Warm Dragon

Chapter 107: Teachings from an Old Father

The next day, Russell took Charles to the Fluorescent Castle.

Charles went to recruit a beekeeper, while he went to the castle to report his harvest to Baron Roman - the Red-Eyed Rat King.

His elder brother Roland went to the manor below to supervise the farming, so he could not share Russell's joy at the moment.

The Baron and his wife, on the other hand, listened to Russell's description during lunch.

"My son has been watched by the dragon, Roman." After hearing this, Mrs. Meryl was full of joy, "Now we don't have to worry about Russell anymore. The young eagle will soon be able to grow wings and soar into the sky."

"Yes, yes." Baron Roman's smile was a little forced.

It's not that he is not happy about his son's fate, but he is so happy that he is numb and even speechless.

The first time Russell said that he picked up a birch worm, he thought the boy was lucky.

The second time Russell said that he saved a half-ghost beast, and Eric was promoted to a fantasy beast knight, which can only be said to be watched by the dragon.

The third time, Russell killed the lone wolf Lisbon and took back a bloodfang fungus worm. He was happy to see this. Magical creatures can only be controlled by nobles.

The fourth time, Russell came again and said that he picked up a dandelion worm. He was not there at the time, but when he came back and heard about it, he began to be shocked and did not want to express his opinion.

Then now, Russell actually said that he caught another fantasy beast and even found a group of wild Yuan beast bees.

This kind of luck can no longer be said to be watched by the dragon.

This is simply like the illegitimate child of the dragon.

"Luck always favors those who are prepared, father, mother, I think if I hadn't been willing to tidy up the cave, perhaps these benefits would not have come to me." Russell cut the beef leisurely, "So it's not that the dragon is watching me, but that what I did was affirmed by the dragon."

Mrs. Meryl nodded repeatedly: "Yes, what Russell said is exactly what I want to say... When your grandfather was young, he always didn't like others to say that he was lucky. He believed that all luck came from strength, including his riding a dragon, and it was also because Mr. Mercedes recognized his strength."


She looked at her husband again: "You said so, Roman."

"Yes, yes." Baron Roman was just chewing his food, and he said reluctantly, "Old Earl Merlin is indeed a rare hero in the principality. That's why he can become a dragon knight."

"So grandpa said so too, maybe great minds think alike." Russell said with a smile.

He was not bragging, but the atmosphere had already been set here.

Then he said, "Father, why don't you also tidy up the caves around the Valley of the Dark Light, maybe you can get a lot of unexpected surprises."

"That being said, forget it." Baron Roman shook his head and said calmly, "It's better to be quiet than to move. Whether you fight for the resources in the cave or not, they are all there. If I need them, I will naturally go to get them. Let's put them there for now."

Russell thought for a while and praised, "Father, it's a good idea."

"It's not a good idea, it's just the wisdom left by our predecessors." The baron has regained his calmness.

He picked up a piece of steak and said in the tone of an experienced person: "Russell, you are indeed lucky now, but I hope you can remember one thing."

"Father, please speak."

"It is certainly gratifying to have temporary luck, but your own strength is the foundation. Don't let external things confuse your heart." Baron Roman said seriously, "Just like the Lisbon you killed, it doesn't matter if he got the bloody fungus worm, as long as we want him, we can't keep him at all."

Russell nodded and agreed deeply.

He listened carefully to the baron's teachings and didn't feel superior because he was a time traveler.

After all, this is a world with extraordinary power.

Don't say that he was just a 996 social animal in his previous life. Even if he was a gangster, he had to keep a low profile and stand firm before speaking loudly.

Seeing his second son listening to his teachings so sincerely, Baron Roman quickly regained the feeling of being an old father: "You must remember that our family can maintain governance in the Valley of the Dark Light because of Lord Ross. All external things can be abandoned, but Lord Ross must not be let down."

Then he talked a lot about the points that the lord should pay attention to.

Whether he agreed or not, Russell listened humbly and never refuted.

This really satisfied Baron Roman's interest in preaching. Since his two sons grew up, he has not preached to his sons like this for a long time.

Mrs. Meryl saw that the father and son were talking seriously and listening seriously, and she was also satisfied with this warm scene.

Only Lola rolled her eyes several times.

She just wanted to hear Russell talk about some interesting things in the manor, and didn't want to listen to such a long and boring sermon. Besides, her future destiny is to marry, raise children, manage the castle's finances, and manage servants.

She is not interested in how to govern the territory or how to fight in the snowfield.

After Baron Roman finished his sermon and drank a glass of red wine to moisten her throat, she asked, "Russell, is the beehive a big ball?"

"No, no, no, the big ball is just the shell of the beehive." Russell explained, "The shell is the beehive, which is divided into layers of honeycombs. Do you know what honeycombs are? They are honeycombs squeezed together... well, like a one-story or two-story building."

Russell did not open the shell of the beehive, he just looked inside through the small hole for the bees to enter and exit.

We have to wait until the beekeeper takes office before considering how to split the beehive and turn one group of bumble bees into two or more groups of bumble bees.

Expand the scale of beekeeping.

"Is the honey of the bear bees delicious?" Lola asked again.

"I'm not sure yet. I haven't tasted it yet. When the bee colony grows up, I'll harvest some honey and try it."

As he spoke, Russell said to the baron and his wife, "Father and mother, the beehives are collected from Jiandao Mountain. When I succeed in raising the bear bees, I'll send them to the castle in batches so that you and Lola can often eat magic honey."

"It's good that you have this intention." Mrs. Meryl smiled.

"The value of raising Yuanshou bear bees must be not low. When the time comes, the castle will not take your bear bees for free, but will give them to you at the market price." The baron said.

After hearing this, Lady Meryl scolded the baron: "You always calculate the account so clearly. This is Russell's filial piety. It's just a transaction in the market for you."

The baron replied: "Just talk about the facts."

"You don't need to subsidize me, father. I have been taken care of by my family since I was enfeoffed. I occasionally want to give back. This time, the bumble bees happened to be picked up for free. I just want you, mother, Lola, oh, and Roland to have a taste."

Hearing Russell say this, Baron Roman nodded and said: "Okay, then we look forward to the day when you raise bumble bees."

Lunch is over.

The baron and his wife got up and left. Lola fell behind. When Russell came over, she smiled and said: "Russell, I like to eat honey."

Russell reached out and rubbed Lola's head: "You will eat enough."

"Don't mess up my hair, annoying Russell!"

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