Warm Dragon

Chapter 104 Red-Eyed Rat King

"Your eyes are very red, so I decided to give you a name, Red Eyes." Russell squatted on the lawn in front of the gate of the manor, looking at the Rat King seriously.

The Rat King stood up straight, no smaller than a hound.

The image of the sly eyes did not change because of the sudden increase in size, and even became more sly.

The two big front teeth were as sharp as a big shovel.

The red eyes looked very creepy, and the messy hair made it more ferocious. In short, the image of the Rat King was quite evil.

However, it had the qualifications of a fantasy beast, and it recognized Russell as its master, so when Russell looked at it, he actually felt that it was a little kind.

"Red Eye, I will provide you with enough magic potions. As long as you can evolve into the fantasy beast Red Eye Rat King, I will give you a bright future. I will sell everything I have to provide you with food and drink, and I will find you a good knight contract in the future."

"Chiji!" The Rat King didn't understand what Russell was saying, but he understood the four words "magic potion".

That was enough, and a bright red light radiated from the rat's eyes.

Russell would not just talk and not do anything. He directly asked the manservant to bring a few magic potions he used on a daily basis, unscrewed the lid, and fed them to the Rat King.

Gulp, gulp...

The Rat King drank heartily.

This made Kevin, the golden and silver wolfhound who was in charge of monitoring, feel a little uncomfortable. He had never enjoyed so many magic potions before. A mere rat could drink magic potions until he burped.

It was simply unfair.

As if sensing Kevin's resentment, Russell suddenly handed over a magic potion and stuffed it into Kevin's mouth.

"Woo woo..." Kevin was so excited that he shook his tail like a propeller.

Its loyalty finally brought real benefits. He unscrewed the bottle cap with his teeth. Kevin glanced at his contract partner Eric who was practicing sword not far away. Suddenly, he felt a little regretful. If...

If it was Russell who contracted it, how wonderful the dog's life would be.


Eric, who felt something in his heart, put down the fine steel sword in his hand. He always felt that he was despised, but he didn't feel it very clearly, so he just scratched the back of his head and continued to wield the fine steel sword to practice fighting spirit and sword control.

On this side.

After the Rat King took ten magic potions in a row, the power in his body finally reached the critical point of transformation.

"It's going to evolve, sir!" Charles whispered behind Russell.

"Hush." ​​Russell signaled for silence.

Everyone stepped back, leaving enough space for the Rat King to evolve, and then stared at the miraculous moment when a beast evolved into a fantasy beast.

A weak beast evolved into a powerful fantasy beast, this is a miracle of life.


The red light in the Rat King's eyes almost overflowed, his limbs kept digging the soil on the lawn, and his mouth made a piercing scream, as if he was suffering from great pain.

Fortunately, this pain did not last too long. The power provided by the magic potion, mixed with the power it nurtured, quickly erupted into unprecedented changes, brewed and refined in its limbs, and sublimated into Yuanli.

When the first drop of Yuanli was brewed, it seemed to cause a chain reaction, and all the power was integrated into Yuanli in an instant.

In an instant, Yuanli filled the weak body of the Rat King.


Several wounds directly cracked on the body, blood splattered, and it looked very scary.

But then its body swelled like a balloon, its hair stood up and became brighter, and its eyes shone outward like red flashlights.

Its claws became sharper, its teeth became sharper, especially its pair of shovel-like front teeth, which flashed with cold light and improved its texture.


The Rat King let out a sharp roar.

The changes in its body were completely completed. At this moment, it had evolved from the size of an ordinary hound to the size of a large wolfdog. Although its body still had a sly look, its momentum was greatly different.

From wretched to majestic.

What remained unchanged was the pair of red eyes, which began to roll around again, greatly destroying its majestic temperament after evolution.

"Woo..." Kevin, the gold and silver wolfhound, bared his teeth.

The two eyes, one gold and one silver, stared at the Rat King closely. Once the Rat King made any unusual movements, it would rush up to protect Russell and hunt the Rat King.

Eric also came to Russell's side quietly, staring at the Rat King with the same burning eyes.

Although the Rat King had surrendered to Russell before.

But without the constraints of the contract, it was not stable enough. If the Rat King's temperament changed and he wanted to hurt others, he would cooperate with Kevin to beat the Rat King again, so that it would surrender to Russell steadily and dare not have any other thoughts.

However, this worrying situation did not happen.

After a few excited roars, the Rat King calmed down, and then slowly came to Russell's feet, rubbing Russell's trouser legs with intimacy and gratitude.

The fantasy beast is very intelligent and knows how to be grateful. At the same time, its heart is relatively simple, and it is not as fickle as humans.

"Good guy, you have become the Red Eyed Rat King!" Russell reached out and touched the Red Eyed Rat King's head, just like touching a dog's head. Not to mention, the more he looked at the Red Eyed Rat King, the more he felt that he was ugly and cute.

"Jiji." The Red Eyed Rat King rubbed Russell's trouser legs while looking at Kevin, with a smug look in his little eyes.

It is no longer afraid of this big wolf dog!

At this moment, seeing that the dust of the fantasy beast had settled, Charles immediately flattered loudly: "The dragon is watching, the light is blessing, congratulations to the lord for adding another fantasy beast, the territory's military power has leaped to a new level, and the take-off has begun!"

"Congratulations, lord!"

"Praise the master, praise the dragon!"

"The lord must be a person favored by the dragon, and the lord's knighthood must be prosperous!"

The officials followed suit, but there were only a few repeated lines over and over again, without much novelty.

Russell listened with a smile for a while, then raised his hand to stop the endless flattery of the crowd, and said: "Although there have been some losses due to the rat disaster in the past few days, it is not as happy as getting the red-eyed rat king."

The red-eyed rat king raised his head and became more and more proud. He could not fully understand what Russell said, but he knew that he was praising himself.

Kevin looked at the red eyes of the show-off and curled his lips in disdain.

"So at noon today, everyone, please join me for a feast, and don't leave until you are drunk." After Russell and the others cheered, he continued, "Of course, the Red Eye is here. Who it will favor and who it is willing to contract with in the future depends on your efforts."

These words revealed Russell's intention. He did not intend to contract himself, but to give the contract opportunity to his followers.

For a moment, Tom, Jack, John, and James looked at each other, and their eyes flashed with strong fighting spirit.

For now, the four of them have the best hope of being promoted to a great knight and getting a contract opportunity.

But rangers such as Katie, Catherine, and Howls are also secretly gearing up. Although the rangers have gone astray, there is still a chance to rebuild their fighting spirit and walk the path of knights again - nothing is difficult in the world if you are determined.


Even Charles was laughing and secretly encouraged himself, preparing to go back at night and work harder to try to regain the feeling of cultivation.

What if...what if he cultivates to become a great knight, wouldn't he be able to take off immediately?

He couldn't help but glance at Eric. There was already a gap between the two of them. Even if he became a clerk in the territory, he still couldn't match the status of the Magic Beast Knight. He still had to call him "Sir Eric".

And Eric only needed to call him "Charles" casually.

"Try hard!" Charles encouraged himself, "A mouse can cultivate into a magic beast. My ancestors also had magic beast knights. Why can't I revive the glory of my ancestors and return to the realm of magic beast knights!"

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