Warm Dragon

Chapter 167: Caught in Bed

The fighting spirit sword glow is extremely sharp.

Compared with the cutting of weapons, the fighting spirit sword light is more destructive.

Russell, who has mastered the Six Meridians Divine Sword, can say that he is an extremely sharp sword. Even if he does not carry a weapon with him, he can still exert 100% of the combat effectiveness of a knight.


Viscount Major and his wife, Baron and Baron Roman, as well as Cooper and Rowling, who were visiting relatives, all returned to the castle.

"Where's Roland?" Mrs. Meryl frowned after the luncheon started, "He stayed away all night yesterday, and at noon today, he was nowhere to be seen."

Baron Roman reassured him: "Roland has grown up and has his own social circle. Let him go."

"We are here to visit our father, not just to let him be carefree here." Mrs. Meryl said.

Viscount Major smiled and said: "Meryl, Roland comes here once in a while, so let him go and play. Why bother to restrain him."

Mrs. Meryl didn't agree and started to ask Mel: "Do you know where Roland is?"

Cousin Mel didn't tell the truth: "Cousin Roland didn't tell me where he went."

"What about you, Russell? Did your eldest brother tell you where he was going?"

"I didn't say anything. I just said I would be back this morning." Russell was also embarrassed and told his mother directly about Roland going to hook up with the Lord's widow.

"Really!" Mrs. Meryl said angrily.

Earl Merlin said calmly: "Roland has finished wishing me birthday. Now let him go wherever he wants to go. Treat Sancha River Estuary as your own home. If he doesn't come back tonight, you can leave first tomorrow and stay." Roland will stay here for a few more days."

Mel smiled and said: "Yes, Auntie, it would be best for Cousin Roland to stay. Russell and I will also have more personal company."

Seeing everyone saying this, Mrs. Meryl couldn't say anything else.

However, good things didn't work and bad things didn't work. Before lunch was finished, the castle's butler walked in and reported something to Count Merlin in his ear.

Mrs. Meryl was very close to Earl Merlin and heard the butler mention "Roland". When the butler left, she immediately asked: "Father, is it related to Roland? Did something happen to Roland outside?"

Earl Merlin smiled: "I encountered a little problem, it doesn't matter, eat first, I will tell you after eating."

Being interrupted like this, everyone lost their enjoyment and finished their lunch hastily.

Only Russell, with his great appetite, swept up a lot of food containing magic power, digested and absorbed it, and filled the dry fighting energy in his meridians.

When I came to the lounge, the servant brought tea.

Earl Merlin signaled the butler to tell him what he had reported previously.

The housekeeper cleared his throat and said, "This is how it is. Last night, Master Roland stayed at Pinewood Manor, the home of the widowed Mrs. Kelly. This morning, she was blocked by Mrs. Kelly's 12-year-old son and two uncles. in the room……"

Mrs. Kelly's husband is the former lord of Pinewood Manor, Lord Kabinger, the Phantom Beast Knight.

Kabinger died in the snowfield nine years ago, leaving behind his three-year-old son Carpenter and ten years of time to follow his father's footsteps.

Now Carpenter is twelve years old. He has two distant uncles, both of whom are great knights and are also Carpenter's personal teachers.

Roland hooked up with Mrs. Kelly and was caught by Carpenter and his two uncles.


Roland, who did not bring the escort knight, was detained in Pinewood Manor. At the same time, Carpenter, as the son of Lord Kabinger, sued Roland to Bluebird Castle for raping his mother and insulting his late father.

He even informed several lords and lords who were familiar with Lord Kabinger about the news, and they all came to Bluebird Castle to ask for an explanation.

"This useless thing!" Mrs. Meryl was so angry that her face turned green, and she unconsciously glanced at her sister-in-law, Mrs. Kunna.

Mrs. Kunna's expression was indifferent, her brows furrowed slightly, but she did not speak.

Mrs. Meryl then looked at Viscount Major: "Brother..."

"Don't worry." Viscount Major comforted him warmly, and then said to Earl Merlin, "Father, I'm afraid this is not a simple matter of catching someone in bed."

Earl Merlin was open-minded and said with a slight smile: "Every time you learn something, you will learn a lesson. You should also let Roland know that a woman's bed is the hardest to climb into."

"Father!" Mrs. Meryl said angrily.

Baron Roman looked embarrassed, and while comforting his wife, he said: "Father-in-law, please tell me Carpenter's request, and I will make up for it. If Roland does such a scandal, you can punish him at will."

"Young people are not confused. Whether it's punishment or education, you two can solve it yourself when you return home." Earl Merlin waved his hand, "As for Carpenter's appeal, what else could it be, Major, look Let’s make arrangements.”

"Yes, father."

Earl Merlin stopped asking, and Viscount Major had a brief discussion with Baron Roman and his wife.

In the end, Viscount Major made the final decision: "I have heard about Mrs. Kelly's behavior in the past few years... Extending the time for the son to inherit the father's business for five years can be regarded as worthy of Lord Carbinger, and it can also shut up Carpenter's mouth. "

Mrs. Meryl thanked her and said, "Sorry for your trouble, brother. Please be sure to pay the income from your son's inheritance from his father's business in the past five years by us."

"There's no need to be so outspoken."

"This is Roland's fault, and we should be responsible for it both emotionally and rationally." Baron Roman also insisted that the Fluorescent Mushroom family pay the compensation.

Then someone was sent to convey Blue Bird Castle's reply to Carpenter and others, and a team of knights was sent to pick up Roland.

From beginning to end, Russell did not see Carpenter, the victim.

But soon the butler came to report: "Carpenter agreed, and several lords were also satisfied with the answer of Bluebird Castle. After expressing their respect to you, Master, they took Carpenter away... Young Master Roland was not injured, but was imprisoned."

"That's good, that's good." Lady Meryl breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, now I feel relieved. Go back and take a nap. Roland will be back soon." Earl Merlin got up and left the lounge.

Baron Roman hugged Lady Meryl and went back to the room for a nap and sorted out his emotions.

Lola was also taken there.

Viscount Major and his wife followed Earl Merlin. It seemed that Lady Kunna had something to discuss with Earl Merlin.

Only Russell and cousin Mel, who was arm in arm with Russell, were left in the lounge.

"I knew that Roland's date with Mrs. Kelly was simple and it would be difficult to get out of it." Mel said with a smile, "But I thought Roland would bleed a little, at least he would have to give away an elf bug, I didn't expect Carpenter to be so cruel!"

We are all adults, and we can see Roland's experience very clearly.

It was not that Carpenter happened to catch Roland in bed, but it was a long-planned trap, waiting for Roland to jump in.

Russell asked curiously: "What I am confused about is that Mrs. Kelly and Carpenter did this, wouldn't they cut themselves off from the territory of Sanchahekou? Not only did they offend Bluebird Castle, but Mrs. Kelly's reputation was completely ruined."

"Mrs. Kelly didn't have a good reputation to begin with. It's a big profit to be able to get her son to inherit her father's business for five years." Mel said, "As for offending Bluebird Castle, it shouldn't matter to Carpenter and his mother. Grandfathers and fathers always have to take into account the thoughts of their subordinates."

"That's right." Russell nodded.

The lords accompanied Carpenter to Bluebird Castle to complain, which was obviously to show their attitude. They could die in battle, but their widows and descendants could not be despised by others.

If Bluebird Castle did not show its attitude, it would definitely make the lords and lords alienated.

"So, Russell." Mel seriously summed up the experience, "We must be on guard against the mistakes made by Roland. What kind of bed can be climbed and what kind of bed cannot be climbed, at least we must investigate clearly before climbing the bed!"

Russell rolled his eyes: "I don't climb other people's beds!"

Mel hugged Russell and punched Russell lightly in the stomach: "Overcorrection, brother!"

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