The Almighty Martial God had obviously noticed Bartelle's purpose. He kept using the skill of Borrowing Wind Palm to move his body downward.

However, the driving force generated by Borrowing Wind Palm was completely eliminated by the power of the hot tornado. His action only slowed down his falling speed, and it was completely useless.

"Did you really do it?"

Sao Rui, Bartelle's fans, had their eyes wide open at this moment, and could hardly believe what they saw.

Just now, they were almost desperate, but they didn't expect Bartelle to blow the horn of his counterattack at this time.

They looked at the Almighty Martial God in the sky, using Borrowing Wind Palm powerlessly, and there was a sense of comical struggle.

"The Almighty Martial God finally paid the price for his arrogance."

"He indulged his opponent again and again, and clearly had the opportunity to win, but did not end the battle immediately. Now he needs to taste the bad consequences himself!"

Sao Rui said this in an almost roaring tone.

When he finished speaking, the fans cheered at the top of their lungs.

"Go, Bartelle, put an end to the Almighty God of War!"

"Let that arrogant earthling know the consequences of angering us Martians!"


Even if he used the Wind-Borrowing Palm to slow down his fall, it only delayed him by three seconds in a world with high gravity.

Su Gu's body was already close to the ground. At this moment, he had stopped using the Wind-Borrowing Palm, as if he had accepted what was going to happen next.

Bartelle looked at the Almighty God of War. Although his body was in unbearable pain, his excitement was indescribable.

Every warrior is an addict who craves victory.

If you are forced into a desperate situation by an opponent who is stronger than you, and then win from him, the feeling is so good just thinking about it.

"This is my last one, the Floating Cloud Rising Dragon Fist!"

When Su Gu was completely in the attack range, Bartelle let out a roar.

In an instant, hundreds of fist shadows rushed towards Su Gu.

Without the fire-resistant armor, the power of his thunder and fire punch will increase several times! And this blow is my life-and-death blow. Even if he activates the blood-quiet suit again, I have the confidence to break his defense!

At this moment, the Almighty God of War is in the air, and there is no means of displacement for him to dodge, let alone a place for him to use the force to unload the force to avoid damage.

One punch!

As long as one punch hits, the victory belongs to me, Bartelle!

At this moment, everyone in the audience commentary booth, all watched this scene in the arena with bated breath.

At this moment, it seems that time has stopped.

The Almighty God of War has not used the blood-quiet suit as a defensive combat skill until now. It seems that he has completely given up.

The fans of Bartelle looked at the situation on the field and were so excited that they almost clenched their palms to bleed.

Are we going to win?

Before these enthusiastic Martians could say anything, the expressions on their faces froze in the next moment.

The body of the Almighty God of War twisted strangely in the air and avoided Bartelle's first punch.

What's going on? Coincidence?

This thought appeared in people's minds for a moment, and was extinguished in an instant.

Facing the fist shadows in the sky, the Almighty Martial God made evasive movements in the air very smoothly, which the onlookers found incredible.

However, every time he moved in the sky, the onlookers felt extremely uncomfortable and awkward.

Those movements and postures violated basic human kinematics and did not look like actions that humans could make at all.

It felt as if the body of the Almighty Martial God had become a toy connected by control lines, and was now being manipulated by an invisible giant hand in the sky.

It was this completely unpredictable and extremely strange movement that allowed the Almighty Martial God to survive in the fist shadows in the sky.

What kind of fighting skills is this?

Everyone at the scene looked at this scene, and this question emerged in their hearts.

Even the knowledgeable Ke Yuya frowned at this moment, searching hard in his memory.

And facing this situation, the expression on Bartelle's face has gradually changed from excitement at the beginning to despair.

Every time he thought the attack was sure to hit, he was barely avoided by him at a weird angle. Every time it looked thrilling from the opponent's perspective, and every time he was unscathed.

Batelle even noticed the faint smile on the corner of the almighty martial god's mouth in a glimpse.

Facing his life-threatening attack, why could he still be so calm? !

Competitiveness, unwillingness, anger and other emotions mixed in Batelle's heart, and finally turned into one emotion - despair.

He had never faced such an opponent, who crushed him in terms of skills, and also suppressed him, an offensive heavy armor, in terms of strength.

And he emptied his head and endured the pain of his hands being burned by high temperature to complete the tactics. He was evaded lightly, and he couldn't even cause the slightest harm to him.

Batelle closed his eyes and stopped his attack.

When the desire for victory subsided, the pain brought to him by the supernatural power came like a tide. The color of his arms, which was like magma, began to fade, and began to become dark and thin like burnt firewood.

His physical strength was completely exhausted, and his three-meter-tall body knelt on the ground and could not move.

Bartelle's eyes dimmed, he knelt on the ground, and completely lost the will to fight.

And until this moment, Su Gu slowly fell from the air. He looked at the situation in front of him and scratched his head.

Did he do something a bit too much?

This warrior has good abilities in all aspects. If he was crippled by himself just because of this battle, it would be a pity.

After thinking and hesitating for a moment, he slowly walked in front of Bartelle, raised his right hand and pressed his shoulder and said:

"You are very strong. You can hurt me like this. You are the first in the martial arts arena."

Bartelle shook slightly and raised his head in disbelief. He didn't expect that when his martial arts heart was a little broken and unstable, the one who came to comfort him was actually the opponent who had just abused him.

Feeling the encouragement of the other party's words, he felt a different kind of sympathy. Yes, this person is very good, to my taste, maybe he and I can be brothers!

The heroic spirit in the Martian's bones surged up at this time, and he looked at Su Gu with a twinkling look:

"Brother, I..."

The next moment, he felt dizzy, and then he saw his headless body and the Almighty Martial God with his right hand turned into a knife.

He seemed to hear a sentence vaguely.

"If you are fine, just die quickly."

In the martial arts arena, the voice of the system sounded.

The winner: Almighty Martial God!


At the same time, on Mars.

Bartelle, who had just popped out of the virtual spirit world, took off the X device on his head. At this moment, he felt both unhappy about being defeated and unwilling to be deceived.

Finally, he couldn't help it:

"Almighty Martial God, I fuck you!"

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