Warm Dragon

Chapter 25 Big Mouth

Strictly speaking, there are only two stages in the practice of knights.

The first stage is the "Qi Seed Stage". Through years of training the body and taking drugs to supplement nutrition, a Dou Qi seed is bred in the lower abdomen.

Most practitioners can breed Dou Qi seeds as long as the nutrition is adequate.

But most people only cultivate a Dou Qi seed in the end, relying on the little power emitted by the Dou Qi seed to strengthen their bodies.

After all.

It is very difficult for the Dou Qi seed to bloom and breed real Dou Qi.

For example, Russell's mother is the daughter of the Yu Jiuhua family. She has no shortage of resources since she was a child, and she has no shortage of famous teachers to teach her. In the end, she only stopped at the Dou Qi seed.

Even Russell himself, if it were not for his predecessor's desperate impact, he might have stayed at the Qi Seed Stage in this life and could not make any progress.

Fortunately, Russell perfectly inherited the brilliant future that his predecessor had risked his life for.

The Dou Qi seed bloomed and entered the second stage "Dou Qi Stage".

The Dou Qi level can be divided into two levels according to the process of cultivation. One is the "Armored Knight" level, which opens up the meridians, strengthens the Dou Qi, and strives to open all the meridians in the body, so that the Dou Qi runs through the whole body and enters another "Great Knight" level.


In the dark dream, the glowing outline of the armored knight is not complete, and it is normal to be missing arms, legs, and heads.

In the entire Black Snake Manor, Charles, Tom, John and other armored knights are all missing arms and legs in the dark dream.

Only Eric has a complete human outline.

It means that Eric, the great knight, has reached the peak of Dou Qi cultivation, and he can no longer complete it independently if he wants to enter a higher realm.

Either contract a fantasy beast or ride a dragon.

"Wake up... call Eric to capture the assassin alive!" Russell, who was in his sleep at this time, closed his eyes and frowned.

He seemed to be struggling hard, and his body trembled slightly.


As if struggling to the limit, Russell's tightly closed eyes suddenly opened, and two sharp lights flashed in the dark night.

"Hu, hu, hu..." Russell took a few deep breaths, and then came an indescribable joy, "I really woke up!"

But the next moment, he became nervous: "Oh, right, assassin!"

He quietly got out of bed, and then came to the window, carefully distinguished, and indeed found a thin figure lying on the outer wall of the second floor, leaning over the window, looking inside, as if to determine who lived in the room.

"The rooms over there are empty, good opportunity!"

Russell turned around, quickly opened the door, and then tiptoed to the guest room where Eric stayed. The door was not locked.

He pushed the door open directly.

With just a little noise, Eric woke up from his sleep: "Who!"

"Hush, Mr. Eric, it's me!" Russell whispered, "Come with me, there are assassins in the manor villa, and they are identifying the room. They are probably coming for me!"

Eric was shocked and said nothing. He got out of bed barefoot and followed Russell to the master bedroom.

Through the window, you can see the assassin clinging on the outer wall. He has confirmed that there is no one in the empty room, so he crawled towards the window on Russell's side like a gecko.

"It's someone from the cave." Eric only took a glance and judged the identity of the person. "Silently, the speed of the operation of the fighting spirit has been reduced to the extreme. This is the survival rule of the cave knights. No, they should be called... Wanderers."

"Wanderers?" Russell narrowed his eyes.

Aristocratic territories like the Dark Light Valley are protected by the two-legged flying dragon and become warm and fertile land, while outside the Dark Light Valley, they still have to face the cruelty of ice and snow.

Criminals, villains, and some free people hid in the place where the cold and the warm meet, in the cracks of the dark caves, and lived as humble as weeds under the rampage of snow demons and snow ghosts, and their lives and deaths were only a moment away.

The knights in the territory could fight on horses, ride on fantasy beasts, and even ride on dragons.

The wanderers outside the territory could only rely on their own strength to wander in the dangerous caves and try their best to survive.

"My lord." Eric whispered, "Wait for him to come, you push open the window, and I will catch him in immediately!"


After a brief discussion, the two of them hid on one side of the window, quietly waiting for the offending wanderer in the cave on a rainy night.

In less than a minute or two, the wanderer climbed to the window of the master bedroom.

His movements were extremely slight, and it was raining again tonight, so if you didn't listen carefully, you couldn't hear any movement at all.


Someone had been staring at him.

The wanderer had just climbed to the window and was about to stick his head through the window glass to see who lived inside. The window was suddenly opened, and then a pair of big hands accurately grabbed his arms that were clinging to the window sill and dragged him into the room.


The window closed again.

The squire knight downstairs was not asleep, and his eyes opened a crack as if he was aware of it, but after listening carefully for a while, he did not hear any unusual movement, so he turned over and continued to sleep.

He didn't know that an assassin had been caught upstairs.

Tight leather jacket, short hair, black face scarf, Russell and Eric saw almost immediately that this was a female wanderer.

But Eric did not show any mercy, and directly picked up the rope prepared by Russell and tied the female wanderer's hands behind her back.

"Tell me, who are you." Russell sat on the chair, looking down at the other party.

Eric lit a gem lamp, and the light from the magical gem illuminated every corner of the master bedroom. It was not as good as daytime but not far away.

"I have no ill intentions, absolutely no ill intentions." The female wanderer has calmed down from her shock, "Dear Lord Russell Fluorescent Fungus, is this how you treat the guests who come to report to you? This is not the way to treat guests. "

"Send a message?" Russell chuckled, "My manor has no gate, so do I need to climb through the window?"

"As you can see, I have special reasons and have to... find another way."

"There's no point in quibbling. Tell me who you really are."

"Can you untie me first? How can I be in danger as a rogue in front of two great knights?" The female rogue twisted her body, leaving a puddle of water on the floor.

Russell frowned.

He stood up from the chair and walked up to the female wanderer.

Just when the female wanderer twisted her body and raised her wrists, ready to let Russell untie her, Russell slapped her face with a big mouth.

"You can't understand people, right? I'm asking you who you are!"


There was blood at the corner of her mouth, and the female wanderer was stunned by the slap.

Eric beside him also opened his mouth slightly. It was rare to see Russell, who was always gentle and gentle, actually have such a violent side.

Seeing the female wanderer in a daze, Russell slapped her with a big mouth: "You still don't want to say anything?"

He sneaked around to pick up the window at night. If he hadn't accidentally discovered it while riding a little dream dragon, he might have been sneaked into the room by a female wanderer.

He has even been killed by the female wanderer a hundred times!

In this situation, no matter how good-tempered Russell was, he couldn't help it. He wanted to hack the rogue to death on the spot, but he couldn't tolerate the other party's betrayal. He even wanted him to help loosen his bonds.

"I..." The female wanderer finally woke up after being slapped twice, and she didn't dare to write any more ink, "My name is Catherine, my lord."

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