Warlords: Rise From the Land of Doom

Chapter 1462: Almost ready for a mahjong table

Hearing Stella's question, Natasha looked up at Nalante with a playful look in her eyes.

Nalante's heart was full of a thousand grass mud horses running through it. What a matter.

If Stella had already discovered it, then at most he would be baptized by a violent storm, and Nalante should be able to hold on.

But now, Stella seemed not to have discovered it, but also seemed to have discovered it, which made his heart hang in the air, which was more uncomfortable than dancing on the edge of a knife.

But in the face of Stella's question, he had to answer, "I remember... I remember Stella! I once cooperated with Natasha in the perfume business!"

"Oh, I have forgotten this a little, no wonder Natasha came with Thomas!" Stella looked as if she had suddenly realized something.

Nalante looked at Stella with his eyes, trying to find out some clues from Stella, but found that Stella's performance was flawless.

"Narant, why don't you say hello to Natasha!" Stella saw Narant standing there in a daze, so she urged Narant.

"Oh oh!" Narant nodded immediately and said to Natasha: "Ms. Natasha, hello! Long time no see!"

Natasha glanced at Narant with resentment, and then said politely: "Hello, Mr. Narant, now Mr. Narant is a great hero of our Holy Continent."

"He is also a great hero in my heart, Natasha!"

"Ahem!" Narant almost choked on his saliva.

Needless to say, there was something else in Natasha's words.

"Narant, you are okay, Natasha is right, you are indeed her great hero!" Seeing this, Stella hurriedly stepped forward to touch Narant's back, and then comforted him.

Narant really didn't know whether Stella really didn't hear it or pretended not to hear it.

At that moment, he could only say, "I'm just trying my best. There's no need to call me a great hero. By the way, this square is not suitable for chatting. Let's go first..."

"Lord Nalante, there is a lady named Isabella outside the temple who wants to see you!" Nalante originally wanted to invite the two women to sit in the living room of the palace to chat and take the opportunity to change the topic.

Unexpectedly, a temple servant came hurriedly and reported to Nalante respectfully.

"Uh..." Nalante's body was shocked, and a million alpaca ran through his mind this time.

He never thought that the three women would all bump into each other at this time.

He invited at least 3,000 people this time.

Originally, he thought that with so many people, the three women would definitely be staggered, but who would have thought that now it's all right.

Together with themselves, they can form a mahjong table.

"Isabella?" Stella and Natasha immediately looked at Nalante.

However, Natasha looked at Nalante with only amusement in her eyes. After all, Natasha had met Isabella in Stormwind before.

She also guessed a little bit about the unusual relationship between Nalante and Isabella.

Moreover, she didn't mind this aspect.

Because such an outstanding man, if there were no women who admired him, Natasha would think that there was something wrong with her vision.

Stella, on the other hand, looked at Nalante with suspicion. She really didn't hear Isabella's name very often.

"Stella, that's Princess Isabella from the Northern Principality before!" Nalante suppressed his calmness and answered.

"I know this, but what did Isabella come to you for?" Stella asked suspiciously.

"This... After arriving at the Holy Land of Honor, because Isabella's family was harassed, I helped their family, so I have a good relationship with them!" Nalante can only explain from this aspect for the time being.

Even if he had to confess all the women he had outside to Stella, he had to do it one by one.

Otherwise, if he told Stella that he had so many people outside at once, wouldn't Stella go crazy?

"So, let Isabella come too!" Stella said.

"Or not, anyway, there is time tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, I will go to see her then!" Nalante hesitated.

"What's the matter, Natasha and I are both women, and Isabella will definitely have the same topic when she comes." Stella said.

"That's fine!" Nalante was helpless, so he gave an order to the servant.

After a while, Isabella came to the square under the guidance of the servant.

From a distance, Isabella saw Nalante, and her eyes lit up at first.

But when she saw Stella and Natasha, the excitement in her eyes was immediately hidden. ,

Stella smiled immediately and took a few steps forward to greet Isabella: "Miss Isabella, I haven't seen you for a long time. You are still so beautiful!"

"Miss Stella, you are also beautiful!" Isabella also responded.

At this time, Nalante was looking at him from behind with a guilty conscience.

At this moment, Natasha passed by him and pinched his waist without leaving a trace.


Nalante felt a pain and immediately moaned.

Stella and Isabella turned their heads in confusion.

"Nalante, what's wrong?" Stella asked.

"It's okay. Since Isabella is here, let's go to the palace living room first!" Nalante naturally didn't dare to show anything.

"Okay!" Stella didn't ask any more questions after hearing this. She nodded and led Isabella and Natasha to the palace, talking and laughing all the way.

Nalante was obviously the main person among the three of them, but he was abandoned at the moment.

After entering the living room of the palace, the three of them continued to chat.

Nalante sat aside bored.

Originally, Nalante wanted to make an excuse to slip away, but Stella kept him on the pretext that there were guests and Nalante, the host, must not neglect him.

This was also the first time Stella refuted Nalante's proposal.

Nalante had no choice but to give face to his wife.

It was really uncomfortable to sit here.

Seeing Nalante's uneasy look, the three women's eyes flashed with a playful light.

Finally, it was Natasha who spoke up: "Miss Stella, Miss Isabella, since we have nothing to do this afternoon, why don't we go for a walk around the Holy Flame City?"

"Okay, this is the first time I've seen such a magnificent and prosperous city like the Holy Flame City!" Isabella immediately agreed and nodded.

Stella also nodded, "Let's go for a walk. It's just right for Nalante to help us carry things today!"

As they said that, the three women stood up immediately without asking Nalante if he agreed.

"Well, ladies, can I express my opinion?" Nalante asked weakly.

"No!" But the next moment, the three women answered in unison.

When she realized something was wrong, Natasha immediately said: "Mr. Nalante, this Holy Flame City is your territory. It should be safer if you take us there."

"Yes, Miss Natasha is right, that's what I mean!" Isabella immediately agreed.

Stella said, "Narant, did you hear that? And as guests, Isabella and Natasha should be accompanied by you!"

"Okay!" Narant was helpless.

Then, the three women took Narant out of the temple and got on the carriage to the East District of the Holy Flame City.

z loves the East District of the Holy Flame City, which has an extremely developed luxury street.

There are all kinds of clothing, jewelry, food and exquisite crafts here.

When the carriage stopped at the street entrance, the three women got off the carriage.

"Don't follow me, just wait here!" Narant said to Quick and others.

"Yes, sir!" Then, Narant followed the three women and entered a high-end clothing store.

Although most of the dignitaries choose to make custom clothes, there are many finished products in the store for people to try and buy directly.

Stella, Natasha and Isabella excitedly began to choose all kinds of clothes, and then tried them on after choosing the clothes.

"Narant, how about my dress?" Stella was the first to change into a purple silk long skirt. The long skirt was conservatively designed and did not have a bold V-neck.

But it could also highlight Stella's perfect slender figure.

In addition, Stella was born beautiful, which made the long skirt elegant and noble.

"Very beautiful!" Narant immediately gave a positive answer.

"Well, then you hold this one for me first, and I will try other ones!"

Stella immediately returned to the fitting room after hearing this, and then handed the previous purple long skirt to Narant, and went into the fitting room to continue trying the next one.

When Stella continued to try the next one, Natasha had already walked out of the fitting room.

Natasha tried on a fiery red long skirt, which was much simpler in design.

The V-shaped neckline directly caused a deep ravine in front of Natasha, highlighting her fiery figure to the fullest.

"Nalante, how about this one of mine?"

Nalante frowned slightly, "It's beautiful, but it's just too... too revealing!"

Natasha rolled her eyes at her, "You're so stingy!"

Although she said so, Natasha took the next long skirt and went into the fitting room to change.

"Nalante, how about this long skirt of mine?" At this time, Isabella actually came out.

Isabella chose a beige lace long skirt, with a strong ladylike and gentle style.

"Very beautiful, very suitable for you!" Nalante immediately gave a comment.

"Okay, then you help me get it later, I'll try other ones!"

So, Isabella continued to try on the next one.

Then, the three women stayed in this clothing store for more than half an hour.

Each of them picked four or five long skirts before they finally gave up.

"Boss, let's check out, how many gold coins in total?"

After the purchase, Nalante asked the shop owner with more than ten pieces of clothing.

After all, he was a grown man, so there was no reason for the three women to pay for it themselves.

"Dear Lord Nalante, these clothes are all free. It is our honor to have you look at them%..." The shop owner had recognized Nalante long ago.

After all, Nalante had shown his face many times in this Holy City of Fire.

So, he naturally did not dare to accept Nalante's money.

But before he finished speaking, Nalante said, "It's the amount you should take. You must take it. I, Nalante, value fairness!"

"Uh... Lord Nalante, how about... how about you just pay ten gold coins!" The shop owner said carefully with a nervous face.

Hearing this, Nalante threw down a hundred gold coins without saying a word.

"Let's go!"

Nalante knew something about the prices in the Holy City of Flame.

And the service in this shop was prepared for the dignitaries in the East District. Such prices were the best in the entire Flame Continent, and seven or eight gold coins were definitely required for one.

"Thank you, Lord Nalante, Lord Nalante, please take care!"

The shop owner looked at the hundreds of gold coins and looked at Nalante's back with admiration in his eyes.

After leaving this clothing store, Nalante had not even had a moment to breathe, and the three women rushed to the next jewelry store.

"Nalante, how about this bracelet?"

"It looks great and suits you very well! Stella!"

"Sir Nalante, how about my earrings?"

"Very beautiful, very suitable for you, Miss Natasha!"

"Sir Nalante, how about my necklace?"

"Miss Isabella, this necklace is very beautiful! Very suitable for you!"

In the jewelry store, Nalante was bombarded by the three women again.

And Nalante had no choice but to respond one by one.

Of course, because the three women were still together, he didn't use the suffix "Miss" when addressing Natasha and Isabella.

Soon, it was time to pay again.

"Mr. Narant, let's pay for the jewelry ourselves!" Seeing Narant taking the initiative again, Natasha tried to dissuade Narant.

But before Narant could answer, Stella immediately stopped Natasha's move.

"Natasha, you rarely come to the Holy City of Flame, so let Narant pay. After all, he is the owner of the Holy City of Flame."

"Okay!" Natasha didn't resist too much after hearing this.

And Narant paid the payment of more than 300 gold coins again.

After leaving the jewelry store, there were more shops visited by the three women.

When Narant walked out of these shops, he was already full of things.

"Okay, it seems that we have almost finished shopping today, so let's go home first!"

"Okay." Narant breathed a sigh of relief.

In his opinion, it was more tiring to accompany the three girls shopping than to fight a dark demon.

So, hearing Stella's proposal, Nalante wanted to lift his feet for a while.

Then the two sides agreed on one thing, that is, to return to the Holy City of Flame immediately.

All the small packages were stuffed into a carriage, which allowed Nalante to

Quick and others to open the way and return to the Holy City of Flame.

After returning to the Holy City of Flame, a sumptuous dinner was naturally indispensable.

And this dinner, Stella still invited Isabella and Natasha to the banquet together.

And Isabella and Natasha would naturally not refuse, so at dinner time, four people sat at the long table.

"Don't be polite, these foods are very sufficient in the Holy City of Flame, you should taste more." Nalante sat in the main seat and spoke to the other three girls to comfort them.

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