Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 103 Weightless Step under High Gravity!

After the Almighty God of War finished playing, the screen went black.

At the same time, Bartelle's frustrated voice came from the screen.

"My mentality has completely collapsed after playing here."

"But now let me review the whole battle. I think I have exerted 120% of my strength. Even under the deliberate indulgence of the Almighty God of War, my ability has been exerted 150%, but unfortunately I still can't see the slightest hope of victory."

"So please be rational, my friends on Mars who support me. This battle made me realize the gap. If I make any irrational remarks again, it will only make people laugh."

After saying this, the analysis video ended.

After watching this video, many people were silent and could not speak for a long time.


Bartelle's analysis is amazing. Through his perspective, you can intuitively feel the pressure faced by the Almighty God of War. And the unique beauty of the fighting skills used by the God of War at the end.

But even so, the core question that everyone is curious about has not been answered.

How did the Almighty Martial God complete such a complicated action in the sky without any leverage?

This question is as fascinating as a magical magic, and it is also as puzzling as a magic.

"Maybe we think it's too complicated. The Almighty Martial God used a superpower that we have never had the opportunity to see. He relied on that mysterious superpower to complete such a move."

"But from Bartlet's perspective, there was no superpower fluctuation at all."

"Bartlet was already seriously injured due to excessive use of superpowers at the time, and his first-person perspective may not be accurate."

"It seems... reasonable."

Soon, the "Almighty Martial God Superpower Theory" became the mainstream explanation, and the focus of the discussion on this issue began to shift to what the superpower of Brother Martial God is.

On the campus of Stark University, Ke Yuya used the most advanced combat simulation equipment to silently disassemble every move of the Almighty Martial God.

She looked at the action module she built all night and the conclusion she finally came to, and she couldn't help but be a little speechless.

"Is it so simple?"

She murmured in disbelief, her heart was shocked by the answer she had just found.

Ke Yuya immediately sent her original analysis video to the internal communication group of the Stark University team.

There are many places in this battle that were slowed down a hundred times by her using the most advanced equipment. The length of the analysis video of a battle was stretched to the length of a movie.

Afterwards, Ke Yuya re-edited this version of the video and deleted some obscure professional terms. In the House of Martial God, the ID of the Cang Yue Wolf went online.

"Oh? Finally released a new analysis video."

Ma Mingjie was having a headache because the huge traffic in the House of Martial God after Su Gu ended the battle was about to burn out the server.

In the list he paid special attention to, an avatar lit up.

With the experience of the last time, this time Ma Mingjie only glanced at the length of the video and immediately pinned the analysis video of the Cang Yue Wolf on the website.

With the current traffic of the God of War House, once this high-quality analysis video related to the Almighty God of War appeared, the number of views immediately exceeded one million.

Many people subconsciously clicked on the recommendation page.

There was no sound at the beginning of the video. The content on the screen was in a modeling software. Hundreds of 3D figures appeared in the screen with completely different twisted postures.

Looking at this screen, most of the people who clicked in to watch were confused. Wasn’t it supposed to be an analysis video of the Almighty God of War? What the hell is this?

So there were a bunch of question marks on the barrage of the video.

But soon, a barrage master reacted to what was going on. In the middle of a bunch of question marks, a barrage floated by.

"The postures that these hundreds of model figures are doing are all the evasive actions that the Almighty God of War made in the sky. The person who made this video completely disassembled that set of actions."

After hearing this, many people felt suddenly enlightened, and then couldn't help scratching their heads.

Wasn't the last action of the Almighty God of War completed by his supernatural power? The focus of the discussion now should be what exactly is the supernatural power of the almighty martial god?

Although this video blogger has created a set of things that look high-end, it has not kept up with the popular topics.

Just when many people felt uninterested and decided to turn off the video, the next transition shot made some people who had practiced martial arts feel a little bit wrong.

They moved the mouse that was originally on the "cross" away and stared at the content on the screen carefully.

At this moment, hundreds of little people in the video are appearing one by one in a certain order. After each one appears for three seconds, it switches to the next one.

The barrage in the video dropped sharply, but the playback volume did not decrease much. Most people were staring at the content of the screen.

"Lose weight step."

Finally, a barrage floated by.

Immediately afterwards, those who were thinking hard seemed to have their thoughts cleared up all of a sudden.

"Damn, I thought about it for so long, and it turned out to be this."

"Big brother is awesome, I haven't used this set of steps since I was in junior high school, and the big brother can actually remember it."

"So the set of moves that the Almighty Martial God did was actually this? It's just that his moves were so fast that they looked a little distorted. Plus the filter we put on Brother Martial God and the interference of Bartlett's moves next to him, so we couldn't recognize it."

The barrage in the whole video suddenly increased a lot. Many people are here, happily sharing the joy of finding the answer to the question.

The weightless step is a set of evasive moves made in a zero-gravity environment. The principle is to use the actions that go against intuitive logic made by the body in a weightless environment to dodge attacks.

Because this thing has strong environmental restrictions, it is generally not even a combat skill. However, because it is extremely easy to get started, many parents will choose to go to the zero-gravity area created by humans to teach this technique to their children and do martial arts enlightenment.

So the Almighty Martial God relied on this to avoid Bartlett's desperate attack?

The barrage here fell into a long window period. Many people felt a little bit of disobedience and something was wrong at this moment.

But what was wrong, they couldn't say it all at once, as if they were stuck by something.

After a long silence, someone finally sent a text.

"The environment where these two people fought was not a weightless environment at all. It was a high gravity area with 20 times the gravity!"


People who watched this video suddenly felt that the whole world was quiet.

How did they do it?

The video of Cangyue Wolf quickly answered their questions.

The battle video was pulled forward, and the Almighty Martial God had just been brought into the sky by the hot tornado and lost his balance.

He immediately used several wind-borrowing palms to regain his balance, and then fell down.

Only at this time, everyone realized that the speed of the Almighty Martial God's descent was much slower than that of ordinary people.

Finally, someone swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said in a lost voice:

"He actually relied on his ability to stay in the air to fight against high gravity and use the weightless step?!"

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