Warm Dragon

Chapter 202 Letter from Luo Bi

Roland's reply was not long. In addition to briefly talking about his daily life in the Red Castle, he answered Russell's questions.

Earlier, when Russell just returned to the territory, he sent a letter to Roland, asking Roland about the serf trade.

Now in his reply, Roland clearly told Russell that Grand Duke Kunstan had lifted restrictions on the serf trade and allowed the manor lords of the Volcanic Oasis to sell their own serfs to the Warm Enclave, but strict restrictions were imposed on the mortality rate of serfs.

"Huh, the restrictions on the serf trade have finally been lifted..." Russell felt a little complicated.

This was something he longed for, but it always reminded him of the black slave trade in his hometown on Earth, which gave him a sense of guilt.

Fortunately, the safety of the serfs can be guaranteed, and the lords of the Warm Enclave will never ignore the lives of the serfs. Moreover, after the serfs arrived in the Warm Enclave, they could immediately be allocated land for cultivation, and they were treated no differently from the local serfs.

"It's equivalent to population transfer." He put down Roland's reply and comforted himself, "And I treat serfs better than any other lord."


He told his personal servant Ram: "Go to the temporary office and invite Charles, the clerk, and Halls as well."

"Yes, sir."

After Ram left, Russell opened the third letter.

This letter was also a reply letter, sent from the Golden Peak Castle in the Golden Plains, signed by Luo Bi·Fluorescent Mushroom.

"Aunt's reply...hiss, it's really sharp." Russell looked at the letter. The Golden Peak Castle was the castle of the Golden Baron, and Aunt Luo Bi was the Baroness.

At the beginning of the reply letter, Russell was scolded.

The reason for scolding Russell was very simple, because Russell had never written to her, and there was no aunt in his heart.

In recent years, Aunt Luo Bi's health was not good, and there was no trade route between the Golden Plains and the Dark Light Valley. She had to go through the volcanic oasis for a detour. Every trip was time-consuming and laborious, so she rarely came back.

The contact with family members was limited to writing letters.

Basically, he had to correspond with old lady Ingrid every month, and even sent more than a dozen letters written at different times at one time.

In the past, when he lived in Fluorescent Castle, his parents wrote letters to Aunt Robbie on behalf of him and Lola, so Russell had no consciousness to write letters at all. Until today, he was finally caught by Aunt Robbie and scolded for writing a letter to ask about the golden black pig.

The letter was very long. After scolding, Aunt Robbie talked about the trivial things of the Golden Plains and Golden Castle.

"Your sister, Diana, will be ten years old next year. She can't remember your appearance, and Lola. Only your eldest brother Roland has a conscience and comes to Golden Castle every year to visit his sister."

"Well, Diana..." Russell tried his best to recall.

I remember that Aunt Robbie once brought her cousin Diana Golden Mushroom back to Fluorescent Castle a few years ago.

But Diana was just a child of a few years old at that time. It seemed that she had a good time with Lola, and there was no other impression.

After all, the previous incarnation was somewhat gloomy and introverted, devoted to hard cultivation, and had little affection for relatives.

"Speaking of which, I was indeed a little cold to Aunt Luo Bi's family before. Now that I have been granted a fiefdom, I should write to Aunt Luo Bi often to greet her..." Russell thought that although he was a time traveler, the blood of this body could not be changed.

Whether it was Grandpa Merlin, Uncle Rosen, or Aunt Luo Bi, they were all his relatives.

Continue to read the letter.

After Aunt Luo Bi finished talking about her daily trivialities, she began to congratulate Russell, congratulating Russell on having two elves. She believed that Russell would become the pride of the fluorescent mushroom family in the future and ride a two-legged flying dragon as soon as possible.

Finally, at the end of the letter, the golden black pig was finally mentioned.

"The black pig has great hope of becoming a new breed of breeding Yuan beast. Your uncle is very interested in this, so he sent Lord Dave to your territory to deal with the breeding of the black pig. You and Lord Dave will discuss the specific content."

Close the letter.

Russell touched his chin: "Baron Davis actually sent Lord Dave here. It seems that he really attaches great importance to the black pig."

While thinking, Charles and Halls had already rushed to the Cigar Courtyard.

"Sir, do you have something to ask us?"

"My elder brother Roland has replied to me. Grand Duke Kunstan has decided to relax the restrictions on the serf trade, so I am going to go to Fluorescent Castle to discuss the purchase of serfs with my father. Charles, you will accompany me."

"Really? This is great news." Charles replied.

Russell looked at Halls again: "When the time comes to buy serfs, I hope you will follow the caravan of Fluorescent Castle and be responsible for the specific purchase matters. In addition, you can also take this opportunity to recruit a group of free people."

Halls is the defense officer of the manor court and is also responsible for the trading market in Dikutun. He immediately nodded and agreed when he heard it.

His tone was very excited: "Yes, sir, I promise to complete the task!"

"Halls, go back and prepare first. After Charles and I go to the Fluorescent Castle to discuss how to buy serfs, you will set off with the caravan."

"Yes, sir." Halls replied.

Then he said: "Sir, I want to recruit a local cave freeman before setting off. Maybe he can help the territory attract cave freemen in the volcanic oasis."

"Who is it?"

"Grove, the big stupid bear in the Savage Cave." Halls said a name.

Russell raised his brows: "I've heard of this person. The lone wolf Lisbon must have been preparing to sneak attack on the Big Bear Grove before he was blocked by me and killed."

"Yes, that's the person."

"Why would recruiting him be helpful in attracting the free people of the Volcano Oasis Caves?" Russell asked curiously.

Halls told a story.

Big Clumsy Bear Grove is not a ranger, but a costumed knight with great strength. He fled from other places and came to Youguang Valley about seven or eight years ago, and has since settled down in the Savage Cave in the Bend Blade Mountain.

He has been living in the savage cave, living a life of eating what he has and starving when there is no food. He has never been to a nearby manor to steal.

"I only recently found out about Big Bear Grove from the free people in Savage Cave. He was once a subordinate knight of a lord in Volcano Oasis. He was furious because his childhood sweetheart was defiled by the lord's youngest son. Then I destroyed the opponent's fighting spirit and fled here."

Big Stupid Bear Grove is a good drinker, and after drinking, he will reveal this past incident.

"Grove's experience has many shadows of the free people of the burrows, and he is different from rangers like us. He is a solid knight. I believe that bringing him will be more convincing and attract those talented burrowers. The longing of the free people for your land, my lord.”

"Hmm." Russell said noncommittally.

This set of rhetoric was somewhat far-fetched in logic, but after thinking about it, he still felt that he could give it a try.

After all, serfs can be obtained through trade, but skilled talents are not so easy to obtain.

Maybe Big Bear Grove can really attract talents from the free folk of the underground cave.

"Are you confident that you can recruit Big Bear Grove?"

"Of course." Halls clapped his chest loudly, "My lord, your kindness and prestige have resounded throughout the crypts of the Dark Light Valley. All the free people who come to the trading market are full of praise for you. "

Russell smiled reservedly: "Really?"

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