Warlords: Rise From the Land of Doom

Chapter 1423 The God of Creation

Boom! Boom!

Just as they arrived at the gate of the temple, there was an even more violent rumbling sound outside the door.

Everyone looked up and saw several figures fighting in the square in front of the temple.

Of course, it's not so much a fight as it is several gods besieging one person.

And that is the legendary dark devil.

I saw that the Dark Demon God was more than ten meters tall, which was actually higher than the Dark Demon God's orifice shell seen in the cave.

At this time, the Dark Demon God's whole body was filled with the aura of death, and the power he raised his hands and feet was even more frightening.

Under the siege of four or five gods, the dark demon was still unhurried. Just a simple slash was enough to cope with the full attack of those gods.

On the contrary, the gods were all in a panic at this time.

"It's really the Dark Demon God. Damn it, where did these Dark Demon Gods come from?"

"No matter where he comes from, this means that our world of gods will encounter catastrophe again!"

Looking at the battle ahead, the gods who had just ran out of the temple looked pale.

What they were worried about now was not only the Dark Demon God in front of them, but also what the arrival of the Dark Demon God might herald.

"Everyone, now is not the time to think about this. I'm afraid they can't hold on any longer. If we continue to watch, we will be defeated by the Dark Demon God later!"

The God of Hunting spoke to the gods.

"That's right, we'll wait until we solve this dark demon!"

Immediately, a group of gods headed towards the dark demon.

But Nalant did not step forward, because with his strength without transformation, he might not be able to cause much harm to the dark demon.

In this case, it is better to wait and see the situation before planning the next thing.

And with the addition of the God of Hunting and other gods, the Dark Demon is no longer as relaxed as before.

After all, no matter how powerful the Dark Demon God is, it is impossible to deal with seventeen or eight gods.

If it were really that powerful, the original world of gods might not survive until now.

"You ants still like to use the human sea tactic just like you did hundreds of thousands of years ago!" Facing the siege of a group of gods, the Dark God finally spoke for the first time.

Although the weird accent made people feel creepy, the meaning of the words could still be heard clearly.

"However, if you want to compete with our dark clan in terms of numbers, then your calculations are wrong!"

As he spoke, the Dark Demon God directly activated his power of death, and then he saw a burst of rich black energy suddenly ejected from his palm.

The black flag landed on the bluestone slab more than a hundred meters away, and then slowly spread, forming a circular hole.

"No, that's a teleportation circle. He's summoning his subordinates. Quick, destroy the circle. We can't let him successfully arrange it!"

All the gods immediately recognized that this was the teleportation technique of the Dark Demon.

In the past, the Dark Demon God relied on this method to summon the Demon God's army at any time, leaving humans unable to defend themselves. However, the world of the gods was invaded by the Dark Army without preparation.

At this time, five people from among the gods immediately headed towards the forming portal, hoping to prevent its true success.

"Hmph, you even want to stop me!" The Dark Demon snorted coldly when he saw this, and the long knife in his hand finally started to move violently.

As the long sword swung, a large amount of death energy and sword light suddenly struck at the god standing in front of him.

When several gods saw the power of the long sword, they didn't dare to fight forcefully and immediately retreated to both sides.

And this happened to be in line with the Dark Demon God's wishes, and he immediately rushed directly towards the five gods who wanted to destroy the teleportation array.

"Quick, stop him!" Upon seeing this, the God of Hunting suddenly became anxious, and he quickly rushed towards the front of the Dark Demon God.

"Hunter's Spear!"

Hearing the God of Hunting roar, a spear of light condensed in his hand, and then it shot straight towards the Dark Demon God.

"Hmph, you overestimate your capabilities!" But the Dark Demon just snorted disdainfully.

"Blade of Death!" The Dark Demon slashed forward again.


And this sword was several times more powerful than before.

Dao Mangwan, filled with red and black death energy, first crushed the light spear of the God of Hunting with a roar of death, and then continued to slash towards the God of Hunting without losing any momentum amidst the roar.

The expression of the God of Hunting changed, but he did not flee like the previous gods. He gritted his teeth and raised his sword again: "Demon Hunting Slash!"

With a crash, a golden sword light slashed out from the long sword of the God of Hunting.


As the death air sword light and the demon hunting slash collided, a huge roar came from the field again.

But as the roar disappeared, everyone was shocked to find that the Dark Demon God's death blade still had some remaining power.

"God of the Hunt, beware!"

The Tide God and others immediately shouted a warning when they saw this.

But it was already too late for the God of Hunting to escape.

He could only immediately raise his sword to resist.

With a bang, the blade of death hit the God of Hunting.

With a whoosh, everyone saw with their own eyes that the God of Hunting was blown away and hit the temple behind.


Immediately, there was a roar from the dome above the temple, and the God of Hunting crashed into the temple.

"Damn it, God of the Mountains, what are you doing? If you can't deal with this dark demon, it will be our entire continent of gods that will suffer!"

When the God of Tides and the God of Gray Mist saw the God of Hunting being knocked away, they immediately yelled at the surrounding gods.

These guys were clearly not far from the God of Hunting just now, but because of fear, no one helped the God of Hunting to resist.

After scolding these gods, the God of Tide and the God of Gray Mist did not hesitate and charged towards the Dark Demon God with their swords waving.

"Everyone, let's go together. We must deal with this dark devil today!"

At this moment, the God of the Mountain Mountain finally shouted to the other gods, and then followed the God of Tides and the God of Gray Mist and rushed towards the Dark Demon God.

Seeing this, the other gods knew that there was no way to escape, and immediately began to besiege the Dark Demon God again.

"God of Hunting, are you okay?"

Seeing the God of Hunting being blown away, Nalant quickly entered the temple.

But he saw the God of Hunting standing up covered in dust.

The God of Hunting waved his hand, "Nalant, I'm fine. The blow just now has been weakened by me twice. In fact, I was not injured, but the Dark Demon God is too strong, and we gods have not returned to the peak of the past. With his strength, I’m afraid it will be a tough battle to deal with him!”

The God of Hunting smiled bitterly.

"Narant, if things go wrong later, you have to remember to protect yourself and evacuate. I will continue to deal with that guy first!"

After saying that, the God of Hunting didn't waste any time and headed directly towards the door.

When Narant heard this, he thought about whether he should transform immediately and go to help.

However, if he transformed at this moment, his identity would be easily exposed.

After all, there are only a few people in this temple, and it doesn't take much thinking to guess that they belong to you.


And just when Nalant was extremely confused about whether he should take action, his eyes inadvertently glanced at the hilt of the sword in the hand of the statue of the God of Creation.

And because the roof of the temple was broken at this time, a ray of sunlight happened to hit the hilt of the sword, and there was actually a glistening glint there.

Upon seeing this, Nalant flew directly towards the hilt of the long sword.

When he got closer to the hilt, Nalant discovered that there was actually a small button in the complex relief texture of the hilt of the long sword.

The surface of the button is sunk deep into an embossed depression that cannot be found unless you look carefully.

As for the reason for the reflection, it turned out that a piece of crystal fragment fell here when the roof was broken.

"Is this the reward of the system?"

For such a coincidence, Nalant felt that it must be a reward from the system.

At that moment, without any hesitation, he directly pressed the button that was almost integrated with the surrounding stone sculptures!


As the button was pressed, changes occurred in the temple.

It was not a tunnel as Nalant had imagined, but a space gate as tall as one person was formed directly in front of the throne of the statue.

Upon seeing this, Narant landed directly in front of the throne.

After observing the space door for a moment, it was impossible to see through the situation inside the space door. Nalant immediately stepped in without hesitation.

With a buzzing sound, as Nalant stepped in, the space door disappeared directly into the temple.

On Nalant's side, his eyes just felt blurry, and he suddenly came to a wide plain.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

"Ho ho ho!"

Just when Nalant came to his senses, bursts of fighting sounds could be heard in his ears.

Turning around, he realized that this was actually a battlefield.

At this moment, he was standing on a high slope, and below the high slope, there were a million people fighting fiercely.

The opponents of these millions of people are the boundless army of darkness.

"Yunas, if you want to resist the attack of our world-destroying clan with just a small number of people like you, you are looking down on us!"

"Unluge, although your world-destroying race is born with the aura of death, why can't you live in peace with all races? Instead, you want to create such endless killings!"

"Haha, Yunas, our world-destroying clan never thought of dominating the gods and worlds, but you hypocritical guys are ostracizing us because of our innate aura of death."

"In this case, we, the Destroying Clan, can only drown everything with death, so that you will never feel superior to others because of our death energy!"

"Okay, Yunus, the moment of your death has come. As long as you kill all the creation clan, the gods and worlds will never be reborn again!"

"The God of Creation?"

Just as the battle ahead was still going on, a dark demon with a height of 100 meters appeared above the dark army on the opposite side.

No, the face of the Dark Demon is at least a human face.

But the dark troll in front has the appearance of a demon, so it can be determined that this should be a more terrifying existence than the dark devil.

After all, there is the participation of the Dark Demon in the battlefield ahead.

At this time, the God of Creation appeared next to Nalant.

Originally, Nalant thought that he should be looking at a holographic image, and everything around him was false.

But at this moment, the God of Creation beside him suddenly looked at him and smiled at him.

Then, the God of Creation rose into the sky and headed towards the dark troll.

Immediately, there was a terrifying roar and collision in the air ahead.

Even every collision above can ripple below, causing a large number of casualties to soldiers on both sides.

Of course, this is not what Nalant is most concerned about right now.

At this moment, he was still looking at the God of Creation.

He was certain that there were no other figures around him, so the God of Creation was smiling at him.

"Is the God of Creation still alive?" Nalant couldn't help but be surprised.

If this is really the case, why hasn’t the God of Creation been resurrected after all these years?

No one has answered Nalant's doubts yet, and the battle ahead continues.

After more than ten minutes, the two figures in the sky separated again.

"Haha, God of Creation, you lose!"

The dark troll's ferocious laughter came over.

Although the dark troll is missing an arm, its momentum is still not weak.

As for the God of Creation, blood was already flowing from the corner of his mouth.

"Haha, if you lose, you lose. In the past three years, I have fought and killed twelve giant demons of the world-destroying clan. It is enough!"

The God of Creation did not feel lonely after failure, but was still cool and calm.

"Hmph, those twelve losers died just in time to become my stepping stone. God of Creation, your subordinates are all dead and you are also seriously injured. I will return to the Demon Palace with your information and receive your belongings. My glory!"

The Dark Demon showed a bloodthirsty smile.

"Haha, Unluger, you can kill me, but this doesn't mean the end, it's just the beginning!"

The God of Creation also showed a smile. In the next moment, the God of Creation swung his arm fiercely and grabbed the ground on the battlefield.

Immediately, a seriously injured god was captured by the God of Creation.

I saw the God of Creation condensing a ball of light from the center of his eyebrows and placing it directly into the god's arms.

"Go, take my will and create a world. With our creation family here, the evil of the world-destroying family will never be achieved!"

After saying that, the God of Creation opened the space with his long sword and stuffed the god directly into it.

"Damn it, Yunus, stop it!"

At this time, the dark troll on the opposite side finally reacted and roared directly towards the God of Creation.

Unfortunately, the dark troll was still a step too late.

When the dark troll arrived, the god had been sent away, and the space that was cut was closed again.

Immediately, all the scenes Nalant had seen before disappeared. There were no millions of human soldiers and no army of darkness. There were only endless green plains and the gentle breeze around. ,

As Narante was thinking about what would happen next, a voice came to his ears.

"Young man, what you just saw was the last moment of my great master!"

"And he is the real master of this world. When I was about to die, I received the master's instructions and came to create this new world's servant!"

"Of course, by the time you see me, I don't know how many thousands of years have passed. I'm afraid I'm already dead."

"So, the appearance of my master you see now was also transformed by my divine power before I left!"

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