Warlords: Rise From the Land of Doom

Chapter 227 Is it inevitable?

"Stella, you are still as noble and moving as you are today. I came this time from thousands of miles to bring my heart to the beautiful you. Happy birthday to you, the goddess in my heart!"

The second prince's eyes were full of affection, and he slowly handed the gift in his hand.

When the surrounding guests heard these words, they instantly became silent.

Originally thought it was just a competition between several second sons, why did they jump out of these two princes again? In this way, can the second sons be able to compare?

Only a few counts and the heirs of those big families were not surprised by this matter. Obviously, they already knew the second prince's intentions for Stella.

Bernard, who had just led the eldest prince to sit down, frowned slightly, but he did not intervene in the eyes of the public.

"His Second Prince, if you are just here to attend my birthday party, I am very welcome and honored!"

"However, I think I made it very clear! I don't like you!"

What made everyone present even more astonished was that in the face of the second prince's affection, Stella's response was surprisingly cold, and even her attitude towards the second sons was not as good.

"Stella, I can learn from your deep affection for the god of glory. Maybe you have misunderstood me, but slowly you will understand me!" The second prince was unmoved, still showing an obsessed look. appearance.

"Originally, His Majesty just sent my eldest brother to come here, but I heard that Earl Bernard actually intends to choose the second son among those little vassals to be your husband."

"This is completely desecrating the tulip flower, how can those lowly second sons be worthy of you!"


The surrounding vassals looked gloomy when they heard this.

These second princes can pursue Stella, but they call the second sons despicable, so what are they?

Especially a few second sons, their teeth have been rattling, but they are unable to attack.

"Enough! Jagger, please be careful!" Stella's brows wrinkled, her tone became cold, and she didn't even take the title of second prince.

"Okay! I know you're not happy to say that Stella, but I'm telling the truth, Stella, this is a gift I prepared for you, please accept it!"

The second prince, Jagger, explained without much care, and handed the gift forward.

However, Stella remained indifferent.

The second prince is not the second son of several vassals, and Stella has no idea if she doesn't accept gifts.

I saw that the second prince simply walked to the high platform holding the gift and opened it directly.

"Stella, this is an ice crystal nucleus. The essence of each ice crystal ore is the essence of ice crystal ore. The ice attribute vindictiveness contained in it is more concentrated and refined, and one can be worth thirty ice crystals!"

"I know you like to practice, but the cryolite ore is the smallest among all the spar mines. Only the north has a few ore veins. In the past, it took a lot of effort to obtain the cryolite, but this core is enough. A year of training for you!"

Like the flame spar, the ice spar can make the title knight speed up the training speed.

And this crystal nucleus is the crystal produced by each spar mine just before the elf dies.

The Dou Qi contained in him is more concentrated and refined, and each one is equivalent to twenty or thirty Dou Qi spar.

So, don't look at the fact that the second prince Jagger just sent out an ice crystal nucleus, but its value is already 300 gold coins!

Seeing this scene, the second sons below clenched their fists. They thought they were just competing for swan meat among several toad companions, but now suddenly a big crocodile was killed.

Fortunately, Stella's attitude was no longer welcoming to the second prince, and she didn't even glance at the gift.

"Stella, it doesn't matter if you don't accept it, I have already given the gift, those humble... second sons don't even want to get the chance to get the first dance!"

Jagger smiled and shoved the gift directly into Lina's hand.

Lina refused to hold the crystal core, and she could not accept it, so she could only stand dryly.

After doing all this, the second prince politely walked towards the counts and the eldest prince.

"Count Bernard, I'm very sorry for disturbing the banquet, but my love for Miss Stella can be learned from the God of Glory!" Jagger came to Bernard and did not forget to explain humbly, Then he sat next to the vacant seat prepared for him.

This time, the field became silent.

The chance of that first dance was a small problem, but now it's a big problem.

After all, the other party is the second prince, even if Bernard wants to void it, it is impossible.

And seeing that Miss Stella is obviously opposed to the second prince, then really let the second prince and Miss Stella dance the first dance?

"Hmph, if his father is not the king, how could he have such an identity, and dare to say that the second son of the younger vassal is despicable, then how noble is he? It's not that we small nobles work together to defend the duchy!"

Boris whispered in Narant's ear, and it was obvious that the second prince's words earlier offended all these little vassals.

Narant rolled his eyes, this is the ability of people to be reincarnated!

However, having said that, the arrogant appearance of these two princes is really annoying.

"Ding! As the second son of the competition, in your eyes, the tulip flower cannot be desecrated and persecuted. It's time to do something!"

"Ding, system side quest: find a way to get the chance to dance the first dance with Stella!"

"Mission reward: a book of fire attribute fighting qi secret skills!"

"Hey! System, why are you jumping out at this time, how can I have such a skill?"

Listening to the system voice that suddenly popped out of his mind, Narant's face immediately darkened. This is a difficult task.

The second prince's gift is worth nearly three hundred gold coins, what can he get the chance to get the first dance.

However, that fighting qi secret technique is really eye-catching, and this is a life-saving big move.

"Count Bernard, is it time to enter the ball?"

After a short silence, the second prince asked a question. Obviously, he had already taken the opportunity to dance the first time.

Although Bernard was a little displeased, these two princes came according to the rules, and they really couldn't say what they were doing.

"Then start the dance..."

"Lord Count, please wait!" At this moment, a voice interrupted Bernard's words.

Everyone turned their heads to look, but found that it was Narant again.

Why does this kid dare to jump out at this time?

Everyone couldn't help but admire Narant, and Boris pulled Lanalante carefully.

Narant gave Boris a reassuring look and walked towards the high platform ahead.

For the system task, he could only try it.

Besides, these two princes are really annoying!

"Narant, what else do you have to do?" The count was a little strange.

"Lord Count, I still have a gift for Miss Stella here, and this gift was specially prepared for Miss Stella, but I was worried that the gift was too expensive and Miss Stella would not accept it. So it wasn't delivered!"

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