Warm Dragon

Chapter 289 Warm Snow Forest (Additional update, please give me a monthly ticket)

No one has counted how many cold springs there are on the snowfield.

But there are definitely a lot of them. Millions of years of freezing have not completely cooled the Dragon Sleeping Continent. Countless earth forces are accumulated underground. In addition to creating volcanoes and giant dragons, they are also radiating outward in the form of cold springs and snow forests.

"No matter how strong the power of the snow demon is, it can't block the way out of life." After entering the cold spring, Russell lit up the gem lamp.

The strong light emitted by the gem quickly illuminated the dim cold spring.

The cave walls and the skylight were reinforced with stones, and it was obviously prepared to exist as a stronghold for a long time, but it was abandoned in the later period.

There should have been a lot of food and emergency supplies in the storage room carved out of the wall. Now the food is gone, leaving only some flour bags and boxes - the creatures on the snowfield will obviously visit the cold spring.

As for the emergency supplies, they were probably bitten by rats and were almost rotten.

"Fortunately, there is still a lot of firewood. We can boil some hot water." Russell took some snow and put it into the kettle he carried with him. Then he split the firewood and successfully started the fire and started to boil water. "Let's have burritos for dinner, Polly."

"Okay." Polly is not very picky about food.

But when he really ate the burritos, Russell found it difficult to swallow: "I really don't like eating this thing. Alas, I miss the delicious food in the cigar courtyard."

Polly ate the burritos quietly and ignored Russell's complaints.


After finishing a meal of burritos, Russell drank a sip of not-so-clean hot water and sighed: "Do you know what I am still missing?"

"What?" Polly asked in her heart.

"Storage space." Russell shook his head, "There are so many gems and metals, but there is no one that can serve as a storage space... Do you know how inconvenient it is to go out without a storage ring or storage bag!"

Polly couldn't understand.

Russell just sighed and left the cold spring point, set off again, and explored the vast snowfield.

He and Bao Li found cold springs one after another.

At the same time, they had penetrated nearly 100 kilometers into the snowfield and explored the surrounding terrain based on the cold springs. The snowfield also has undulating mountains, plateaus and plains, but that's all. Most of the terrain is covered by ice sheets.


Five days later, at the farthest cold spring, Russell looked at the exploration results he recorded in his notebook.

"West of the Bend Blade Mountain, there are mainly mountains, and the terrain is undulating... If it is reclaimed in the future, it may not be suitable for agricultural cultivation."

In the final analysis, the current productivity of Longmian Continent is still mainly based on farming.

Even if Russell wants to use the black oil dragon Luo Sai to develop industry, at least make sure that agriculture can feed himself and the knights.

Otherwise, everything is a castle in the air.

"I originally wanted to plant Luo Sai to the west of the Bend Blade Mountain and open up a warm enclave, so that it would be closer to the Sancha River Mouth... Now it seems that I can't open up a warm land to the west of the Bend Blade Mountain. Maybe I can go to the lower reaches of the Youguang River."

The Youguang River enters the Dikutun and eventually flows to an unknown place in the dark dark river.

If Russell can open up the direction south of the Youguang River Valley, perhaps this dark river can be seen again and become a big river. With the help of the rich water resources of the big river, his territory can become a fertile land of thousands of miles.

"Let's go." Russell packed his luggage, "Go home first, take a shower and have a good sleep."

For five days, he slept in the cold spring point. The conditions were really difficult. Of course, the only benefit was that he could ride Xiao Menglong and hunt snow ghosts unscrupulously.

Unable to eat the ice soul beads of the snow demon, Xiao Menglong devoured the ice hail beads of the snow demon like crazy.

As a result, Russell could not see many snow demons during the day, so he could not harvest many ice hail beads to feed Luo Sai.

Return to the territory.

After a short rest, Russell entered the snowfield again and conducted an investigation in the lower reaches of the Youguang River. However, the investigation had to be terminated after only one day.

On that day, when Russell rode the unicorn Baoli and flew further south, he suddenly felt something different.

That is, there is a vague boundary line in the south of the Youguang River Valley.

As a fantasy beast knight, Russell can clearly feel that once he crosses this boundary line, the influence of the Shadow Flame Dragon will be completely lost; once he returns to the boundary line, the influence of the Shadow Flame Dragon will reappear.

"In other words, this boundary line is the real boundary of the Shadow Flame Grand Duchy and the boundary of the Shadow Flame Dragon's power."

Within the boundary, the Black Oil Dragon Rose can be planted anywhere.

Outside the boundary, once the Black Oil Dragon Rose is planted, it is hard to predict whether it will hatch, and without the protection of the Shadow Flame Dragon, it is likely to be detected by the Snow Demon, which will lead to an unpredictable situation.

"It can't be planted outside." Russell shook his head, "Now I still can't do without the protection of the Shadow Flame Dragon."


The area south of the Youguang River Valley cannot be developed into a warm enclave.

"To the west of the Youguang River Valley is the mountains; to the south of the Youguang River Valley is the border; to the north of the Youguang River Valley is too close to the volcanic oasis... So now, only the area east of the Youguang River Valley is left." Russell turned directly and went to the east.

To the north of the Youguang River is the volcanic oasis, to the west is the Sancha River Mouth, and to the east is the Golden Plains.

But because the distance between them and the Golden Plains is too far, no trade route has been opened.

"If I build a warm enclave east of the Glowing Valley, I can shorten the distance to the Golden Plains, and perhaps open up a trade route that leads directly to the Golden Plains." The wind and snow whistled in his ears, and Russell thought.

If you really want to open up a warm enclave, you must not be close to the Glowing Valley, and you must leave room for the development of the Glowing Valley.

So it is quite appropriate to put your own warm enclave in the middle area between the Glowing Valley and the Golden Plains.

The Golden Plains is the fief of the Golden Baron Davis Golden Top Mushroom, who is Russell's uncle and a relative.

Everyone just helps each other.

Just thinking about it, a black skyline suddenly appeared in the wind and snow ahead. Such a skyline basically means there is a snow forest.

"Let's go and take a look, Polly!"


With a fixed target, Polly directly increased the speed to the maximum, and rushed into this huge snow forest in the blink of an eye.

"This snow forest is much larger than the one you hid in and the one where Saiban is!" Russell looked at the endless snow forest and exclaimed, "This snow forest is not marked on the family map."

The tree species in the snow forest are relatively monotonous, mainly pine and fir, and occasionally there are some shrubs and mosses in the middle of the snow forest.

"This snow forest is very warm." Baoli said in her heart.

"Yes, I feel it too. Once you enter this snow forest, you can't feel the cold wind outside." Russell said happily, "Let's explore this snow forest and camp here tonight. Maybe we will get something."

In the Saiban snow forest, there lives the fairy Saiban.

So this larger and warmer snow forest may also have fairies living there, so we can take a good stroll at night.

However, before Russell could turn around for a while, he suddenly heard a strange murmur in his ear: "Why isn't it night yet? Why haven't the mice come out yet? I'm already hungry... I really hope there are endless mice to eat every day!"

"Yeah!" Russell's eyes lit up.

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