Warm Dragon

Chapter 230: Escape into the Dark Dream (Additional update, please give me a monthly ticket)

Russell rode the unicorn Polly through the dense forests of the swamp at such a fast speed that he could hardly see the surrounding scenery.

This was not only to vent the boiling emotions after the promotion, but also to feel the new Yuanxi through flying.

The name Yuanxi comes from dragon breath.

Dragons can breathe, and the dragon breath they breathe out is extremely powerful. Although Yuanxi is not as powerful as dragon breath, it is equally powerful.

The most important thing is that Yuanxi can release Yuanxi spells, that is, magic.

The fantasy beast itself can release Yuanli spells. After contracting a fantasy beast knight, the Yuanli is fused into Yuanxi, which can also release Yuanxi spells. And the contracted knight can also gain the ability to release Yuanxi spells.

In other words, after the knight is promoted to a fantasy beast knight, he becomes a part-time mage.

However, most of the magic is the fixed magic that the fantasy beast is born with, basically one or two fixed ones.

Unicorn Polly has two fixed magics-Wind Walk and Dream Walk.

Some fantasy beast knights can develop new magic on this basis, but most fantasy beast knights cannot develop it.

"Don't worry about developing new magic, Polly, let's try fixed magic!" Russell thought.

The next moment, Polly's voice echoed in his heart: "Okay, Russell."

After being promoted to a phantom beast knight, he gained not only Yuanxi, but also the spiritual communication between the knight and the phantom beast. This is a clearer spiritual communication than the contracted elves and amber worms, almost equivalent to a conversation.

Of course.

The higher the IQ of the phantom beast, the clearer the spiritual communication.

At the same time, the closer the distance between each other, the higher the clarity; the farther the distance, the lower the clarity; and beyond a certain range, only a vague feeling remains.

"Wind Walk!" Russell jumped up from Polly's back.

Then he felt a stream of air, holding him up and preventing him from falling down, and he could also control this airflow through his mind to hold himself higher or slowly put him down.

"Cool!" Russell shouted.

Then he fell headfirst, and at the moment of distraction, he lost control of the wind walk. Fortunately, Baoli jumped lightly and rushed over from the void, carrying Russell back on her back, and even taught Russell the tricks of the wind walk.

"No need to be deliberate, nature is the best."

"Okay, I'll try again." Russell nodded.

He was sure that Baoli's IQ was far higher than any other fantasy beast, even better than humans.

Only then would there be such a logically clear communication, and even a hint of philosophy.

Russell's comprehension was also very good, so after Baoli's experience, he successfully mastered the wind walk after falling several times in a row.

Standing in place, he naturally walked into the air, and then the wind came from his feet, carrying him slowly into the void.

He flew forward shoulder to shoulder with Baoli.

"Really cool!" Russell laughed and touched Polly's horn, "I now know how powerful and wonderful the Fantasy Knight is!"

"Hmph." The unicorn Polly snorted and responded in her heart, "My power has also become stronger, Yuanxi, really good."

"This is called a win-win situation." Russell turned over and rode on Polly, "Next, let's experiment with the second fixed magic, walking in the dark dream!"

This magic is the innate magical power of the unicorn Polly. Russell has no idea where to start and can only cooperate with Polly to perform it.

The next moment.

He felt the Yuanxi in Polly's body quietly dissipating, and the Yuanxi in his body also quietly dissipated.

Suddenly, all the wind sounds and insect sounds around disappeared, leaving only endless silence.

He and Polly fell to the ground, and the wind magic had failed.

The vision did not change, it was still the real world, but he saw his body, no longer the real body, but the outline of the magic light, and the unicorn Polly under the seat was also outlined by the magic light.

"Is this the Phantom Dream Walk?" Russell wanted to speak, but couldn't make a sound.

"Yes." Polly responded in her heart.

"Compared to the Dark Dream, the Phantom Dream Walk seems a bit... simple. If the Dark Dream is a door, the Phantom Dream Walk is more like half a foot in the door, and most of the body is still outside the door."

"I don't understand."

"If there is a chance, I will take you to the Dark Dream for a walk." Russell comforted Polly in his heart.

One man and one beast quietly strolled in the woods.

At this time, the power of the Phantom Dream Walk was reflected. The small animals around quietly came out, busy looking for food or playing around the man and the beast, completely ignoring the man and the beast.

"When the Phantom Dream Walks, no animal can see me, not even your human wyvern." Polly said in her heart.


With this skill, Russell believed that as long as he used it, he could quickly escape from the battlefield, which was no less than the bloodthirsty flash of the red-eyed rat king Jerry.

Even more powerful.

"I can use the combination of the beast whisper and the dream walk, oh, and the dream gaze, to capture any beast!"

"Why do you want to capture so many beasts?"

"For development, Baoli, after all, you know, I have a dragon to raise."

"Dragon!" Baoli asked, "Does that terrible guy need you to raise it?"

"Scary guy?" Russell wanted to laugh but stopped. "Yes, that scary guy, it is sleeping in a volcano, but its soul can wake up in the dark dream, hunt and grow with me."

"It sounds like you are making fun of me."

"No, don't be so sensitive, Polly." Russell comforted, "It has eaten two ice soul beads, and it has been sleeping these days... um!"

It was communicating in the mind.

Suddenly Russell felt the palm of his left hand getting hot. He turned it over and saw that he did not see the M-shaped mark in the dream walking state, but there was no doubt that the mark was burning at this moment, as if Xiao Menglong had noticed that someone was talking about it behind his back.

"Russell!" Polly suddenly called out in her mind, "I feel something wrong with my body."

"What's wrong?"

"My body, no, no, no, it's the power in my body, it seems to be injected with something!"

"I feel it too!" Russell realized it later, and he felt that this injected power was very familiar.

Even the familiarity of daily interaction.

"It's... Dragon Flame!" Russell's eyes widened suddenly, "This is the Dragon Flame that Ice Cream spits out, the original Dragon Flame!"

Before that, Xiao Menglong spits out his original Dragon Flame to the birch tree elf worm and the fluorescent mushroom worm, helping the birch worm to successfully breed and the mushroom bird Rosie to successfully evolve, laying the foundation for the territory to take off.

I never expected that at this moment, Xiao Menglong's Dragon Flame would naturally spit out from the M-shaped mark and spit into the body of the unicorn Baoli.

"Baoli!" Russell was shocked and said happily, "My dragon, Ice Cream, it actually likes you!"

"That scary guy... likes me?" Baoli said in surprise.

After the Dragon Flame was completely injected into the body and merged with the Yuanxi, Baoli suddenly said in her heart: "I feel that this power, this dragon's original Dragon Flame, it has merged with my fixed magic."

"Is it the Phantom Dream Walk?"

"Yes, I can perform the next stage of the Phantom Dream Walk."

"Then try it!" Russell waited and saw.

Baoli quickly performed the next stage of the Phantom Dream Walk, and in an instant, a surge of power bloomed from the Yuan Qi.

Baoli, who was walking on the surface, had light blooming from her four hooves, and she actually flew again: "It's the Wind Walk Technique, but it's not the Wind Walk Technique, Russell, I can fly again, flying in the Phantom Dream Walk state!"

"Cool!" Russell was overjoyed, and it was obvious that Xiao Menglong used his own dragon flame to open a shackle of the dark dream for Baoli.

If Phantom Dream Walk is half a foot into the door, then at this moment, it is a leg that has completely stepped into the door of the dark dream.

"The dark dream walk has become the dark dream flight, which is like using the dark dream to complete a certain escape technique..." Russell rode Baoli quickly through the forest, "Then let's call it escaping into the dark dream, the Phantom Dream Escape Technique!"

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