Warrior in Turbulent Han Dynasty

Chapter 209 Animal World

On Yaqian Street, Gu'an County, a group of well-equipped heavy cavalry escorted a middle-aged man on a white horse. The doors and windows on both sides were closed, and there were few pedestrians on the street. Occasionally, passers-by faced the wall tremblingly, as if they were facing the wall and thinking about their past.

The man on the white horse was Xiao Siwen, the great king of the Southern Courtyard. When they came to the county government office, Xiao Siwen turned over gracefully from the horse.

He himself thinks so, so he always dresses very carefully, and usually doesn't wear armor. The two strips of red silk on the hat seem to be his beautiful sideburns; these strips are cooler in summer and are purely decorative, and if the weather is cold in winter, they will be replaced with animal fur, which is very warm.

Xiao Siwen got off the horse, carefully smoothed the beard on the middle man with his fingers, made the beard slightly tilted to the sides, raised his head and strode inside.

He always has this kind of petty behavior that cares about his appearance so much that his subordinates often say bad things about him, and there are such comments: the king likes to trim his appearance, but he is not handsome.

But Xiao Siwen didn't care about being called beauty-loving, and he was usually tolerant of generals, so in Youzhou he was supported by Khitan people and Xi people... As for Han'er? No matter what they do, the Liao army has not been supported in Youzhou for 20 years, and everyone is very used to this situation.

"People from 'Nvli' came to ask for help, what should we do?" Seeing Xiao Siwen's calm look, a general couldn't help asking in Khitan language.

The colleague was besieged by the Zhou army, and finally ran over to report the news. He had several arrow wounds when we met just now, and the situation looked critical. At this time, Xiao Siwen was still concerned about whether his beard was in a mess, which really made the general look anxious.

The general who spoke just now is Brother Xiao Xi, and he often speaks ill of the king. Xiao Siwen heard about it, and hated this person in his heart.

Xi Ge often abused Han Er, and everyone advised him: Your Majesty has prejudice against you, don’t get caught and just retaliate... Xi Ge has also done many bad things, such as a matter of robbing southern merchants, arresting people and trying every means to torture|kill them for fun, and the methods are cruel.

At this time, Xiao Siwen could only hear him say slowly: "I will lead the soldiers to rescue."

Brother Xi then said again: "Southern people are good at deceit, Your Majesty is going to rescue them without preparation, don't fall for tricks."

After hearing this, Xiao Siwen looked worried: "You mean I can't even beat Zhou Jun's partial division?"

Brother Xi hurriedly said: "The last general didn't mean that. He just reminded the king to be careful."

Xiao Siwen raised his head and squinted his eyes and said: "As long as Zhou Lord Guo Rong (Chai Rong)'s army doesn't cross the Juma River, who will I be afraid of? No tricks will work. Southerners are sheep, we are wolves... This is something that flows in the blood and is born. Have you ever seen a wolf besieged and killed by sheep?"

The generals laughed out loud when they heard this, and someone happily echoed, "Unless the sheep don't eat grass and eat meat instead!"

After hearing this, Brother Xi was very pleased with this kind of remarks, and immediately yelled: "Sheep can never become wolves, but wolves may become cowardly after learning from sheep! Those who are close to Han children, it is not a good thing to learn bad habits! We Khitan people only need to treat the southerners as sheep that can cut meat, and don't be fooled by them."

Xiao Siwen spread his arms, made an exaggerated movement to attract everyone's attention, and said: "If we don't learn the good things of Han'er, we are just prodigal sons on the grassland; it is because of Youzhou that we can get excellent armor. It doesn't matter if we learn from other people's strengths... because we Khitan people have noble and strong blood, and we will not be easily corrupted. Those who learn from Han'er's strengths are not weak; only those whose blood is polluted will be bullied."

Xiao Siwen said again: "After my brother passed away, he left behind a concubine of Han nationality, and his son was included in the account. Later, the concubine gave birth to a son. Because the boy had Han's blood on his body, he was completely different from other people. He was often bullied by his peers but did not dare to resist... Do you see this? This is the enlightenment given to us by our ancestors. Stupid people turn a blind eye to those subtleties and can only suffer for themselves!"

After hearing the "enlightenment", everyone looked at Xiao Siwen in awe.

Seeing this, Xiao Siwen sang loudly: "Victory will belong to the powerful Khitan people! I have already felt the omen from the heavens, everyone, quickly bring your horses, brothers, clansmen, bows and arrows and iron bones, put on battle armor, and follow me! The King of the South Court will lead you to defeat the Han who invaded from the Zhou Dynasty."

All the generals were suddenly in high spirits and wanted to fight one after another. Xiao Siwen then told them to go back and bring the subordinates together, and decided to go out.


Soon after, Guo Shao heard that the scouts reported that the cavalry of the Liao army had arrived at the bank of Zhuoshui in the east. Immediately ordered: "Immediately send messengers out to tell the commanders: Xiao Siwen's men are coming from behind."

The generals around him cursed and cursed after hearing this, feeling unwilling. After dispatching, everyone chased and compressed the Khitan Qingqi from east to west. Although the scattered Qingqi were driven to run around, they had not yet achieved any results... Returning now, of course there is nothing to gain.

Seeing the reaction of the soldiers, Guo Shao shouted again: "Military orders must be clearly written. Strictly order all the ministries to retreat to Zhuozhou immediately!"

The large group of cavalry scattered nearby gathered their formation one after another and turned to the north. Guo Shao remembered the TV show "Animal World" he watched in modern times, and said loudly to the soldiers around him: "Brothers, think about it, the tigers and leopards in the grasslands and forests are not hunted every time, and they often go for nothing. Keep looking for opportunities and keep trying to successfully get the delicious food."

Although no "prey" was found, Xiao Siwen was called out to dispatch an army; the Liao army crossed the river from Gu'an and trekked here, it was not a waste of time.

At this moment, Li Chuyun rode his horse to catch up with Guo Shao, and said: "It's too hard for us to chase, why don't you invite Xiao Siwen to Zhuozhou and ask them to come to your door?"

Guo Shao said casually: "We are very hospitable, but Xiao Siwen is a Khitan barbarian and doesn't know etiquette, so I'm afraid he won't accept our invitation because he doesn't appreciate it."

When the generals and all the soldiers heard this, they laughed out of their depressed mood.

Li Chuyun also had a smile on his face: "If you don't give some gifts, the Liao people will naturally not appreciate it. Aren't Zhang Ying's subordinates some Youzhou Han sons? Send a few people to feign surrender, and say that the people of Zhuozhou want to make meritorious service and are willing to open the city gate for the Liao army, luring them to come here."

Guo Shao was noncommittal, thinking that the Khitan people didn't seem to trust the Han people in Youzhou very much, and it seemed unwise for someone to surrender suddenly. What if Xiao Siwen is a very smart person? My first move was so rough, it was really out of level, so I didn't agree to Li Chuyun for a while.

He only said: "Go back to Zhuozhou to see the situation. Maybe Xiao Siwen will come without our invitation. The Liao people's army is dispatched, and they always have to come down to the city for a walk... Xiao Siwen must not be afraid of us, otherwise You Qi would be so bold and go deep into Qigou Pass in the southwest."

A group of people rode back to Zhuozhou and met Deng Fei's troops at the south gate of the city. Seeing Deng Fei sitting on a horse-drawn cart, Guo Shaoce immediately looked over and saw an arrow sticking out of his thigh.

Deng Fei supported the cart and came down, cupping his fists and said, "My lord."

Guo Shao pointed at the arrow on his leg with his horsewhip: "After chasing for so long, I saw that you were injured."

Deng Fei scolded: "There was a Liao man who was very accurate in riding and shooting. I chased him for a few miles, but he shot him off the horse when I didn't catch anyone. It hurts to ride a horse with a thigh injury. I happened to pass by a village, so I requisitioned an ox cart in the village. The cow was not needed, so I replaced it with a horse."

After all, Deng Fei's men followed Guo Shao into the south gate. Everyone waited on the tower for a long time, and the generals of all the ministries reported back one after another. Then Guo Shao was relieved and let Deng Fei continue to ride the cart back to the camp of the Chinese Army.

After walking for a while, Guo Shao remembered that there was a pharmacy on Qianjie Street, which was where Miracle Doctor Lu sat, so he took Deng Fei there so that his acquaintance, Miracle Doctor Lu, could look at his injuries.

... Mrs. Lu is also at the pharmacy, her name is Lu Lan. The Lu family moved from Youzhou, but they should have taken root in Zhuozhou. Lu Lan is already engaged to the husband of the Li family, the owner of the pharmacy.

She is also busy these days. Her father and most of the doctors in the city have been conscripted by Zhou Jun. During the day, she will go to the state capital and other places to treat wounded soldiers, so she will help test prescriptions at the pharmacy.

All the doctors who can sit in the hall are famous, not the barefoot doctor. Although Lu Lan has no name, she has learned a lot from her father since she was a child. It is no big problem if the Li family medicine store is short of manpower and asks her to help in an emergency.

At this moment, Mr. Li's family came out wearing a fringe and a long robe, and greeted: "Miss Lu, come in and help me look at these medicinal materials." Lu Lan looked up to see that the old shopkeeper was making plans, and replied, "Okay, come here."

The young man lifted the curtain of the back door and let her pass. When Lu Lan passed by, the younger generation smelled her fragrance, and his face turned a little red... I saw that although she was well dressed, she was so alluring for some reason.

It may be that Lu Lan's face is fair and smooth, and it is easy to make people think that her skin is also so fair and lovely, but her body is tightly covered by a dark and plain coarse cloth... Then I have an impulse in my later life, wanting to peel it off to see the skin inside.

Lu Lan didn't notice it, she knew the Li family very well. The marriage between the two families is to get acquainted with each other first, and then slowly talk about it. She asked, "What medicinal materials?"

The younger generation of the Li family took her into a wing room. As soon as she stepped through the door, she saw that this room did not look like a place for medicinal herbs, so she was alert and wanted to leave. Unexpectedly, being pushed by the younger generation, one staggered and fell in.

The young man immediately blocked the door and followed in.

Lu Lan said anxiously: "What do you want to do? I'm going to call someone!"

"You were going to marry into the Li family, what's the use of calling someone?" The young man blushed with excitement, staring at Lu Lan and slowly approaching.

"I'm not married yet. If you do this, you won't be afraid of being criticized?" Lu Lan took a few steps back, but seeing that he ignored him, she immediately shouted, "Someone is coming soon..."

In a hurry, the young man rushed up, immediately covered Lu Lan's mouth, pressed her against the corner of the wall, and immediately reached out to yank her collar.

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