Warrior in Turbulent Han Dynasty

Chapter 687: Bloody Beauty

In the Sun Mansion in Yizhou, smoke filled the main room from the windows, and some houses in the mansion caught fire. There were screams outside the door, and the sound of horseshoes and strange screams could be heard everywhere. Some war horses had rushed to the corridor, and the sharply armored Khitan warrior on the horse's back was lying on his body, and the bowstring in his hand made a "bang bang" sound. It was a mess all around.

"My lord, go in quickly... ah!" A warrior put his hand on his chest, and a spear suddenly pierced his body. The few remaining soldiers rushed to fight with their swords.

Sun Xingyou was pushed into the main room, his helmet was gone, his hair was in a loose bun, his gray hair fell on his shoulders, and he was holding a sword in his hand, blood from the tip of the sword dripped on the ground.

Sun Xingyou stared wide-eyed and looked up at the roof blankly. There were screams and women's screams in his ears.

He gritted his teeth tightly, and his teeth "clacked" loudly, almost crushing them!

"Plop!" Sun Xingyou knelt down on the ground, and the sword in his hand fell to the ground with a bang. With a powerful "dong", he suddenly slammed his forehead heavily on the floor tiles, and when he raised his head, his face was covered in blood, which was very terrifying.

The old man burst into tears, blood and tears streaming down his face, Sun Xingyou cried out sadly: "I deserve death for my crimes!"

He then slammed "dong dong" and yelled frantically with a crying voice: "Your Majesty's entrustment has been lost, even though Long Live cannot forgive his crime..."

Sun Xingyou's frenzied movements stopped suddenly again, and he grabbed the sword on the ground suddenly, like a drowning man grabbing a life-saving straw!

He looked at the edge of the sword, with despair covering his whole face, "For the present plan, the only way to do it is to apologize!" Sun Xingyou swung the sword violently, put it on his neck, and pulled it hard.

"Dang!" When several soldiers looked back, Sun Xingyou had already collapsed in a pool of blood with his eyes wide open.

... A group of younger women slowly came out from the moon cave door of the inner house with their heads lowered. The Khitan soldiers were riding on horses, squinting their eyes to carefully examine the bodies of the girls.

At this time, an old woman came out from the moon cave door, followed by a servant. The servant pulled her to persuade her in a low voice: "Madam, think twice, it's useless to sacrifice your life..."

The old woman looked at a young woman in the team with tears on her face.

"Mom!" A juicy young lady turned her head to look at the old woman. Just as she was about to run over, the Khitan cavalry next to her held up a spear in front of her and cursed.

"Don't come over, be careful to annoy them." The old woman choked up.

"Mom, I don't want to leave you." The little girl burst into tears.

The old woman gritted her teeth and said, "Yao Nu, as long as you live, you must live... We will have a reunion one day..."

When the women in the group heard what his wife said, they couldn't hide their crying, and the listeners almost felt heartbroken.

Women are afraid of comparison, and Khitan people have sharp eyes, and the warriors on horseback see the young lady the most. A general of the Liao Army pointed with his horsewhip, and said in Khitan words: "That girl is not low-status, you can't hurt her, and she will be sent to the tent of the Chinese Army in a while, to accompany the commander-in-chief and others."

All the troops agreed one after another.

The general saw that the old woman's cuffs had a faint golden color, and said: "The old woman has jewelry on her body!"

Hearing this, the people next to him got off their horses and walked over, pressed the old woman's face to the ground, and searched her body randomly. The little lady in the team cried and was immediately grabbed by the Khitan sergeant.


At the foot of the city wall, a group of disorderly soldiers in disheveled armor had nowhere to go, and gradually stopped in their tracks, with sadness on their faces. The sound of horseshoes stepping on the brick floor in the depths of the long street was extremely loud, the huge roar was like thunder, and the whole city seemed to tremble under the iron hooves.

A general raised his hand and shouted: "Array!"

The rebels returned to the queue one after another, picking up all kinds of weapons.

The general turned his head to look at the big man next to him and said, "It's our job to guard the land and keep the people safe. Since the day I joined the army, I have prepared the shroud of horse leather!" He looked up at the dazzling sun, threw away the broken bow in his hand, and pulled out his sword suddenly, "The weather is fine today, it's time to go on the road!"

"Okay!" The big man shouted.

As soon as the words fell, the chaotic cavalry turned around the street and swarmed. The enemy soldiers ran and looked at the formation here, and shouted in the distance, and the horseshoes gradually slowed down. The cavalrymen of the former army became slower and slower, rushing to within dozens of paces, one after another raised their bows and arrows.

General Zhou Jun saw that the soldiers behind him were incompletely armored and armed with weapons of different lengths. Very few of them had bows and crossbows. He immediately raised his sword and said, "Follow me, everyone, charge!"

After that, he took the lead and ran out. The army shouted "Kill!" "Kill..."

"Bang bang bang..." There was a sound of strings, and the general in front was the first to bear the brunt. He was hit by a few arrows in his chest, spit out a mouthful of blood, and continued to run wildly with a loud roar. With a sound of "whoosh", an arrow hit his forehead, his pupils immediately blurred, and his body fell to the ground.

The army still shouted and rushed forward, heading straight for the Khitan cavalry standing on their horses.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a group of cavalry soldiers rushed out from the side alley and attacked the Zhou army crowd who were running and sprinting. Immediately, the Liao army rushed and smashed with iron bones, making a loud bang.

The Zhou army's attack was stopped and scattered, and the Liao army in front also collected their bows and arrows, picked up their weapons and rushed forward. The Liao army was condescending and rampant, and the Zhou army was defeated in an instant, and the dead fled.

Many people had already made up their minds to die, desperately jumping at the Liao army cavalry at the right opportunity. There was a bloodbath in the street.

A soldier of the Zhou army among the rebellious soldiers dropped his weapon and took advantage of the chaos to sneak into a gap in a house. The Liao army fired an arrow, but failed to hit it. A sergeant of the Liao army patted his horse and approached the crack in the wall, drew his bow and shot an arrow into the crack in the wall.

With a crisp sound of "ding", an arrow hit the helmet. The soldier was sweating in a hurry, he turned his body sideways and squeezed desperately to the opposite side, his hands scratched the wall so that they were covered in blood.

He couldn't help but look back, the Liao man drew another arrow, and it was already on the bowstring.

"Ah..." The soldier kicked hard and finally squeezed out from the opposite side. He ran away in a hurry. After running for a while, he suddenly heard the sound of horseshoes in front of him.

He panicked in fright, looked left and right, and in desperation leaned on a door, knocked on the door and said: "Is there anyone, please help me..."

Unexpectedly, the door really opened!

A woman with her hair wrapped in a calico tugged at him and immediately bolted the door.

The soldiers' legs were limp, and "Ordinary" knelt down on the ground: "My lady's kindness in saving my life, I will never forget it!"

The woman tugged at him: "Don't talk, come in and hide." She lifted her skirt and ran in, turned her head and whispered: "My servant saw the armor you were wearing through the crack of the door, and heard your voice, so I knew it was a Han'er soldier."\u003c

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