Warm Dragon

Chapter 10 Underwater Luminescence

The moonlight is lingering, falling in front of the manor's courtyard, and the glimmering river under the slope reflects sparkling white.

The window of the study room faces the Youguang River.

Russell could enjoy the wonderful scenery under the moonlight.

Without mentioning the wine, Butler Morris held a candle and knocked on the door alone and came in: "Master."


"Are you looking at the scenery?"

Without an answer, Russell looked back and asked, "Are you done with your work?"

"Yes, the four servants and the two teachers have returned to their rooms to rest. The servants have also finished sorting their belongings and went to sleep." Morris Hui reported, "Three elf bugs are placed in your bedroom. Already fed jade powder."

Elf bugs usually don't need to eat, they just rely on the Cordyceps sinensis to absorb nutrients from the earth.

But these three elf bugs are undergoing migration, and the cordyceps have been taken back into the elf bugs' bodies. They are unable to absorb nutrients from the earth and can only rely on eating jade powder to replenish the loss of magic power.

"I will not dine at the manor at noon tomorrow," Russell said.

"Then which valet do you choose to bring with you?" Morris asked. Nobles need to bring a valet with them when traveling to serve meals and daily life.

This is probably similar to the long companionship of the young masters in "A Dream of Red Mansions".

Russell currently has three male servants, Ram, William and Fox. Strictly speaking, Mr. Brown, the Brown couple who stayed at the manor, can also be considered a male servant, but he is a little older.

"You look at the arrangements." Russell was not familiar with these three male servants, so he simply let Morris make arrangements.

"Then let Ram give it a try first. He has the calmest temperament. If you feel it is not suitable, try William or Fox next time."


"As for Mr. and Mrs. Brown, sir, I plan to let Mr. Brown serve as the concierge, while Mrs. Brown will go into the kitchen and help Mrs. Moore."

Mrs. Moore is the cook. The cook is responsible for managing the kitchen. Her status is second only to the housekeeper and higher than the head maid.


"Also, would you like to give an order to the foreman, Old Hans, to hand over the eggs and flour from Zanlingri as soon as possible?"

"Zan Lingri?" Russell was surprised.

"Of course, when the lord takes office, all the serfs in the territory need to pay you eggs and flour as a compliment to the lord." After Morris finished speaking, he added, "Praising the lord is not just a word of mouth. "

Russell then remembered that the festival included a praise day.

This is not like a festival to celebrate, but like an excuse for exploitation. In addition, the Dragon's Birthday Festival when the dragon is born, and the Snow Ghost Festival to commemorate the humans killed by the snow demon, the serfs need to pay some money to the lord. Living supplies.

For example, you need to give eggs to the lord on the Dragon's Birthday Festival, and hens are needed on the Snow Ghost Festival.

"Would this be too harsh on the serfs?" Russell asked.

Morris replied matter-of-factly: "Sir, the fields farmed by the serfs, the chickens and ducks raised, the cows, sheep, and dogs fed by the serfs are all your property. If they can have enough food and clothing, they should reap the harvest." The materials are delivered to you.”

This is true in law.

Even these serfs were the private property of the lord.

Seemingly seeing that Russell was still hesitant, Morris added: "Sir, the supplies given by the Baron include very few eggs and flour, which cannot last for a few days."

"I understand, this is the only day of praise, right?"


"Old Hans will come over tomorrow and I will give him instructions. Is there anything else?"

"No more."

"Good night, then, Mr. Morris."

"Good night, sir." Morris bowed and left.

The night ended here, and Russell returned to the master bedroom to rest. The thick stone blocked out all the sounds of the night, leaving only the sound of his own breathing.

"Lord, I have become a lord now..." With a smile, Russell fell asleep quickly.

In a daze, his consciousness once again came to a desolate and dark environment. This was a dark dream that came almost every night.

But it was different from the castle outlined by lines the previous nights.

This time, in the dark dream, the scene outlined with dim lines turned into the manor's courtyard, an open space around the courtyard, and even a small river outlined with lines, running through the edge of the dark dream.

"Beautiful, just as I expected. The dark dreamland is an area drawn out with the place where I sleep as the center."

When sleeping in the castle, the dark dreamland is this area of ​​the castle.

When sleeping in the manor courtyard, the dark dreamland is the manor courtyard and the surrounding land.


Little Menglong appears again.

When he arrived, Russell, who looked like a cartoon villain, jumped up and instantly opened the magic key to the dark dream.

Several rays of light shone from the courtyard of the manor.

It was the magic light emitted by the fighting spirit of Charles, Eric, and the four knights' retinues, among which Eric's light was the brightest.

After all, Eric is the Grand Knight, while Charles and the four knights' retinues are just knights in costumes, one level apart from each other.

Russell now has just developed fighting spirit and is also a knight in armor.

In addition, there are some sporadic magical lights in the manor's courtyard, emitted by three elf bugs and some magical creatures.

"Tsk, tsk, compared to the Fluorescent Castle, the magical light in my manor's annex is simply extremely miserable."


Little Menglong suddenly carried Russell and flew towards the river.

When he arrived at the river, Russell suddenly exclaimed, and saw a dim light flashing in the river water outlined by dim lines. Because the light was too dim, it was impossible to outline the original appearance of the object, and it was unclear whether it was emitted by a fish.

And this dim light was moving slowly.

"It shouldn't be a fish. The swimming speed of fish can't be so slow... It looks like a living thing like a river clam is moving."

He suddenly thought of the black pearl wine he drank at the dinner.

When Charles boasted, he mentioned that according to legend, there are special old clams living at the bottom of some lakes that can breed magical black pearls.

"Could this be a river clam that breeds magic pearls?"

Unfortunately, in the dark dream, you can only watch, you can't take, and it can't affect reality, so Russell observed for a while, then rode Xiao Menglong and began to patrol other areas.


There is no new magic light.

"Xiao Menglong, goodbye, I'm going to pick up pearls." Russell was ready to wave goodbye to Xiao Menglong, and then immediately go to find the river clam.

Xiao Menglong tilted his head and looked at Russell in confusion, not knowing why.

One man and one dragon looked at each other quietly.


Russell found a problem. He didn't know how to leave the dark dream at all. It was like a real dream. He knew he was dreaming, but he couldn't wake up.

"Xiao Menglong, let me out."


"I said, I want to go out and leave here. Bye, do you understand?" Russell tried to instill his ideas into Xiao Menglong.

In return, Xiao Menglong changed direction and continued to tilt his head: "Ga."

After a while, Russell gave up the communication and raised his middle finger to Xiao Menglong: "Stupid! You have four claws and pretend to be a dragon!"

Legend has it that dragons have four limbs, have wisdom no less than humans, and can communicate in dragon language.

Xiao Menglong also has four limbs, but he is a fool.

In this way, one man and one dragon stared at each other, and when Xiao Menglong couldn't stand it anymore and was tired, he ended the dark dream with a "Ga".

All consciousness fell into chaos.

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