Warm Dragon

Chapter 55 Add a set of transmission shafts

The second fluorescent mushroom worm quickly selected the birch tree, which was another thick birch tree not far from the birch tree.

Because there are no more forests in the Black Snake Manor at this stage to open up new fluorescent mushroom magic fields, the influence of the two cordyceps can only be superimposed to expand the production speed and scale of fluorescent mushrooms in the birch forest.

"We must open up a new birch forest on the other side of the river as soon as possible." Russell issued the highest instruction.

Charles, Old Hans and others followed him and nodded hurriedly, indicating that all work was proceeding in an orderly manner.


Russell could see that on the other side of the river, a large number of serfs, led by the serf steward, were carefully grafting the cut birch branches on the river slope.

Birch trees can be planted with seeds or branches.

These grafted branches were personally inspected by the fantasy beast knight Eric, and they were branches that bred magic power.

After the birch worms were bred, the influence of the Cordyceps was always exerted, gradually transforming this birch forest, infecting ordinary trees into magical materials with magic power - drawing magic power from the earth, and then nourishing the wood itself.

But many birch trees have been growing for many years, and the infection will last for a long time, ten or even twenty years before they can fully mature.

Once the cut magic branches take root and sprout, they will quickly grow into magical birch trees without the need for infection.

Wait for Russell to patrol the other side of the river.

When the serfs saw Russell and his party coming, everyone put down their work and bowed 90 degrees to Russell.

Russell has changed the etiquette of serfs kneeling every time, and changed it to bowing when they see the lord for the first time every day. The second and more times you see the lord, you don’t even need to bend, you just need to bow and nod.

It not only implements the authority of the lord, but also does not delay normal work.

For him, there is no need to kneel down and kowtow to show his status as a lord. His status comes from the fluorescent mushroom family and the fighting power brought by fighting spirit practice.

"Red-nosed Rudy greets you, sir." The chief of the Magic Potion Village, the technician Rudy with a red nose, bowed enthusiastically and greeted him.

"Rudy, do your job well. Report to me at any time if there is any situation in the Magic Potion Village."

"Yes, sir."


Russell looked at the hard-working serfs and smiled sincerely. Such a large piece of land, so many crops in the land are his; so many people are working for him, and even these people are his private property.

The life of the manor lord may be boring and not as colorful as life on earth, but in terms of spiritual needs, it is rich.

The vast world, let you do whatever you want.

"Let's go, Teacher Charles, let's go and see how the windmill mill is progressing." Russell ran towards the windmill mill on the slope with great interest.

Seeing the lord and the knights leave gracefully, the serfs who were quietly planting trees gradually became bolder and began to whisper.

"The master is so diligent. You can see him inspecting the territory almost every day."

The serf manager who was working next to him laughed and said, "The master is young and strong, so of course he has to inspect the territory every day to prevent you old guys from being lazy."

The serf manager is also a serf, so the serfs are not afraid and retorted, "You are also lazy. When the village chief can't see it, you are the one who takes the lead in being lazy."

"If you say one more word, I will whip you!"

"Come on, whip me!"

"Okay, all of you, stop making trouble." There is a mature and steady The serfs advised, "We have finally waited for a generous and kind master. If we don't farm well and anger the master, we will have to go back to the hard life before!"

The serf manager nodded in agreement and said, "Yes, we are lucky to have a master who is willing to provide food for the serfs while they serve and work."

"Now we can grow magic potions again, and good days are still to come!"

"The dragon is watching us!"

"May the light of glory bless us, and I hope our master will live a hundred years and manage our manor forever."

The wishes of the serfs have always been so simple.

At the same time, Russell had arrived at the construction site of the windmill mill. The main structure built of stones had been basically built, but the windmill blades and the rotating shaft and millstone in the mill were still under construction.

The stonemasons were grinding the stone mill outside. The stone mill was very large and was carved from huge rocks mined from the Bend Blade Mountain.

Russell's knowledge was limited and he didn't know what type of rock it was.

Anyway, it is very hard and wear-resistant. The stonemasons have to chisel several times to grind off a little edge. Just this pair of stone mills needs at least half a month to grind.

Inside the mill, carpenters are busy adjusting the wood.

Worm, turbine, bearing, connecting rod, windmill mill is far more complicated than Russell thought.

"Sir, you came at the right time." The head carpenter of the windmill mill, that is, the chief designer, is a serf technician in Fluorescent Castle - serf technicians refer to all serfs with skills. Magic potion planting belongs to skills, and carpentry also belongs to skills.

"What's wrong?"

"We measured it on the spot. The wind speed here in Alfalfa Village may be a little bad in daily life, so we have to design an extra set of transmission shafts to drive the millstone to rotate." The head carpenter said, "But adding an extra set of transmission shafts requires too much wood."

"So these woods can't be used, right?" Russell frowned.

"The key parts cannot be used because the wood is not strong enough." The carpenter took out a piece of manuscript paper with a crooked design drawing on it. "You see, sir, these parts cannot be made of wood. We have to use metal ceramics instead."

Russell took a look and found that there were not many parts that needed metal ceramic materials.

But this is definitely part of the cost overrun.

"Sorry, sir, we didn't think of this before. The wind power in Alfalfa Village is a little insufficient." Charles hurriedly reviewed and passed the blame, "It's also because these carpenters and stonemasons are too rough. When they built it, they guaranteed that the windmill could turn, but now they say it can't turn."

The carpenter explained: "Uh, Sir Charles, we didn't say that the windmill couldn't turn. It's that the windmill will be less powerful. If you want to ensure normal use, you need to add a set of transmission shafts."

"Okay." Russell waved his hand, "It's a small matter, not worth arguing about. Answer me now, if this set of transmission shafts is added, the windmill mill can operate normally, right? ? "

"Yes, sir, I promise."

"Well, Mr. Charles, you go to Fluorescent Castle to buy metal and ceramic accessories according to the needs of the carpenter."

After Russell made his decision, he said to the carpenter: "After buying the accessories, if everything is normal in the windmill, everything will be fine. If there are still design problems, I will hold you responsible and ask what kind of technicians the Fluorescent Castle has employed."

His tone was very gentle, but the carpenter felt great pressure: "I promise you, sir, there will be no more problems."

"Very good, I'm waiting for the good news of the completion of the windmill."

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