Warm Dragon

Chapter 405 The Flood Comes Again (Additional Update, Please Give Me a Monthly Vote)

The moment the Snow Demon jumped out from under the ice cap, it was no longer a Snow Demon, but an Ice Soul Bead.


It might also be two ice soul beads.

"Mysterious Sword of Thunder!" Russell slashed his sword across the sky, directly breaking the fleeing snow demon into pieces.

Since he understood the secret of swordsmanship, he has mastered the thunder in the power of elements.

Russell basically started with the Mysterious Sword of Thunder. As the saying goes, a lion fights a rabbit with all his strength. What he wants is the effect of deciding life and death with one blow. Moreover, the consumption of Mysterious Thunder Sword is not much greater than that of ordinary moves.

So every move is a sword of mystery and thunder, so why not?

"When I understand the power of other elements, my swordsmanship will truly destroy the world!" Russell patted the neck of the black oil dragon Luo Sai.

The black oil dragon swooped over the torn snow demon.

Russell instantly used the Dou Qi Dragon Martial Arts, turning into a big hand and slapping the broken body of the Snow Demon. The body was turned into powder, revealing two ice soul beads. Russell easily used his fighting spirit to control the sword and captured the Ice Soul Bead.

"Double yolk eggs, so delicious!" Russell happily accepted.

The demon-killing order policy has not been withdrawn, so as a flying dragon knight, he still has to pay twenty ice soul beads to the Red Castle every year.

It just so happened that during this patrol, he was going to collect twenty ice soul beads.

In the future, I will go to the snowfield to fight on my own, prepare sufficient nutrition for the little dream dragon, and help the little dream dragon erupt as soon as possible.

"Russell, your fighting prowess amazes me." Earl Merlin rode over on a dragon.

"Grandpa is overly praised."

"This is not an exaggeration, this is a fact." Earl Merlin looked at the high-spirited young man on the dragon's back with relief.

Eighteen-year-old Russell still looks like a handsome boy.

This made Earl Merlin couldn't help but think of the late Grand Duke, Quentin III Shadowflame.

When he was young, he followed Quentin III to fight everywhere. At that time, Quentin III was also a beautiful boy, and he became a dragon knight at a young age.

Of course, compared with the gentle Russell, Quentin III is more domineering.

Thinking of this, Earl Merlin couldn't help but laugh, then he suppressed his smile and said seriously: "But your fighting skills are too lacking. Along the way, I have never seen you use Dragon Breath Star Explosion. Why is that?"

"Well, I haven't learned it yet." Russell answered truthfully.

"This is the basic skill of the flying dragon knight. You have been riding a dragon for more than half a year. It's time to think about this lesson." Earl Merlin glanced at Russell who had withdrawn from the fighting form. He saw the mark of the Lord of Thunder on his forehead. "The dragon domain lord and the flying dragon The knights are equal, don’t be too biased.”

Russell smiled and said: "Grandpa, you are overthinking it. The thunder sword I used is the secret of swordsmanship, not the method of the dragon domain lord."

"The secret behind swordsmanship?" Earl Merlin was surprised, "You mean, you have understood...the power of elements?"

"Grandpa, do you also know about the power of elements?"

"Of course I know, this is the domain of the dragon knight!" Earl Merlin's surprise became more and more intense. Even the manganese steel dragon under him couldn't help but turn his head. The dragon's eyes stared deeply at Russell, and he was inexplicably surprised.

As early as the birthday of Earl Merlin, Manganese Steel Dragon had met Russell. At that time, Russell was just an insignificant person.

Manganese Steel Dragon had never taken Russell seriously before, and he didn't even bother to snort in response when he said hello.

And now Russell is not only a dragon knight and dragon domain lord, but also understands the power of elements that only the dragon knight can master.

The dragon is the incarnation of the elements.

The power of elements has always been a power that can only be controlled by gods. Only the dragon knight, as a partner of the dragon, is qualified to use the power of elements and show god-like methods. No one else can cross this natural chasm.

But this gap between the mortal world and the gods was completely broken by Russell's understanding of swordsmanship.


The manganese steel dragon blew out two dragon breaths from its nostrils to vent the complicated emotions in its heart. At this moment, it was afraid of Russell.

Earl Merlin keenly felt his partner's thoughts, so he was even more shocked. His grandson could be called a quasi-dragon knight. If the Shadow Flame Dragon is the true god of the Grand Duchy, then Russell is a minor god, second only to God.

"No wonder... after mastering the power of elements, who is willing to spend time on the little tricks of the Dragon Knight?"

Earl Merlin thought somewhat ridiculously.

But in the end he chose to be tough: "Although the secrets of swordsmanship are exquisite, there is no harm in having a little more skills at hand."

"I know, Grandpa." Russell responded with a smile.

Then the black oil dragon roared, flapped its wings and flew away, leaving Russell's voice echoing: "Grandpa, I'm going to take a walk around to look for the Snow Demon. I'll be back soon."

Turn on the Thunder Boost technology, and Rossay's speed is as fast as lightning.

It flew into the depths of the snowfield with a roar, and soon locked onto a snow demon wandering slowly on the snowfield, surrounded by a large number of snow ghosts.

"Good luck!"

Russell laughed and suddenly entered the fighting state. He raised the Meteor Butterfly Sword high and the Mysterious Thunder Sword came again.


As if the owner of the thunder was angry, the Snow Demon was defeated by Russell without any chance of fighting back. The jumping lightning centered on the Snow Demon and continued to radiate to the surroundings, electrifying a large number of Snow Demons to a crisp and annihilating them into ashes with the wind.

Using the Dou Qi Yujian, an Ice Soul Bead and a large number of Ice Grain Beads clinked into Russell's pocket.

"I make money and I don't know how to spend it. I buy a Nokia with my left hand and a Motorola with my right hand..."

While humming, Russell struck with lightning, clearing away all the snow ghosts without leaving a single ice graupel bead.

This is all money!


"Russell, what song are you humming? It's so unpleasant." Unicorn Paulie complained about Russell's taste in her heart.

"This song is called 'I Make Money'!" Russell laughed.

Although Paulie found it unpleasant, Russell listened with great interest and even let out a dragon roar to cheer for Russell.

"Be good, my Roselle still understands me!"

"Roar!" After receiving the commendation, Luo Sai spun in a spiral on the sky, and then fell down like a leaf as if it had crashed. After falling halfway, he suddenly pulled up, completing a dry land plucking maneuver.

These were all Russell's maneuvers taught by Russell when he was idle and bored.

What about dry land pulling onions, falling leaves floating, what bells, rollers, Immelman, Cobra maneuver, Frolov chakra and so on.

When he gets bored or excited during the flight, Rosé will do these tricks.

The bipedal flying dragon's flexibility in the air is countless times higher than that of a fighter jet. Moreover, what supports the flying dragon is not the fanning of its wings, but the spurting of magic power. So Rousey can perform any complex and difficult movements.

The combination of knights, pseudo-dragons, and flying dragons are singing and looking cool in the sky.


A huge roar came from the west between heaven and earth. It was a dragon roar that Russell was already familiar with.


The clouds trembled, the wind and snow stopped, and nothing could be seen clearly.

Russell, Pauly, and Roselle also put away their thoughts of having fun and looked at the snow-filled west of the snowfield, frowning: "This is... the voice of the Torrent Dragon. Cousin Mel is on an envoy to the Fiery Torrent Kingdom. It's really... Called for help?"

Without thinking much, he flew back directly on Roselle and reunited with the Dragon Blood Knights and Earl Merlin first.

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