Warm Dragon

Chapter 114: Nourishing Qi

The fairy worm is named after the word "worm". Besides the fact that it looks like a fat worm, it also behaves like one.

The worm is only responsible for eating, drinking, sleeping and growing up.

Except for eating a little jade powder occasionally, the fairy worm basically only sleeps and grows, and has no other interests. It is not like the elves and mushroom birds, who are active all day long and chirp all the time.

So they are not easily agitated. If they are agitated, there are basically only a few possibilities.

The Cordyceps is under threat, and its lifespan is about to come to an end. If it encounters a strange fellow approaching, the contract owner is seriously injured or killed...

And, it grows to a critical point and begins to evolve to the next stage.

"All situations can be ruled out. I passed by the birch forest when I came back from fishing. Everything was normal there... So there is only one possibility left..." Russell took a deep breath and suddenly wondered if the Shadow Flame Dragon of the Grand Duke was really looking at him.


Why did this earliest contracted fluorescent mushroom worm become agitated? Excluding other situations, there is only one possibility left, evolution.


Jack, the knight and squire of the birch forest cordyceps guard, galloped over and hurried into the manor courtyard.

Reported to Russell: "My lord, the cordyceps of the first fluorescent mushroom are safe and sound, no different from usual; I also took a look at the cordyceps of the second fluorescent mushroom, and there was no different change."

Russell has two fluorescent mushrooms, one was given by Baron Roman when he was enfeoffed, and the other was a gift from his sister Rowling for his adulthood.

Now the first one is restless.

"Okay, I know, you've worked hard, go back and rest." Russell waved his hand, and his mind became clearer.

"It's not hard to serve you, sir." Jack bowed, "Then I'll go back first, sir, just tell me if you have anything."

Go downstairs and out of the door.

Jack did not leave immediately, but walked to the side of the mouse house and saw the red-eyed rat king fiddling with something in the corner of the mouse house.

He was immediately delighted, and then took out a piece of Yuan beast meat from his arms and handed it over: "Rat King, look what delicious food I brought you."

"Jiji." The Red-Eyed Rat King used to be afraid of hunger, but now he is particularly greedy. When he saw the Yuan beast meat, he immediately took it and chewed it quickly.

After Jack delivered the meat, he squatted beside the rat house for a while before getting up.

Turning around, he saw Kevin, the golden and silver wolf dog who stayed in the kennel next door to monitor the Red-Eyed Rat King, looking at him with a faint look in his eyes.

He immediately touched his pocket awkwardly, and walked out quickly while saying: "Kevin, I'm sorry, I only brought a piece of meat... Next time, I will bring you meat next time. I have something to do, so I'm leaving first."

After that, he jumped on the horse and ran away.

Only Kevin was left lying in the kennel, with contempt and resentment in his eyes-isn't the contracted fantasy beast fragrant!

On the second floor of the manor villa, in the elf room

Butler Morris's face was full of anxiety. He swallowed what he wanted to say several times, but he couldn't hold it back in the end: "Master... Is there a hope for this mushroom worm to evolve into a mushroom bird?"

"I don't know."


"Don't worry, Morris. Whether it can evolve depends on whether the mushroom worm's willpower is strong enough." Russell had calmed down from the initial excitement and nervousness, and said calmly, "Or whether the Grand Duke's dragon is willing to take a look at it."

The dragon's gaze is just a blessing.

If the evolution of an elf worm also requires the dragon to worry, then the Grand Duke's Shadow Flame Dragon will definitely be short-lived and worry to death.

"Alas!" Morris sighed.

But he quickly pulled himself together and said excitedly, "Master, the dragon is watching. This mushroom worm will definitely evolve successfully! It will definitely succeed. It is full of vitality and will succeed!"

"Okay, relax, Morris." Russell said with a smile, "Success is luck, failure is the norm, don't worry about things you can't interfere with. Go down and take a rest, pour yourself a cup of tea."

"Sorry, Master, I lost my temper." Morris bowed and apologized.

"Not really, go, have a cup of tea."

"I'll go down first, Master." Morris took a deep look at his master, feeling a lot of emotion in his heart.

He was over forty years old, not to mention that he had experienced many ups and downs, but he was also very experienced.

However, when things happened, he felt that his Qi cultivation skills were much worse than Russell's, and Russell was only sixteen years old.

"Maybe, this is a natural aristocrat." Morris thought.

Obviously, Morris didn't know that the reason why Russell could face the restlessness of the elf worm so calmly was not because he had a good Qi cultivation skill.

But he had the confidence.

"Little guy, work hard!" Russell touched the green body of the fluorescent mushroom worm, "If you were born in another family, you would probably have to rely on yourself to evolve. But who told you to become my elf worm? Okay, see you tonight!"

Time passed quickly and night fell.

Soon after Russell lay down, his consciousness woke up in the dark dream. He tilted his neck and heard a "ga", and the little dream dragon flew over.

"Xue Gao, you have to work hard tonight. I took a job." Russell turned over and rode on the little dream dragon. In an instant, bits and pieces of magic light bloomed around him.

The little dream dragon didn't understand: "ga?"

Russell guided it to fly to the next room, which was the elf room.

The magic lights of the seven elf bugs inside set off each other, which was very beautiful. Different types of elf bugs have different magic lights, and the light white is dotted with different colors.

"Xue Gao, look at this mushroom bug, it is a fluorescent mushroom bug, see, its light is flashing." Russell pointed to one of the magic lights and said.

Unlike the other six calm magic lights, this magic light is white with a little green luster. And the light flickers constantly, bright and dim, especially the green in the white, as if it is struggling to expand from it.

But the green light is still too weak to break through the white light.

Seeing this, Russell has understood that the evolutionary will of this fluorescent mushroom bug is still not strong enough.

The green light may represent the light of evolution, and the white light may be the light of the mushroom bug itself. Now the green light cannot come out, which means that the fluorescent mushroom bug basically has no possibility of evolution.

"Sure enough." Russell sighed.

The probability of an elf worm successfully evolving into an elf is very small. Often, dozens or hundreds of elf worms may not be able to evolve into an elf - otherwise, the fluorescent mushroom family would not have only two elves after cultivating the Glow Valley for so many years.

One of them was the dowry brought by Mrs. Meryl.

"To be precise, our family's mushroom bird Luo Rui is the second generation of mushroom bird... The earliest mushroom bird was obtained during the great-grandfather's time and continued to the grandfather's time. Not long after it died, a mushroom worm evolved into Luo Rui."

In the past hundred years, the Glow Valley has bred many fluorescent mushroom worms, and their lifespan of ten to twenty years has passed in a flash.

Only Luo Rui stood up and successfully challenged fate.

The difficulty of evolution can be seen from this.

"Huh?" Seeing Russell sigh, Xiao Menglong tilted his head.

Russell suppressed the emotion in his heart and laughed: "Well, ice cream, do a favor and give this little guy a mouthful of dragon flame."

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