Warm Dragon

Chapter 408 Letter from King Ares

After leaving Shadow Flame Volcano, Russell moved into his cousin Mel's independent castle, but Mel was still on a diplomatic mission to the Blazing Torrent Kingdom.

The Torrent Dragon came alone, bringing Marquis Arno's flying dragon to discuss cooperation between the two countries.

So the work of Mel's delegation has not yet ended, and they need to stay in the Blazing Torrent Kingdom for a while.

The night was long, and Russell lay on the bed thinking about his worries.

Under the eyes of the Shadow Flame Dragon, Xiao Menglong did not dare to descend into the Dark Dream, and could only communicate slightly through the M-shaped mark on the palm of his hand.

"Once the Torrent Scale Tower is built, I'm afraid it will be difficult to let Ice Cream descend into the Dark Dream." Russell was a little worried.

The Dark Dream is a hunting artifact, and Xiao Menglong can only grow by swallowing Ice Soul Pearls in the Dark Dream.

Once the Torrent Scale Tower is built, if the Torrent Dragon spies all day, Russell will not dare to let Xiao Menglong show his face. If the Torrent Dragon finds out and reports it to the King of the Blazing Torrent Kingdom, it may cause a crisis.

"That Dragon Knight King, Ares Lieyang, was determined to annex the Shadow Flame Grand Duchy before. He seems to be a tyrant... Facing such a person, I have to be careful. He won't be as easy to talk to as the Shadow Flame Dragon."

Of course.

Maybe it's not that the Shadow Flame Dragon is easy to talk to, but that the Shadow Flame Dragon has been beaten up by reality many times and has lost his temper.

He hopes that Russell and Xiao Menglong can help him in the future, so he will be easy to talk to.

If the Shadow Flame Dragon is really worry-free, I'm afraid he will also rack his brains to snatch Xiao Menglong's hope and strengthen himself.

"So, it's still Xue Gao who is smart. Even if he forms an alliance with the Shadow Flame Dragon, he never descends into the dark dream under the Shadow Flame Dragon's nose to prevent the Shadow Flame Dragon from turning against him and attacking him." Russell needs to learn from Xiao Menglong in this regard.

As the saying goes, Zhuge Liang was cautious all his life.

"Keep a low profile, don't be arrogant... Father and elder brother have changed the way of survival for the family, but the previous way of survival is more worthy of being remembered." Russell reflected on himself this night and found his original intention.

"Ice cream." Russell raised his left hand.

Looking at the burning M-shaped mark, the soybean-sized sword butterfly mark, and the three sesame-sized thorn marks, tick marks, and gecko marks.

He whispered: "In the future, when you are in the range of the Torrent Scale Tower, you are not allowed to descend into the dark dream, and be patient. Wait until you are far away from the Torrent Scale Tower, and then you can descend, and then I will let you feast on it!"

Now Russell has enough means to hunt the snow demon and harvest the ice soul beads by himself.

There is no need for Xiao Menglong to speak personally.

The M-shaped mark flashed, Russell smiled slightly, clenched his fist, and the burning mark was instantly crushed, and the sparks disappeared between his fingers.

It was night.

The dark dream did not descend, and Russell spent a peaceful night.

The next morning, knights from the Never-Sleeping Castle were waiting in the independent castle.

After seeing Russell, he immediately handed him a banquet invitation: "Lord Russell, my master invites you to the Never-Sleeping Castle for a banquet, saying that there is something important to discuss with you."

"Marquis Arnold is looking for me?" Russell nodded, "I will go."

At noon, he rushed to the Never-Sleeping Castle for a banquet. He was the only one invited to the banquet, and he had a face-to-face banquet with Marquis Arnold.

After a glass of wine, Russell asked: "Sir Arnold, what important matter do you want to discuss with me?"

"Haha, let's drink first, and it won't be too late to discuss it after the banquet." Marquis Arnold kept it a secret.

The Torrent Dragon is still in the territory of the Shadow Flame Grand Duchy, so Russell will naturally give Marquis Arnold face and have a banquet with Marquis Arnold in harmony. When the banquet was about to end, Marquis Arnold took out a letter and handed it to Russell.

"Sir Russell, this is a letter from King Ares of the Blazing Torrent Kingdom. You will know what we are talking about after reading it."

"King Ares wrote to me?" Russell was surprised.

Marquis Arnold laughed: "No need to be so surprised. King Ares likes to communicate through letters. In previous years, he has written many letters to encourage young talents in the kingdom. Of course, you are the first to write to young talents abroad."

Surprised, Russell opened the letter from King Ares.

On the ordinary letter paper, there were dense and tiny words. The handwriting was not very beautiful, but very imposing.

The human civilization of Longmian Continent was inherited from the Holy Radiant Empire, including the title and the writing.

Despite thousands of years of inheritance, each country has developed its own writing on this basis.

But the Kingdom of Blazing Torrent and the Grand Duchy of Shadow Flame have the same origin after all. The first generation of Shadow Flame Dragon Knight Quentin Shadow Flame was born in the Kingdom of Blazing Torrent, so the text of the Grand Duchy of Shadow Flame, except for a few minor differences in words, is consistent with that of the Kingdom of Blazing Torrent.

So Russell can read it normally.

"Friend Russell Fluorescent Mushroom: I heard that a Dragon Lord was born in the Grand Duchy of Shadow Flame. I am very happy. Since the death of West Kinnari, the kingdom has not had a Dragon Lord born for hundreds of years, which is a pity."

"West Kinnari?" Russell saw the beginning of the letter and suddenly remembered who this person was.

It was the Dragon Lord West Kinnari mentioned in the book "Possible Evolution of Dragons" written by Ading Lieyang.

Kinnari is a pseudo-dragon, which evolved from an ordinary phoenix bird to the fantasy beast Golden Feather Phoenix Bird, and then from the Golden Feather Phoenix Bird to the pseudo-dragon Kinnari.

Unexpectedly, since the death of West Kinnari, the Kingdom of Blazing Torrent has not given birth to a dragon lord for hundreds of years.

It can be seen from this.

The probability of a fantasy beast evolving into a pseudo-dragon is extremely low.

The existence of dragon domain lords is much rarer than that of flying dragon knights. They really belong to the legendary realm.

The content behind the letter.

After King Ares lamented the scarcity of dragon domain lords for a while, he said that he has always been concerned about the growth of young people. He had heard about Russell's name for a long time. When he learned that Russell was promoted to dragon domain lord, he drank three glasses to celebrate!


King Ares also said that the Kingdom of Blazing Torrent is short of talents and he is also thirsty for talents. He hopes that Russell can come to the kingdom to visit.

If Russell's development in the Grand Duchy of Shadow Flame is stagnant, he can defect to the Kingdom of Blazing Torrent. I believe that with Russell's talent, it will not be difficult to earn the position of Marquis. If Russell develops well in the Shadow Flame Grand Duchy, he hopes to have wine and chat with Russell and discuss world affairs.

So, so on and so forth.

After reading the letter, Russell, who felt the strong courtesy between the lines, couldn't help but sigh: "Your Majesty Ares knows that there is Russell in the world!"

Immediately, he sketched the image of Ares Sun King in his mind, and added the evaluation of a polite corporal after the heroic lord. And inexplicably, King Ares is connected with Cao Cao back home on Earth.

"If King Ares is Cao Cao, I will be Liu Bei before the Battle of Chibi, still wandering..."


This is just a momentary thought.

When Marquis Arnold heard Russell's emotion, he couldn't help but sigh: "Your Excellency Russell, your reputation is not only resounding in the Shadow Flame Grand Duchy, but also in my Fiery Torrent Kingdom. The princes and nobles love to talk about your deeds."

"But I don't seem to have anything to talk about, right?" Russell answered.

Except for a dangerous situation when he was promoted to Dragon Territory Lord, he had been quietly improving his strength at other times.

Karen, the blue crystal dragon plum, spit out the original dragon breath, and he was quickly promoted to a grand knight.

After walking around in the snowfield, he took the unicorn Baoli home, then easily completed the contract and was promoted to the Phantom Beast Knight.

Ludu Xuelin roasted a few mice, so the Harpy Dragon Hape also went home and started turning 2 advanced fantasy beast knight.

During the Battle of the Second Fall, he received support from the Shadow Flame Dragon and gave him a black oil dragon egg. Then his father led the family's knights, working hard to sweep away ice beads and raise black oil dragon eggs to mature, and he was soon promoted to a flying dragon knight.

Smooth sailing along the way.

He has not experienced several hardships, let alone a legend of ups and downs.

"Haha, your Excellency is joking." Marquis Arnaud said with a smile, "The second son fought hard, and the giant dragon looked at him in the battle; he picked up dragons in the snowfield, and created a warm enclave like his ancestors; he had a broad life-and-death bond, and he was promoted to the dragon realm with the fantasy beasts. The lord; supported me, killed three dragons with one sword but did not interfere with the inheritance of the nobles..."

The Marquis of Arnold recounted Russell's great achievements with his fingers.

Finally, I didn’t forget to add a scene for myself: “With a thunderous sword, I have no choice but to surrender to Your Excellency... I have written a letter and sent it back to China in detail!”

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