Warlords: Rise From the Land of Doom

Eight hundred and ninetieth IX Digging the Wall

After leaving the Nok Royal Capital, the prosperity on the road did not diminish much. The closer to the Holy City, the more small cities around.

Although the scale is incomparable to that of King Nok, there are many cities with a population of hundreds of thousands to hundreds of thousands.

From this, it can be seen that this sacred continent is really prosperous.

"Jerry, and everyone, I have discussed with Duke Miller the other day."

"Duke Miller said, with your current situation and my presence, President Theodore should help you, and you should have two choices."

"The first is to see if the Holy Alliance has other empires willing to accept you, and you will join these principalities and start over!"

"The second is, choose a piece of land for you to live in, and you can develop on your own."

"However, there is one thing I need to tell you in advance to avoid disappointment."

"That is, this territory is likely to be located on the edge of the Black Rock Plain, that is, the place closest to the border of the Orc Royal Court."

"After all, other places are encircled by the principalities, and it is impossible for them to enrich a piece of land."

"In this way, this also means that the territory will be in danger at that time."

"Of course, the second way is if no empire is willing to accept you, and I will try my best to see if any empire is willing to accept you, lest you go to dangerous territories."

"Unfortunately, the Duchy of Nok's territory in the Black Rock Plain is the smallest, so it can't accommodate so many of you, otherwise it won't be so troublesome."

On the way that day, Narant called a group of minor nobles from the Glory Continent and told them about the possible arrangements for everyone in the future.

"Thank you Baron Narant, in any case, as long as we have a place to live, we are very satisfied!"

When the nobles heard the words, they naturally had no choice, and immediately expressed their gratitude towards Narant.

"Yeah!" Nalanda nodded.

At this moment, Jerry remembered what he had discussed with a group of nobles two days ago, and suddenly said to Narant, "Narant, have you ever thought about establishing a duchy?"

"Establish a principality?" Narant was stunned, he really hadn't thought about this question.

The other nobles are also waiting for Narant's answer at this moment.

"That's right! According to Butler Blow, with your current strength, Narant, you already have the capital to establish a duchy."

"He said that in this sacred continent, there are probably not too many principalities that can defeat the 100,000 Bach coalition."

"Also, Narant, your current title is still a baron, which is no longer in line with your status."

Jerry continued to speak.

"I haven't thought about this. After all, even if you are an ordinary lord, you are actually similar to a king in the territory."

"In addition, the title of the title is not important in my opinion, but the strength of one's own strength and the strength of the territory are the most important."

Narrant shook his head.

Where does the king have a little lord of his own?

Once you become a king, you have countless government affairs.

And the bigger the stall, the more things to worry about.

His original ideal of Narant was only to be a country rich man, able to roam freely in his own territory without any worries.

And the development to this point is actually because of the environment.

In this way, the Storm Collar can finally settle down for a while now.

If he does anything to establish a principality, it is estimated that a lot of trouble will follow, which is not what he wants at all.

"Narant, nobles who don't want to be kings are not good nobles!"

"Our nobles of the Glory Continent have now been scattered all over the Black Rock Plain."

"Everyone wants to have a principality belonging to the Glory Continent, and you are the most likely to establish such a principality."

"Are you really not thinking about it anymore?"

When Jerry and others saw that Narant had rejected the idea of ​​establishing a duchy without hesitation, they all showed their expressions of disappointment.

"Jerry, I really don't want to think about this for the time being. Besides, there will be a catastrophe in a few months. If you have this spare time, it is better to prepare more strategies to deal with it!"

Narant shook his head again.

"All right!"

Jerry and others saw that Narant said it simply, and did not say more.

Immediately, the group fell silent and continued on their way.

After walking for a while, a group of nobles went to the rear of the team again, and then began to talk in a low voice.

"What should I do, Baron Narant is not willing to establish a duchy, then our idea of ​​becoming a vassal of Narant will be in vain."

"Yeah, if we join other empires after this time, then we will probably be exploited and despised by the rural nobles as before."

"Then what should we do, Baron Narant just made it very clear again that he does not want to establish a duchy, and he does not want to be a king."

A group of small nobles were a little frowning.

"Everyone, it's better than this, Narant doesn't want to be the king, then we'll pester him to make him the king!"

Jerry listened to everyone's dripping, and suddenly came up with an idea.

"Jerry, why did you pester Baron Narrant to become the king, what if Baron Narrant gets angry?"

"Yeah, if we don't know where to go, we might really annoy Baron Narrant."

"Everyone, if we press hard step by step and persuade Baron Narant every day, Baron Narant will definitely be annoyed."

"So we can't be in a hurry, and we can't verbally persuade Narant."

"Jerry, then what you said is the same as what you didn't say!"

"Don't worry, what I really want to say is still later." Jerry waved his hand, signaling everyone to be calm.

After a pause, he continued: "Baron Narant doesn't want to be king, but we want to make him king."

"And the name of the king is actually just a name."

"Since Narant doesn't want this name for the time being, we can make the relationship between us and Narant a substantive relationship between monarchs and vassals."

"For example, didn't Narant say that we can actually set up a territory on the edge of the Black Rock Plain? Then if we can really get a new territory this time, it's better to allocate it directly around Baron Narant, even if it is remote. "

"In this way, we will have time to be in constant contact with Baron Narant from now on."

"We'll pay Narant every year by then."

"Of course, the tax paid must not tell Narant that it is a tax, but rather the cost of protection."

"It's our reward for thanking Narant for keeping our territory safe."

"This point must be very reasonable, then Baron Narant will not be able to accept it or not!"

"And between vassals and monarchs, this tax is the most important item."

"In addition, everyone can be more respectful when they see Narant in the future, just like a monarch for their own."

"If Narant does not accept such greetings, then we will say that the Narant team has great kindness, and it is natural for us to respect him."

"In this way, we can substantially make Narant our monarch."

"And once the relationship between us and Baron Naland is substantial, is it still far from us persuading Baron Naland to establish a duchy?"

"Hey, Jerry's approach sounds good."

"Baron Narant may not establish a duchy, but it cannot stop us from being grateful to him."

"In this way, after waiting for a long time, Baron Narant will be able to figure it out."

"And once Baron Narant officially established the duchy, then we will naturally become the vassals of Baron Narant."

If Narant was here, after listening to the conversations of the nobles, he would definitely be super speechless.

Isn't this the otherworld version of Chen Qiao's mutiny, forcing people to add a yellow robe?

Although these guys can't force Narant to directly establish a duchy, they already have an idea to make the relationship between the two parties a vassal and a monarch.

"Jerry, you can do this!"

The rest of the minor nobles in the Glory Continent also agreed.

"Very good, then we've settled on it like this. When the time comes to the Holy Continent, if we can really allocate territories, we won't choose to join those empires, but will directly choose around Baron Narant!"

At the moment, all the minor nobles of the Glory Continent have made a decision.

A few days later, and after a long journey, everyone finally arrived at the Holy City.

When seeing the city wall with a height of more than 100 meters, even Narant couldn't help being shocked by the majesty of the first city of the Holy Alliance.

This sacred city is not only tall, but the left and right sides are not visible at a glance.

Because the Holy City is a city that can accommodate millions of people.

Such a majestic city, only such a fantasy world can have it.

Otherwise, just to build such a huge city, I don't know how many years it will take.

It was the first time for Narant and the others to come to the Holy City, but it didn't matter. They found a guide outside the city and went straight into the city.

And this guide is dedicated to this business. After all, the Holy City is the heart of the Holy Alliance, and it is huge.

Any caravan and traveller coming to this holy city for the first time can use such a guide.

The price of the guide is also very cheap, and only two silver coins can lead you to a certain location in the city.

And ten silver coins can be hired for a whole day.


"Sister Stella, are you thinking about Lord Narante again?"

Inside the Goddess Manor in the Holy City, Stella sat down in a long white dress on a stone bench in the garden.

A goddess walked over cautiously, and when she saw that Stella was in a daze at the moment, she could not help asking in a low voice.

"Huh? Gina, are you back?"

"Yes, Sister Stella, in fact, those soldiers don't need me to teach them much. Although I am their captain, the power of talent only requires me to lead them to train for 30 days, and they will be able to master archery!" This goddess Nod to answer.

"By the way, Sister Stella, I heard that the Bach Empire seems to invite Baron Narant to come to the Holy City to discuss the exchange of prisoners. I don't know if Lord Narant can come."

"If you can come, then you can meet Sister Stella!"

"It's better not to come. This sacred city is at least a month's journey away from Stormwind Leader, and it takes two months to come and go. It's too hard to travel long distances!"

"Besides, the soldiers of the Bach Empire are being captured now. It should be the Bach Empire that sent a mission to the Storm Lord to discuss."

Stella shook her head when she heard the words. Although she really wanted to see Narant, she didn't want to see Narant travel so hard to come to this sacred city.

"Sister Stella, I think Lord Narant will definitely come, because our sister Stella is so beautiful, he must be reluctant to let you stay in this sacred city alone."

"So I will take this opportunity to visit our sister Stella!"

Goddess Gina said with a smile.

"You little girl, you are so bold now that you dare to laugh at me!" Stella reprimanded the goddess Gina.

However, after the goddess Gina awakened her innate power, she already had a special connection with Stella, the prophet goddess, and the relationship between the two parties was not much different from that of sisters.

So I was not afraid of Stella, but continued to smile: "Sister Stella, I don't dare to laugh at you, I just hope that when Lord Narant comes, he can scare away all those hateful guys outside the manor. ."

"Those guys surround the manor every day, making Sister Stella unable to go out even if she wants to go out!"

"Besides, these guys are still posting those disgusting posts every day, which makes me sick."

It turned out that since Stella moved into the Goddess Manor, many aristocratic youths had gathered outside the entrance of the manor.

Most of these young people have extraordinary identities. They are either princes or sons of the great nobles of the empire.

The purpose of their surrounding outside the manor is very simple, that is, they want to dig Narant's corner.

In particular, Stella herself has a stunning appearance, coupled with the blessing of the identity of the prophet goddess.

Few young people can resist such temptation.

As for Stella having a fiancé.

For some dandy sons, this is not a problem at all.

These guys are arrogant and domineering on weekdays, even Narant now has a reputation.

But they are far away in Storm Territory, and Stella is under house arrest in this sacred city in disguise, so they must not be afraid.

Instead, he felt that Narant and Stella had been separated for a long time, and they had a chance to follow.

And now, because of Narant's relationship and the care of President Theodore, Stella can occasionally walk out of the manor.

As long as you don't leave the Holy City, there will be no other restrictions.

It's a pity that this was originally a good thing for Stella, but because of those annoying sons, Stella would rather stay in the manor and not go out.

Because those guys are not only thick-skinned, but they can't get rid of them like dog-skin plaster.

Wherever Stella went, they would follow her diligently.

In addition, even if Stella didn't go out, these sons and brothers would still make trouble, that is, they kept writing some love poems and sent them in through the guards.

Stella could have prohibited the actions of these guards.

But Stella has a good temperament, so she didn't take it seriously because she knew that the guards would not get any benefits.

Just let the guards hand over these posts to Gina and others, and then they will be destroyed by Gina and others.

"Then don't go out, I think it's fine to stay in this manor anyway!" Stella didn't care too much.

Without Narant, she didn't have much interest in visiting this sacred city.


"This noble lord, this is the Goddess Manor!"

At the same time, outside the Goddess Manor, Narant and his party, led by the guide, finally arrived outside the Goddess Manor in the center of the Holy City after a journey of more than two hours.

"Yeah!" Narant also saw a statue of a goddess erected in the manor in front of him, and nodded immediately.

When Lilia saw this, she immediately took out two silver coins and handed them over to the guide.

"Thank you, Lord Kang, Lord, the little one will retire!"

Having been paid, the guide left happily.

"Why are there so many people at the gate of this manor?"

And when the guide left, Narant walked towards the gate of the manor.

However, only a few steps closer, he found that there were quite a few noble sons surrounding the manor.

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