Warrior in Turbulent Han Dynasty

Chapter 643: Sesame oil

The sanqing hall is a place of pure cultivation, the color of the houses is plain, and the clothes worn by Taoist priests are mainly gray, without any color. The sun in the west is shining brightly, covering the plain furnishings with a bright color.

Grand Concubine Zhang looked up at the height of the sun, and a trace of joy came to her heart... because it will soon be time for dinner, and today is finally the end of the day.

Perhaps, there are still many people in the world who don’t have enough food and clothing, and have to work hard to earn a living. Naturally, it is also difficult; but they can have some hope, and there are people close to them who understand their hardships.

Others have no worries about food and clothing, but it is still difficult. Because after having enough food and clothing, there is no fun, no hope, no meaning, you can’t go to other places, you can’t do what you want to do, day after day is boring... At this time, time is almost stagnant; the only thing that changes is the gradual aging of age.

Mrs. Zhang sighed quietly, picked up the brush and dipped it slowly in the inkstone.

Every movement of her is very slow and serious, as if she is doing an extremely important thing, so every detail is very serious... After all, the whole day is so long, and there are only those things that can be done. If you get used to slowing down, time seems to go faster.

Mrs. Zhang turned a page of Chen Tuan's "Fetal Breath Jue" on the left, and thought: Copy another page, and I should be able to have dinner.

She doesn't believe in religion, but she is trying to copy some Taoist works, so that when she really believes in it.

At this moment, Wang Shanggong hurried in. It's rare to move so fast, Zhang looked at her in surprise.

Wang Shanggong walked up to him: "It's not good!"

"What's wrong?" Mrs. Zhang frowned, "You should talk about it first."

Wang Shanggong bowed his head and said in a low voice: "I heard two women chewing their tongues at a corner outside the Hall of Sanqing. They said... the imperial concubine once... used her body to lure|lure Jin to come..."

When Mrs. Zhang heard this, her face flushed "shua", then turned white again, and she felt ashamed and angry. It was as uncomfortable as being stripped naked in the street. Wang Shanggong was stunned for a moment, she might feel that Zhang's reaction was too much... People can only care about themselves when they are related to themselves.

Wang Shanggong also looked angry: "Those gossip women can't utter a clean word! This servant remembers that time, the lady's clothes were stained with sesame oil, because she accidentally opened the sesame oil pot when she went to fetch the tea leaves from the shelf; but when it got into other people's mouths, she said such embarrassing words!"

Mrs. Zhang said coldly: "What else did they say?"

Wang Shanggong said: "Say... the imperial concubine dressed very thinly on purpose. Once the sesame oil was poured on her body, the clothes were tightly attached to her body, and everything was seen by the present, even things like cherries..."

Wang Shanggong's attitude of fighting against the enemy scolded those who chewed their tongues from head to toe.

Zhang's chest heaved and he was so angry that he almost vomited blood. She bit her lip with her white teeth, and almost couldn't let her breath go. After a while, she sighed and said coldly: "The matter of the sesame oil is really an accident, but why do you even know about two women standing in the corner?"

Wang Shanggong was stunned, and suddenly realized: "That's right! It must be that little hoof!"

"The servant who stole things?" Mrs. Zhang frowned.

Wang Shanggong said: "Who else is there besides her?"

Mrs. Zhang was very angry, finally she thought about it calmly, and said: "I thought she was too young and couldn't do anything, so I let her go. Unexpectedly, she just didn't understand kindness, and she was so ignorant of good and evil!"

Wang Shanggong sighed, and said: "Slaves talk too much, saying something shouldn't be said. The empress is too kind-hearted, which is not a good thing; the right way is to fight against the mistress and promote the mien's hatred. The world is bullying and afraid of evil. They will definitely be retaliated if they offend Li Niangniang; but if they bully you, they think you will do nothing, so of course they are not afraid."

After hearing this, Mrs. Zhang said angrily: "It makes sense."

Wang Shanggong said: "Your Majesty, what should we do?"

"What should I do..." Mrs. Zhang pondered. She just heard someone say bad things, and she shouldn't care about those people; what can I do, should I take out my embarrassment and quarrel for justice?

The more she thought about it, the colder she felt. What is her identity, what is her generation, this matter is simply intolerable in the world, it is too infamous... The key is to follow the rumors, or she is actively hooking up with Jinshang.

If this matter is not handled well, it is hard to say whether he can continue to survive in the palace. It depends on what method Li Shi uses, whether he is smart or not...

After being ashamed and angry, Mrs. Zhang gradually felt a wave of fear welling up in her heart.

"The little servant girl went to the Wanfu Palace first..." Mrs. Zhang frowned and pondered, "Is this because Mrs. Li is using a conspiracy behind the scenes? She just wants me to die!"

Wang Shanggong nodded hastily and said: "Little hooves don't dare to talk nonsense, it must be Taifei Li who is telling stories."

Mrs. Zhang pressed her fingers hard on her temples: "What method and method will Mrs. Li use?"

The two had a conversation, and the sun went down. The little Taoist nun from Sanqing Hall brought in the dinner, how could Mrs. Zhang still have the appetite to eat? She has been trying to figure out Li Shi's conspiracy... How does Li Shi want to do this? What is the purpose of releasing the rumors, and what will be done next?

Thinking of the whole night, Mrs. Zhang couldn't think of a reason. The main thing was that this matter had just started, and she really didn't know what the other party would do.

The night was getting dark, she went to bed, and because she was going to sleep, there was only a bean-sized oil lamp left in the bedroom, so that the room was so dark that she couldn't see anything.

However, Mrs. Zhang couldn't fall asleep no matter what, and turned over countless times on the bed, feeling uneasy for a while.

Regarding the matter of sesame oil, it was really not deliberate, she hadn't reached the point where she was completely disregarding her face; it was just that she was nervous at the time and was a little messy, so she made a mistake.

As a result, not only was it known, but it was also said so badly! Mrs. Zhang was not only shameless, angry, and afraid, but also very aggrieved.

She turned over again, facing the outside, just facing the lonely oil lamp, the bedroom was very deserted. She stared blankly at the bright light, and thought: If I really did something, it would be bad to be exposed, at least I still have some thoughts; if I didn't do anything, I would be punished to death?

Zhang recalled that embarrassing moment at that time, it was really difficult to face... She hoped that such a thing did not happen.

However, the scene when I saw Guo Shao for the second time was very unforgettable.

That feeling was very subtle, and I didn't think about it at the time, but later I thought about it: I had already had an embarrassing "disrespectful" thing, and I came to see myself again after I came to see him; at least he had a good impression of me, otherwise he was afraid that he would avoid it, so why would he take the initiative to visit him, and his tone and demeanor were still so good.

No one wants to be hated and hated. Thinking of this, Mrs. Zhang felt a little warm in her body.

The appearance of Guo Shao when he entered the door flashed in her mind, his tall and strong head almost pushed against the door, and every time she had an idea in her heart not to bump into it. Such a person, who is still in power, cares about her well, she feels very at ease, as if she doesn't have to worry about anything, the feeling of being protected and distressed.

Without saying a word, Mrs. Zhang turned over again, her cheeks were hot.

But these thoughts must not be exposed to the light, it is too serious! Thinking of the serious consequences, Mrs. Zhang was once again shrouded in worry and fear, tossing and turning thinking about all possible things... Because after all these years in the palace, Mrs. Zhang knew Li better.

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