Warm Dragon

Chapter 220

Deep in the snowfield, heavy snow fell.

Although the sun shone through the gaps in the clouds, it still couldn't melt the ice cap that had not melted for tens of thousands of years, and the biting cold.


A loud roar came from a distance: "Ang!"

Then a shadow flashed through the clouds, and then sank into the thick clouds again, but soon a silver-white monster swooped down from another dark cloud.

The monster had huge wings and a slender tail. Its scales were occasionally illuminated by the sun, reflecting a silver-white light.

This was a silver dragon, a silver dragon among the two-legged flying dragons.

On the back of the silver dragon rode a knight in silver armor, who was almost integrated with the silver dragon. After the man and the dragon swooped down to the ground, the silver-armored knight turned over and got off the dragon, pulling out a long metal spear from the dragon's back.

Then he poked the ground hard, and most of the metal spear sank directly into the ice cap.

Only the handle of the spear was exposed outside.

After doing all this, the Silver Knight quickly moved away from the metal spear and jumped onto the back of the Silver Dragon.

The Silver Dragon's powerful legs stepped on the ice cap, its wings spread, and it flew into the sky.

When the man and the dragon moved away, the dark clouds in the sky rolled, and suddenly a bolt of lightning fell from the sky, directly hitting the exposed handle of the metal spear.

The Silver Knight turned around and looked down from the sky.

He saw that after the lightning struck the metal spear, it quickly spread with the metal spear as the center point. The winding lightning suddenly spread out like a spider web, and the strong light penetrated the thick ice cap, like an ice flower blooming.

"Absorb it, absorb the power of lightning as much as you can, and transform it into the power of the earth to lie dormant under the ice cap!"

The Silver Knight roared loudly in the wind and snow.

The silver dragon also let out a high-pitched cry: "Ang!"

"Let's go, Kulala, let's go to the next lightning point and try to cast fifteen lightning spears today."

Just as the silver-armored knight was about to ride the dragon away, he suddenly felt something in his heart and turned his head to look in the direction of the lightning.

There, a huge hand pierced the ice cap and stretched upwards.

This hand was as pale as hail, with nails as sharp as ice picks, and a layer of fine ice sculptures and half scales.


The dark clouds in the sky gathered and rubbed, making a huge roar.

Hua La La!

The ice layer on the ground broke into pieces, accompanied by this big hand like a hill piercing the ice cap, as if there was an ancient giant struggling to break out of the ice.


The silver-armored knight exclaimed, his pupils dilated, and his whole body trembled.

The silver dragon under his crotch also showed a look of fear, and the pupils in his dragon eyes had shrunk into a line.

"Yes, yes... yes..."

The silver-armored knight's upper and lower teeth trembled, and the silver dragon, who was in tune with him, had already fled far away without hesitation.

The wings vibrated, and he flew as fast as he could.

Only the trembling voice of the silver-armored knight was left, floating in the wind and snow: "Yes... Da!"


Dafeng Manor, hot spring area.

Russell rarely came here, not only to visit his uncle Rosen's family, but also to visit his grandmother, old lady Ingrid.

After soaking in the hot spring, the family drank tea and chatted in the hot spring cottage.

Listening to old lady Ingrid's story of the past: "Your great-grandfather discovered that the ice cap had melted here, and there was a hot spring bubbling with hot steam, and then he waited here and waited..."

After waiting for many days, the bubbling hot spring suddenly sprayed a column of water, and a small two-legged dragon flew out of the water column.

"That was Lord Ross. It was small at first, and it was said that it was not even as big as a cow." Old Lady Ingrid recalled, "It looked at your great-grandfather curiously. Your great-grandfather was such a hero. He turned over and rode on it, tamed it, and finally contracted it."

"What happened later?" Little cousin Royle, who was only seven years old, asked impatiently.

"Later, it became the guardian dragon of the family. After it was born, the ice cap around the hot spring continued to melt, and the snow water rushed everywhere. In one year, it rushed out of the Youguang River and this Youguang Valley."

Russell also asked curiously: "Grandma, is one year enough to open up the Youguang Valley?"

"Almost. I don't know the specific situation. When I married here, the Youguang Valley was already what it is now." Old Lady Ingrid looked far away, looking at the dark clouds floating in the sky.

Then she began to talk about her life after she married here.

At that time, Russell's great-grandfather, who had been fighting for years, was seriously injured, but he successfully won the title of Baron of Phantom Light, making the Fluorescent Mushroom Family a hereditary noble family.

Not long after, his great-grandfather died in the Fluorescent Castle.

"At that time, your grandfather had just turned 30, your father was 7, and even your uncle was 4..." said old lady Ingrid, "It was that year that your grandfather successfully obtained the recognition of Mr. Ross."

Grandfather inherited his great-grandfather's will and continued to follow the Grand Duke in the north and south until he was 58 years old.

This year is the 5560th year of the Dragon Calendar.

Baron Roman has married Lady Meryl, and even his eldest brother Roland is already one year old.

"The former Grand Duke is a dragon knight. Your grandfather and the former Grand Duke share the same ideals, and the monarch and the minister are united in expanding the territory... However, no one expected that the snow giant 'Da' who repeatedly invaded the Grand Duchy was so powerful."

The snow giant's name is - Da.

It is impossible to verify why this snow giant was named Da.

The knights who probably knew the reason had all died in the battle with the snow giant Da. Even the former Grand Duke died on the spot. The Shadow Flame Dragon was seriously injured while severely injuring the snow giant Da, and had to sleep in the volcano for a long time.

This battle of death directly interrupted the expansion plan of the Grand Duchy of Shadow Flame and the rising momentum of the Fluorescent Mushroom Family.

"That year, Marquis Quintero had just married Princess Anxia, ​​and even a child was not born. The old earl of the Stone Territory was ordered to form the Elders Council... Ten years later, your grandfather defeated the old earl and took over the Elders Council again..."

Marquis Quintero was the son of the former Grand Duke. It is said that he was born with congenital retardation because of a difficult birth.

So after the death of the former Grand Duke, Marquis Quintero could not inherit the position of Grand Duke, and could only wait for him and Princess Anxia to give birth to an heir.

This is how the Elders Council ruled for twenty years.

Old Lady Ingrid said with infinite emotion: "In a blink of an eye, more than 20 years have passed. You and Roland, the two little will-o'-the-wisp, have grown up, and Royal and Royle, the two little will-o'-the-wisp, have also started to strengthen their bodies."

"Mother." Uncle Rosen smiled while drinking milk tea, "The young people have grown up, which means that the impact of the Falling War should be over. In the future, the Grand Duchy and the family will gradually get better."

"Yes, it will get better. In the future, our will-o'-the-wisp family will rely on you young people." Old Lady Ingrid hugged Royle and said with a smile.

Just at this time.

The steward of the Gale Manor came over quickly with a knight: "Master, the messenger from the Fluorescent Castle has arrived."

The knight bowed and said: "Lord Rosen, the lord has summoned all the lords to the Fluorescent Castle for a meeting."

Seeing that Russell was also present, the messenger knight said again: "Since Lord Russell is here, let's go to the Fluorescent Castle for a meeting together."

"What is this meeting about?" Rosen asked.

"Snow Giant... Da!"

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