Warm Wedding, CEO Loves Me

Chapter 2153: To praise me?

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After going downstairs, Feng Linnuo bargained with his dad for a while.

Finally, Feng Xinglang, who was the father, proposed: Tomorrow morning, he will bring his eldest son Lin Nuo together to plug the caterpillar nest!

The little guy accepted it with difficulty!

Feng Xinglang was exhausted. But he has to continue working. Two first-class projects were temporarily shelved due to irresistible policies. In order to avoid the interruption of the capital chain, he must prepare in advance.

Having just glanced at the project in Canada in the study, Feng Xinglang seemed a little absent-minded.

Obviously, Cong Gang has already returned to Shencheng!

He happened to return at this time, which is enough to prove that the intimidating graphic message he sent him played a certain effect! In other words, although the dog thing couldn't get through to the phone, he would still watch these graphic and text messages!

That's easy!

In order to avoid going to Qibei Mountain City tomorrow morning with his eldest son, Feng Xinglang decided to warn someone again.

So, he got the encrypted video file from GK Ventures' server, and then intercepted a picture that was satisfactory to him.

This time, Feng Xinglang was still a gentleman. Although it is unlikely that the younger son will see it, for the mental health of the minor children, he thoughtfully put a mosaic on someone's P stock.

[Cong Gang, wait for me in the villa tomorrow morning! If you don't see my family bugs ... at your own risk! 】

Although he did not get any feedback from Cong Gang, Feng Xinglang knew that Cong Gang would be able to see his warning.

Just finished, the well-washed Feng Linnuo's child pushed the door coldly.

"Daddy, you can't sneak up to see the caterpillars alone at night! You have to talk about credit, you must bring your own son me!"

Uneasy Lin Nuo, my dad, went to remind his dad before going to sleep.

"Go back to sleep with you obediently! Does your dad look like someone who can talk?" Feng Xinglang hummed quietly.

"It's better not! Otherwise, my son also thinks you are the guy in Mummy's mouth who only knows to run the train with his mouth full!" The little guy hummed.

Feng Xing Lang Jun frowned, "Does your mom really say that to me?"

"Huh! Good night, dear!"

Before his dad became angry, the children of Lin Nuo evacuated immediately.

Anyway, as long as you bring your mommy, even if your dad has a fire, he doesn't dare to send his hair to mommy! Maybe it's not daring, but perseverance.

After the eldest son closed the study door and left, Feng Xinglang squeezed his eyebrows, and then continued to follow the progress of the Canadian project.

"Tuk Tuk" heard two light knocks on the door.

Such polite behavior should not be his wife Lin Xueluo. She had no need to knock on the door when she entered the study room on the third floor.

After Feng Xinglang had been well, Mo Ranran came in with warm milk and pastries.

"Second younger, didn't you disturb your work?" She sent the tray to Feng Xinglang's hand.

"Even if I'm disturbed by my little sister-in-law, my uncle is happy!" Feng Xinglang's way of speaking was so fascinating.

"Second younger, you are really fierce to Xue Luo sister at dinner!" Mo Ranran muttered.

"If you send Zai Zai to raise others, my elder brother may be even more fierce to you!" Feng Xinglang Youheng.

"My gentleman Lixin is so gentle, he won't!" Mo Ranran muttered.

"Okay, this kind of praise, you still keep telling my brother! After all, it is a very sad thing to praise such a man in front of another man!" Feng Xinglang Yau Sheng.

"Second, you misunderstood me ... In fact, I want to say: I hope Li Xin can be like you: when you should be angry, you will be angry, and when you should please your wife, you will be able to win the favor of your wife! temperament!"

Mo Ranran sighed while looking at the portfolios.

"You warm milk and bring it upstairs ... just to commend me?" Feng Xinglang Yang raised the eyebrows of British spirit.

"Not all of them! You have helped me so much ... your husband and wife are arguing, and I want to help you!"

Mo Ranran really wanted to help Er Shao Feng Xing Lang. Because Feng Xinglang has been helping her and Feng Lixin.

"That's good to say, from tomorrow on, you will spend more time with your sister Xueluo! Don't let her have too much cranky time!" Feng Xinglang sighed slightly, "I'm busy these days with you, I am I really neglected Xueluo and the children! I once boasted Haikou in front of her and would bring the bugs around with me 24 hours a day! But ... but I even took one

People are lost elsewhere! Indeed, I am too careless and incompetent! Your sister Xueluo was angry with me, and it should be. "

Someone's waking up is from the heart. In fact, he didn't want to yell at his wife at dinner, but he was suddenly a masculine man ...

"Then you are so fierce?" Mo Ranran muttered again.

"That's not for the happiness of your family! Are you embarrassed to say me? Hurry up and go to bed and try to give my brother a big, fat boy!" Feng Xinglang urged.

"Secondary ... you are such a good man! You are also a good brother!"

Cold, Mo Ranran suddenly had a strange idea, "I hug you!"

Before Feng Xinglang reacted, Mo Ranran came over and gave him a tight wolf hug!

Then fled!

Oh my god, is this indecent assault? Do you want to call the police yourself?


Since having a daughter, Xue Luo has been used to getting up early. Because she wants to feed her daughter.

There was no husband around him.

Is that man still mad at himself?

Well, she sent her younger son to Cong Gang without consulting her husband. It was indeed that she did something wrong. But there's no need to ignore her all night, right? Will she continue the cold war with her today?

But when Xueluo passed by the study, he saw the scene in the study, but began to feel very sorry for his man.

Feng Xinglang was able to fall asleep in the executive chair. This posture must be very uncomfortable.

Messy files are stacked on the desk, and I don't know how long the man worked last night.

Xue Luo went to the executive chair and embraced the man's head to snuggle into his arms. Then he leaned over and kissed the man's chapped lips.

Feeling the sweet smell of a woman, Feng Xinglang opened her bloodshot eyes.

"Snow fell ... how did you get up? What time is it now?"

"Regardless of the time, I will help you sleep in bed!" Xue Luo gently stroked the man's cheek. "You are so tired of yourself ... I will be distressed by the little girl!"

Feng Xinglang fainted a smile of relief and hugged the woman tightly, "Wife ... I love you!"

"Since you love me, take care of yourself!"

Xue Luo stared affectionately at the man's sleepy face, "This money can't be earned, my wife doesn't want you to work so hard!"

"My husband doesn't find it hard ... as long as you have a good time with the children, your husband will be happy again!"

The man kissed her daughter's arms and sniffed her.

"Xing Lang, I want to go to work at GK, and I want to help you!" Xue Luorou said.

"If you feel bored at home ... come to GK as my special secret! Sit with me in an office, our husband and wife fly together every day!"

Feng Xinglang did not reject the woman wisely. Otherwise, the woman will feel that she is just trying to pet her daughter and prevent her from realizing her life value. Women also have their own thoughts, and he cannot stifle them lightly.

"No! I want to follow up on a class of project from beginning to end, starting with market research! Then learn the entire investment process!" Xue Luoyue said more and more, "From investigation, to investment, to income ... "

"..." Feng Xinglang frowned slightly: Little girl, how easy is it to think of an investment project? !!

Seeing her husband not talking, Xue Luo's face became clouded. "Is my idea a little unrealistic? Or do you think I can't learn well at all?"

"Of course not!" Feng Xinglang can't always say: I think it's more appropriate for you to stay home late.

"Then why are you frowning?" Xue Luo hummed.

"Do I frown? No!"

Someone immediately burst into a smile, "My husband thinks it, you still have to eat through a type of project that you have invested in at home!"

"That's what you said three years ago!" Xue Luo snorted coldly.

"Did I say it three years ago?" Feng Xinglang pretended to be innocent.

"Yes! Anyway, you just want me to stay at home with my children!" Xue Luo said sharply.

"Wife, this child is definitely harder than making money! Your hard work, I deeply appreciate it!" Feng Xinglang immediately photographed the horse P.

Xue Luo did not continue to argue with the man. Thinking that you wouldn't let me go to work at GK, I went out to find a job by myself.


As soon as Feng Xinglang lay down on the bed, the eldest son trot along and rushed in.

"Daddy, dear father, don't sleep anymore! Hurry up and plug the caterpillar nest in Qibei Mountain City!" The little guy was full of interest.

If it weren't for the smart door to brush his dad's face, the little guy would have run secretly long ago, and he wouldn't have to begging a **** dad every time. "What time is it?" Feng Xinglang just felt his brain humming.

"It's seven o'clock! Mommy will let Fei Xiaohu send me to school in a while!" Feng Linnuo pulled the quilt on his dad three or two times later.

"Would you let my dad talk for another ten minutes?"

"No! Get up!"

"Just eight minutes ... five minutes ... three minutes is all right?" Feng Xinglang almost begged.

"Dad, think about your cute little son! You haven't seen him for three days. Don't you want him at all? No wonder Mommy would say that you love other people's children more than your own children! "

This last sentence was written by the child Feng Linnuo himself.

"Okay, go and prepare the toiletries for your dad!" Feng Xinglang was finally raised by the eldest son.

Qibei Mountain City under the sun is quiet and mysterious.

Speeding Lexus, startled birds and various beasts.

"Dad, seeing the big caterpillar, can you control your emotions and don't yell at him constantly?" The child Lin Nuo seemed to be giving vaccination to his dad, "I want the big caterpillar. You're so fierce, your pride is full of 10,000 crit! "

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