Warlords: Rise From the Land of Doom

Chapter 842: Teleportation Array

Of course, because the existence of the spirit of the earth is a good thing.

Everyone got good things, but they were not too surprised.

Moreover, they also agreed with each other that if there is no urgent situation, they will not get together until a week later.

Because after a week, everyone's routes will overlap. It is the largest city in the surrounding territory, Duke City.

As for the number of dark creatures gathered in the duke's city, it goes without saying.

In this way, it is not something that can be solved by just one or two Principality teams.

Instead, they gather together and join forces to attack. As long as the duke's city is captured, the first stage of their expedition this year will be considered complete.


And when all the alliance teams are excited about being "lucky" to get two groups of earth spirits.

In the dilapidated duke city hundreds of miles away from them, countless dark creatures gathered densely.

And, besides this, there are groups of more dark creatures gathering outside the city.

Among the teams of dark creatures that came, each team actually brought a group of earth spirits.

Although the spirit of the earth had already been collected in the crystal bottle, without concealing it, the crystal bottle emitted a dazzling golden light like a light bulb.

These dark creatures entered the duke's city in an orderly manner along the dilapidated city gate, and then followed the street to the castle and palace complex on the mountainside behind the city.

"Your Majesty the Pope, the dark creatures have sent another ten balls of earth spirits today!"

"Very good, immediately let people integrate these earth spirits into the energy tank!"

In a large palace, a man in a gorgeous dress and a golden crown sits on a throne.

Under the throne, there are many armored warriors.

It's hard to imagine that such a scene actually happened in the land of death where tens of thousands of dark creatures gathered.

And the reason why these people can survive safely in the lair of dark creatures is because they are the church members who have degenerated into the minions of the dark abyss.

In recent years, as the invasion of dark creatures has been stopped, the development of the church has also suffered a great blow.

After the Holy Alliance temporarily eliminates the threat of dark creatures, it must focus on caring for the fallen ones jumping up and down in the alliance.

In recent years, the church has also changed from the rampant activities in the past to a low-key behavior, almost disappearing from the eyes of the nobles of the alliance.

If there is any big move in recent years, it is after discovering the existence of the Glory Continent, secretly operating in the Glory Continent, trying to swallow the Glory Continent in one fell swoop.

Let Glory Continent become another paradise for dark creatures, and then form a back and forth attack on the human race.

But just a while ago, the Glorious Continent, which had been in business for decades and was about to be swallowed, suddenly had an accident.

Although in the end, death still descended on that continent.

But because the human race on Glory Continent had been transferred in advance, there was not enough flesh and blood to sacrifice, and it was impossible to send powerful dark creatures to that continent.

In this way, the so-called front and back attack plan naturally failed.

However, although the plan of flanking back and forth failed, the dark creatures and the church naturally would not just watch the human race grow.

After all, with the continuous expedition of the human race over the years, it seems that the originally occupied land of death has been gradually eroded.

In this way, the gods and demons in the dark abyss finally brewed a huge catastrophe this year.

He spared no expense to send a massive amount of precious resources, ready to open an unprecedented space channel.

This space channel is different from the previous channel.

In the past, the channel was opened by relying on the powerful existence of dark creatures and relying on its own mighty power.

But because time and space are too far away, and there are many plane restrictions, the dark creatures that can be transmitted are still limited.

Moreover, after these dark creatures are teleported, their strength will be greatly weakened due to the loss of death energy during the teleportation process.

But this time it is similar to the channel of the teleportation array, but it is different.

As long as this channel is connected, it can seem to build a bridge in a short period of time.

Not only can a large number of dark creatures be transmitted collectively, but it will not weaken their body strength.

For example, the original skeleton soldiers are not just the trash skeletons that are worthless and shatter when touched.

Among the skeletons, there are elite skeletons and king skeletons.

Let alone those death knights.

The original strength of these death knights is not that weak, their strength can completely match the silver peak of the human race.

It was only because the power was deprived and worn out during the teleportation that it became vulnerable after arriving in this world.

Moreover, the original number of death knights is not a few or even a dozen or so, but an organized legion.

Of course, some dark creatures have been weakened, but there are exceptions that have not been weakened.

For example, the gargoyle, although it was also deprived of a lot of power when it descended.

But because of their unique recovery ability, their true strength is not much different from when they were in the dark abyss.

Of course, these are minor details and are not important.

The important thing is that as long as the space portal is opened this time, there will be a large number of complete and powerful dark creatures descending there.

With such dark creatures, the situation of being suppressed by the human race as in previous years should no longer exist.

But now, the energy storage of the teleportation array has reached a critical period.

The teleportation array needs to cross the void and naturally consumes a lot of energy.

And the spirit of the earth is the energy needed for the teleportation array.

These days, although the human race started to attack, many altars have fallen into the hands of the human race.

However, at this moment, the task of collecting the essence of the earth to store energy is coming to an end. According to the attack speed of the Human Race Alliance, it should not affect the energy storage of the teleportation array.


"My lord, the little one has broken through again!"

In the early morning, inside the Viscount's castle.

Narant stretched his waist and turned out of the tent, but Quick ran over excitedly.

"Hey, have you become a golden knight? Not bad, not bad!"

Nalante took a look and found that Quick had indeed become the Golden Knight.

The speed of this upgrade is even faster than his original one.

Of course, the original Nalante didn't have so many energy points to exchange for kiwi fruit.

You know, just last night, Nalante exchanged all the more than 5,000 energy points obtained from killing more than 30,000 dark creatures during the day into kiwi fruits.

One of his subordinates got a share of 3,000 points, while he himself got a share of 2,000 points.

Also, another point is that the elemental magic power of this sacred continent is sufficient.

It is not a little bit more than the Glory Continent, so as long as the body is strong enough, it can quickly absorb a large amount of Dou Qi elements.

"Thank you for your gift, this subordinate will swear allegiance to you to the death!"

Aside from being excited, Quick didn't say too many flattering words, and simply said the most simple thank you.

"Okay, get up, the stronger the strength, the greater the responsibility, Quick, in this land of death, the Golden Knight is nothing, so you need to be careful on the battlefield!" Nalante waved his hand.

"Yes, my lord!"

Quick is not as calm and calm as his own adults.

This is the Golden Knight.

Although it is not a big deal in the Holy Continent.

But you must know that if you were in Glory Continent back then, there were only a handful of Golden Knights.

Ordinary guards like them would never have dreamed of such a day.

"By the way, Quick, how is the progress of the other Storm Knights?"

"My lord, among the storm knights, 80% of the silver knights have reached the peak, and only a few storm knights are still at the peak of the bronze knights, but I believe it will not be long before they can break through and become silver knights!" Quick replied immediately.

"Not bad!" Narante nodded in satisfaction.

"By the way, my lord, I just heard that even in the squad of pikemen and longbowmen, there are several title knights!"

"Oh? You didn't live up to my gift!"

The number of energy points last night was unprecedented.

So Nalante also gave some more to the pikemen and longbowmen.

Coupled with Nalante's successive rewards a few days ago, I didn't expect that there were also talented guards among the pikemen and longbowmen.

Dou Qi seeds can be cultivated without the blessing of the Qi Vein and Blood Fruit.

"Okay, Quick, take someone around the town to check the planting of the sacred thorns. If there is no other situation, we will continue after breakfast!"

"Yes, my lord!" Quick heard this and immediately retreated respectfully.

And Narante began to enjoy breakfast comfortably.

After breakfast, while the team was still arranging their equipment, Narante simply went to the side of the castle, and immediately began to chant and cast spells.

Nalante waved his palm and muttered in his mouth for about ten seconds before voicing, "Blade of space!"


When his voice fell, there was a strong wave of magic power in front of him.

It's just that after the magic wave appeared, there was just a snort, and then the field returned to silence.

"It's a bit difficult!"

Seeing this, Nalante couldn't help curling his lips.

After eating a large amount of kiwi fruit last night, his strength has naturally improved.

It has even reached the release threshold of the blade of space.

It's a pity that the threshold is the threshold, and it's still not enough to release this spell easily.

So, just like just now, or the magic power is too reluctant to be able to really display it.

Either the mental power is not enough to maintain the safe transfer of the spell matrix outside the body.

As a result, the release success rate of this space blade is somewhat low.

However, no matter what, he has been able to complete the matrix of the space blade now, and he can release it out of the body. He has successfully released it three or five times out of ten times, which is not considered to be standing still.

I believe that after taking the kiwi fruit a few more times, the space blade will become the first space-type attack magic he really mastered.

As for the time to cast the spell, there is not much to do for the time being.

After all, the complexity and threshold of this thing are there.

After the first cast failed, Narant continued to cast the second spell.

"Blade of Space!"


But this time, Narante's spellcasting was successful.

With a buzzing sound, a strange scene appeared more than ten meters in front of Nalante.

In the originally normal field, a black line more than one meter long and two or three centimeters wide suddenly appeared.

This black line appeared out of nowhere.

The cracks on the wall and the cracks on the drawing paper are all normal and understandable.

But black lines appeared in the air, which looked a little strange.

Narante also has two successful release experiences, so he is not too surprised.

Instead, he swept around and saw a stone brick covered with moss.

This stone brick is the size of a stone tablet, and it fell from the dilapidated city wall, weighing at least several hundred kilograms.

Nalante's vindictiveness circulated a little, and he pinched it easily.

Immediately, Narante threw the stone brick towards the abrupt black line ahead.


After the stele was thrown, it directly crossed the abrupt black line.

The stone tablet fell without any stagnation, as if it was not affected by the black line.

But just after the stone brick passed through the black line, something different happened.

I saw that the stone brick had turned into two ends at this moment, and there was an extremely neat cut in the middle.

This is the power of the blade of space. Even if the sky knight encounters it, he must be careful to guard against it, otherwise he will definitely be killed or injured if he is cut on the body.

"Not bad, not bad, it's a bit difficult to practice, but the power doesn't live up to its rank!"

"I'm curious now, if I use this space blade to cut the stone sculpture of the gargoyle, I don't know if it will be so troublesome!"

After the experiment was completed, Narante returned to the vestibule contentedly.

Then he led the team to start moving towards the gathering place on the next route again.

And two days later, Narante arrived outside the next gathering place.

There is a small city in this gathering place.

Of course, although the name is called a small town, it is actually an earl's castle.

It can be regarded as one of the two largest gathering places that need to be captured on the route of Nalante.

Well, the big city of the Duke is not counted among them.

Attacking such a city Nalante is not too guilty now.

However, he was more cautious this time. After all, the number of dark creatures in that city reached 80,000 to 90,000.

In addition, the situation in the castle has not yet been ascertained, but it can be seen that there are seven or eight gargoyles above the castle.

In this way, Nalante also chose and chose the location of the battle.

First of all, the first battlefield is an open space, which is outside the Earl City.

Nalante had his subordinates bury two hundred pieces of Wrath of Glory here.

The reason why he didn't use it all the way was that Narante used it for such a situation.

After the Wrath of Glory, the second battlefield of Nalante was a low-lying place.

Narante had already dug a ditch to bring in the water from the river not far away.

That's right, the strategy Nalante used this time was the method used to deal with the orc attack.

This method is the best way to consume a large number of enemies.

It took a day to set it up.

After the arrangement was completed, Nalante launched an attack early the next morning, luring the dark creatures in the city out of the city.

As for the leader of the dark creatures in the castle, Narante hasn't found out yet.

Because of the bloodthirsty bats and many gargoyles, Swift Eagle couldn't get close at all.

As for the bees, these bloodthirsty bats and gargoyles will kill them this time, so even a mosquito can't enter the castle to investigate.

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