Warm Dragon

Chapter 124 Strong Bricks

The serfs of the Black-loisted Snake Manor fell madly in love with the act of planting trees.

Seeing that the Potion Village was almost filled with various saplings, Russell was delighted and had other ideas.


"Sir, please give me your instructions."

"There are a lot of wastelands in the manor, and there haven't been enough manpower to cultivate them in recent years. I plan to plant trees all over, all kinds of trees." Russell said, the Black-rumped Snake Manor is mainly grassland, with only a birch forest in one forest. .

The population of nearly 4,000 is not enough to cultivate the vast land of nearly 20,000 hectares, so most of the land is wasteland.

The wasteland is covered with weeds. In the past, it was a good habitat for black-rumped snakes. However, as Baron Roman took most of the black-rumped snakes away, and many serfs who raised livestock at home came to the wasteland to graze sheep, Herding horses, herding donkeys, etc.

Over time, the black-rumped snake has become almost extinct.

"The nutrients that weeds can provide are far less than the excellent forage grasses such as alfalfa, so there is no need to keep the wasteland for grazing." Charles agreed with Russell's idea, "Sir, I will summon the chiefs of each village to plant trees. Let’s arrange things.”

"Still using the method of planting trees in the Potion Village, but the reward is reduced from one copper plate for one tree to one copper plate for ten trees... We treat this work as a long-term task, and the serfs can plant trees when they have free time. "

Charles flattered: "Sir, you are so generous. Being able to work as serfs in your territory is a great blessing for the four thousand people of Black-loisted Snake Manor!"

Russell also smiled and said: "My generosity is open to everyone. Charles, if you want to make extra money, you can also plant trees in private."

"Haha, if I have free time, maybe I will plant trees on the wasteland."

"Not only you, but also myself plan to plant some trees, but I will plant trees around the manor." Russell is ready to plant some trees and transform the environment around the manor.

Especially since he is already preparing to repair the manor's courtyard.

The house needs to be repaired, and the surrounding environment must also be tidied up.

So after finishing the knight's morning lessons that morning, and then taking a shower and changing clothes, Russell took Butler Morris, valet Ram, and Hans, the former manor foreman and current court elder, to wander around the manor's courtyard. .

The location of the manor's courtyard is at the northernmost edge of the entire Black-waisted Snake Manor.

After crossing the small bridge over the Youguang River from Tanzhi Avenue, you will find the sloping land where the manor's courtyard is located. Zoysia grass is planted on most of the land.

Zoysia grass, also known as velvet, is soft and beautiful, making it an excellent lawn grass.

It is also an excellent pasture with a pure smell, and war horses like to eat it. When Baron Roman built the manor's courtyard, he planted a large area of ​​zoysia grass around it to make it easier for him and his accompanying horses to graze.

A large part of the job of the Browns, who stayed in the manor's villa, was to take care of the zoysia grass on this lawn.

"I'm quite satisfied with this lawn. It doesn't need to be trimmed again." Russell said, "But old Hans, you have to bring someone over to repair the place that was eaten by the horses."

"As you wish, Master." Old Hans nodded hastily.

Russell suddenly asked again: "Fox is taking care of the war horses now, right?"

Butler Morris responded: "Yes, sir, but I am looking for a suitable stable boy to share this job and let Fox return to his role as a footman."

All the war horses currently in the territory are owned by Russell - given by the baron during the enfeoffment.

Whether it is the war horses ridden by the four knights' retinue, or the war horses ridden by Eric and Charles, they are all kept in the stables behind the manor.

"Have you found a suitable candidate?"

"There is no suitable one yet. I have selected a few farmers, but it is okay to let them feed the horses, but not to take good care of the war horses." Butler Morris said helplessly. There was too little talent in the manor's villa.

At this time, Old Hans said: "Master, Old Hans does have a suitable candidate."

"you say."

"His name is Blind Old Walker. He used to work in the stables of the castle, but later he became blind for some unknown reason and was fired. Now he lives in Alfalfa Village, in a single family... Master, don't look at his eyes. Blind, but much better than normal people.”

Old Hans continued: "There are people in the manor whose donkeys, cows and sheep are in labor. He can induce labor by pressing the belly with his hands. Sick lambs and piglets can be sent to the blind old Walker and they will soon be cured." !”

"This is a technician." Russell nodded.

But Butler Morris still had concerns: "Sir Old Hans, Blind Old Walker is blind. Can he still feed and brush the horses normally?"

"This... I think he can do it, but whether it can do it or not depends on you, sir, to investigate again." Old Hans didn't dare to say it to death.

Russell didn't hesitate and said directly: "Send someone to call Blind Old Walker over. Maurice, please check it out. If possible, let him be the stable boy."

Talked about the choice of horse herdsman.

The group of people continued to walk around the manor's courtyard. Russell was mainly sketching out the blueprint for the transformation, and the others would chime in or give other opinions from time to time.

When it was almost noon, Russell was just about to go back for lunch when he saw a carriage passing over the small bridge and arriving in front of the manor's courtyard.

The driver in the carriage, Russell recognized at a glance, was little William, the son of William the Crooked Hat of the pottery factory.

"My lord, little William sends his regards."

"Why are you here? Do you have any good news?" Russell asked happily while inviting little William to come in.

Little William smiled and said: "Sir, please take a look at the clay bricks in the carriage first. My father and I burned three furnaces of clay bricks. The clay bricks produced in this furnace have met your needs, so father Let me send it to you for a look.”

"Okay!" Russell was overjoyed.

The clay brick was his second invention after reading glasses, so he took it very seriously and immediately went to check it out.

There were not many dirt bricks in the carriage, about a hundred or so, all of which were gray-red bricks similar to ordinary red bricks. In order to facilitate firing, Russell did not let anyone make hollow bricks, just this simple solid brick.

Picking up a clay brick and putting it in his hand, Russell shook it. It was very heavy, heavier than the red bricks on the earth in his impression.


He picked up two clay bricks and patted them against each other. They did not break, but instead made a crisp sound like gold and iron clashing.

"Sure enough, it has a touch of metallic texture!" Russell exclaimed.

From the beginning, he didn't understand why the humans here classified clay as metal, but he soon learned the power of clay. The dark gold ceramic armor and green ceramic sword made were much stronger than ordinary metal weapons. .

I have to say that this is the charm of the extraordinary world.

So now even the muck bricks made from clay residue still have a metallic quality.


He continued to increase his strength until his fighting spirit began to surge, and then he smashed the two clay bricks into pieces. This hardness was already stronger than most rocks. At least it is harder than the rocks mined from Jiandao Mountain and Bendren Mountain.

And it itself contains rare magic power. If you use it to make a house, there will be unexpected benefits.

"Sir, except that it is not beautiful enough, it is almost a poor pottery." Little William praised him profusely. "Your proposal to make clay bricks will definitely have a big market. After all, even a commoner like me can't. I want to build a house with it!”

"It's really good." Russell was very satisfied with the quality of the clay bricks. "The next step is to build a brick kiln!"

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