Warm Dragon

Chapter 32 Father and Son Bureau in the Study

The dark dream expanded, and Russell was convinced of it.

He had noticed the big tree before, and indeed only a small half was wrapped in the dark dreamland, but now, more than half of the tree was wrapped in the dark dream.

"You can be sure that all these changes happened after the little dream dragon swallowed the ice beads!" He rode the little dream dragon and smiled from ear to ear. "Ice cream, wait for me. Wait for me every day from now on." Feed you with gold coins!”

"Gah?" Xiao Menglong tilted his head.

He seemed to understand something and nodded repeatedly: "Gah, gah, gah, gah!"

"Quack!" Russell imitated Little Menglong and shouted twice.

Ice beads are indeed valuable, but cultivating little dream dragons and expanding the dark dreamland cannot be measured by money at all.


Russell felt more and more that the little Menglong might really be a giant dragon.

Although it does not exist in the real world and can only be ridden in dreams; and it is not as huge as the Grand Duke's Shadow Flame Dragon, which can create an endless oasis of warmth; in addition, it is also a little behind in terms of IQ.

But the dragon is a legendary creature, with all kinds of strange things, and the shadow flame dragon is not the only template.

Xiaomenglong may be another template of a giant dragon.

"Gah." After playing for a while, Xiao Menglong was tired.

Russell rubbed Little Menglong's big head affectionately, smiled and waved: "Good night, ice cream, have a good dream... Haha, what is a good dream? Maybe you and I have a good dream now... Anyway, I hope there will be a good dream." One day we can fly together!"


The little dream dragon disappeared around the corner, and the dark dreamland returned to silence.

In the early morning, the sun shines in through the gaps in the curtains, adding a bright streak to the bedroom.

The lord's life was very comfortable. No one came to wake Russell up, but the biological clock that had been formed still woke him up early.

He casually pulled the bell on the bedside.

Russell got out of bed and went to the bathroom to drain the water - in the entire manor, only his bedroom had an independent flush toilet. Of course, the toilet pool needed to be replenished by a servant, and there was no advanced water supply system.

After draining the water, he returned to the bedside, calmed down, opened the drawer suddenly, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

There was no ice graupel bead left inside, which meant that what he experienced last night was not an illusion, but a reality.

The little dream dragon indeed swallowed the ice beads, and then expanded the dark dream.

"Very good, very good. Go back and hunt more snow ghosts, and then raise dragons!" The corners of his mouth curled up, as if he saw a bright future.

At this time, there was a knock on the door: "Good morning, sir."

"Good morning."

Leona, the head maid, opened the door and came in, leading the three maids to start working smoothly.

Freckled Irene, buck-toothed Phoebe, short and stumpy Olivia, Russell had enough reason to suspect that when the old housekeeper Carter arranged servants for him, his mother had definitely specifically told him to eliminate the beautiful maids first.

Otherwise, with the old housekeeper Carter's love for him, it would be impossible not to choose a beautiful maid for him.

"Perhaps the old housekeeper has insisted... At least Leona looks pretty good and has a good figure." Russell glanced at the head maid again. Her butt was really round when she bent over and raised it up, which made people inevitably feel respectful.

"Good morning, sir." Ram, the valet, knocked on the door and came in.

Russell calmed down, got dressed with the help of the valet, and then went downstairs to have breakfast before going to today's knight's morning lessons.

By the time he was sweating, Charles had just come downstairs: "Good morning, sir."

"Good morning, Teacher Charles."

"Oh, by the way, sir, are you still going to inspect the manor today? If you have free time, I think you should take a knowledge class." Charles said. He has always been Russell's tutor, teaching cultural knowledge.

"We'll talk about it later." Russell prevaricated.

He was already an adult and no longer wanted to take any special cultural classes. He arranged for Charles to be his assistant and consultant.

If you don’t understand anything, it’s never too late to ask.

While they were chatting, a knight rushed over from outside and was quickly led in by Butler Morris: "Sir, he is the messenger from the Fluorescent Castle."

The knight beat his chest and saluted: "Raphael greets you, Master Russell."

"Hello, Sir Raphael."

"The Baron has a message to convey to you. He hopes that you will have dinner at the Fluorescent Castle at noon. The Baron will have something to say to you then."

"Okay, please go and have a cup of tea first, and then we'll go back to the Fluorescent Castle together."

"Thank you."

The knight went to drink tea, and Charles immediately said: "It must be about hunting snow ghosts. The Baron is always paying attention to you."

"Yes." Russell naturally understood that in the eyes of the Baron and his wife, he was probably still a child who had not grown up.

Even though he has been allowed to live in the fiefdom, he will still keep an eye on his every move.

After taking a shower and changing into new clothes, Russell immediately took his valet and two attendant knights and returned to the Fluorescent Castle with Knight Raphael.

When I arrived at the Fluorescent Castle, I asked about hunting snow ghosts.

"Chris told me yesterday, good job, Russell, hunting the snow ghost earlier than I thought." The Baron praised.

Russell said humbly: "This is what I, as a lord, should do."

Mrs. Meryl said angrily: "You are still growing, and your fighting spirit has just been cultivated, so it is better to take less risks. Chris is also true. You asked him for help, but he actually stood aside and let you fight as a child. "

The baron said, "Russell is not a child, he has already held his coming-of-age ceremony."

"No matter how old he is, he is my child."

"Women's opinion." The baron turned and went upstairs, "Russell, come with me to the study, Madam, don't follow us, let's chat between men."

"Go ahead." Meryl straightened the hem of Russell's clothes.

Entering the study, Baron Roman took out a bottle of red wine from the bookshelf and poured a glass for himself and Russell.

Clink glasses and take a sip.

The baron casually asked, "How did you feel about hunting snow ghosts for the first time?"

"It felt good. It might be that the battle of the knight team aroused my emotions. I didn't feel scared or nervous. Later, I was so tired that I didn't care to think too much and ended the battle like this."

"Better than your elder brother. The first time Roland went to hunt ghosts with me, he was distracted when he saw that the headless snow ghost could still fight."

"I may be more nervous."

"No, you are more careful than your elder brother." The baron smiled, "I was worried that you would not adapt to independent life, but I didn't expect you to adapt better than I expected. This time, you handled the invasion of snow ghosts very well, without being reckless or cowardly."

"It's also because of your father's influence."

"You have only been out for a few days, but your flattery skills have improved. That's good. You are much more cheerful now than before." The baron sighed.

Perhaps he didn't care too much about this second son before, so that Russell standing in front of him now made him feel a sense of strangeness.

Russell smiled and didn't explain too much.

You can't say that you are the one who flatters and the one who is taciturn is your son.

But soon, both father and son became taciturn. After talking about the topic of snow ghost, they were a little out of topics. After all, they rarely had such a formal conversation. They could only raise their glasses awkwardly to cover up the slightly silent atmosphere in the study.

Fortunately, it was lunch time.

"Master, Master Russell, Madam asks you to go to the restaurant for dinner quickly." The butler came over and called.

Baron Roman and Russell breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, so they smiled at each other and left the study with red wine on the bookshelf one after the other.

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