the movement here.

Upon seeing this, they immediately became excited, and a group of gods began to urge their men to move forward quickly.

And they themselves broke away from the team and rushed towards the protective shield.

"Quick, everyone enters the protective shield and must move quickly!"

Naturally, the gods in front of the protective shield teleportation array did not dare to neglect, and immediately urged their subordinates to enter the teleportation array, for fear of being caught up by the coalition of gods behind them.

At this time, Nalant also ordered his subordinates to start entering the protective shield.

Although he didn't know where the other end of the teleportation array was and whether there was any danger.

But we are already here, so there is no reason to back down.

Ever since, Nalant's team began to step into the teleportation array in an orderly manner.

Compared with Nalant's side, the other coalition forces of gods appeared to be much more chaotic due to their large numbers.

Especially for those coalitions of gods that only have one teleportation array for the entire coalition, with one or two million people, it is simply too slow to fully enter the semi-circular teleportation array that is only tens of meters and a half catty.

Time passed by, and after about ten minutes, most of the gods' coalition still had more than half of their men outside the teleportation array.

Only Nalant and the other Gods of Hunting, God of Gray Mist, and ultra-detailed subordinates have completely entered the teleportation array.

At this time, the pursuing gods were about to arrive in front of the protective shield. Upon seeing this, some of the gods immediately prepared to block them, hoping to give their subordinates more time to enter the teleportation array.


But just when they were about to rush out, there was a buzzing sound from the teleportation array, and it turned out that the teleportation array had become unstable.

"Damn it, the teleportation array is about to close!"

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