Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 105: School team soldiers challenge him, Su Gu fights back!

"Brother Su, everything is here. I added extra credits for the courier fee, and the speed is indeed much faster. So many things can be delivered overnight."

While helping to sign for the express delivery, Feng Yan threw the packed items next to the sofa in the dormitory.

Sugu, who was sitting on the sofa without saying a word, silently opened the express box and looked at whether there was any shortage of the things he rushed to buy online last night.

Two boxes of regenerating water, a hundred enlightenment pills, compressed military rations, anti-gravity awakening futon...

After confirming each item, he stuffed the item into the large bag he had prepared in advance.

"Brother Su, are you planning to play a game of survival in the apocalypse?"

Ma Mingjie looked at what Sugu was stuffing into his bag and couldn't help but said that he drank too much last night and just woke up now. Now looking at the supplies in Sugu's hand, he couldn't help but click his tongue.

Many of the things here require expensive credits to obtain, especially the one hundred Enlightenment Pills. It is estimated that most students at Xingwu University, even if they study for four years, will not be able to save up the credits to purchase so many Enlightenment Pills.

Even with Sugu's current worth, buying these items in one go would be a big expense.

"The procedures for my re-entry into the Thousand-story Martial Arts Pagoda and my review of the school's collection of exercises passed at the same time."

"I will be in seclusion for the next seven days. These are the martial arts supplies and survival supplies I need during the seven days."

Su Sheng explained calmly, a glimmer of excitement flashed in his eyes.

The collection of combat skills on each level of the Thousand Layer Martial Arts Tower amounts to one million. More than a month ago, he practiced hard for a day and a night, and he only learned all the A-level combat skills on the first level.

The vast collection of combat skills there made him want to go there again.

Now that he has encountered a bottleneck in his skills, he just takes this opportunity to stay in it for a while, and maybe he will get unexpected gains.

After hearing this, Ma Mingjie nodded clearly, then curled his lips and said, "After doing so much, you are really willing to spend money."

While Sugu was preparing things, Ma Mingjie called a hover car for him.

"Brother, don't worry about martial arts. Just take care of it yourself."

Before sending Su Gu off to the car, Ma Mingjie winked and made a fuss with him, then went back to the dormitory with Feng Yan.

Riding the school's independently operated transportation suspension vehicle, Sugu quickly arrived at the entrance of the Thousand-story Tower.

There were four people here at this moment, standing here silently waiting for his arrival.

After learning about the grudge between Sugu and Zheng Lu, in order to prevent the genius of his school from being maliciously deceived again, he entered the Thousand-story Tower with a broken gravity bracelet. This time, Instructor Lan Qing and Principal Cheng Ziwen personally led the people and waited for Sugu here.

"I've met two seniors." Sugu greeted them with a smile.

Lan Qing and Cheng Ziwen also responded with smiles.

After meeting the eyes of the two seniors, Sugu glanced at the two people following Cheng Ziwen. One of them he was already very familiar with, Yu Cunxiao, the vice chairman of the student union. But he had never seen another man who stood half a step in front of Cun Xiao and had a terrible scar between his cheekbone and his lips.

Judging from the clothes he was wearing, he was also a student. I didn't see this person during the freshman competition, so he must be a senior.

Sugu thought silently in his heart.

What concerned him was not the man's identity, but the fact that this man's eyes had been glued to him since he got off the hovercar, and he was still vaguely hostile.

This made Sugu a little confused. It was obviously the first time that he and the other party met.

"You must be familiar with Yu Cunxiao. This Kuang Zhen is a senior and a member of the school team. He plays the warrior position." Cheng Ziwen introduced with a smile.


Sugu's eyebrows raised slightly, and in an instant he figured out what this hostility was about.

In the freshman competition, he established an image of a sword-wielding warrior, and his position overlapped with that of a member of the school team.

It is estimated that after understanding Sugu's record, this person has regarded him as an opponent who can threaten his position in the school team.

"Junior Sugu, I am the senior team leader arranged by the school for the next Star Force brigade. We will be more familiar with each other in the future."

Kuang Zhen's eyes were fixed on Su Gu's. When he spoke, he deliberately emphasized the words "underclassman" and "leader" to emphasize his identity. The provocative meaning was self-evident.

Then Kuang Zhen pretended to be generous and stretched out his hand towards Sugu, as if he wanted to shake hands and make friends. It's just that the position he was standing on was a step above, a little higher, so that he could look down at Sugu.

An gesture of friendship was viewed by Kuang Zhen as more like a reward from a high-ranking person to a low-ranking person.

Looking at the other party's series of actions, Sugu smiled helplessly.

Sometimes it's like this. I obviously want to practice well and I don't want to cause trouble, but in the end, trouble just hits me.


Sugu calmly held the hand stretched out to him.

Looking at the other party's actions, Kuang Zhen smiled contemptuously. It seems that there have been rumors that the number one freshman who can threaten his position as the first choice of the school team, and the super freshman is nothing more than that.

The next moment the two held hands, Kuang Zhen suddenly felt an unimaginable force transmitting from the hand he was holding.

Before his body could react, he was suddenly pulled off the stairs, and his whole body staggered forward a few steps.

At this moment, another steady hand pressed his shoulder and supported him.

"Senior, be careful, don't fall."

Su Gu supported Kuang Zhen as if nothing had happened, with a faint smile on his face, as if everything that had just happened had nothing to do with him.

Then he patted Kuang Zhen's shoulder symbolically, as if comforting a frightened child.

Looking at the situation in front of him, Yu Cunxiao silently stepped back. He knew that every time he was related to Su Gu, he would definitely not have good things.

Lan Qing and Cheng Ziwen looked at the two of them, looked at each other, and smiled faintly on their faces.

There is no competition among warriors? The tit-for-tat between these students is even encouraged by their martial arts school. Only in this way can the strongest warriors be cultivated.

"Well, well, it seems that a good junior has come this year."

Kuang Zhen looked at Su Gu's hand patting his shoulder, and his teeth were about to break.

He immediately wanted to increase the strength of the handshake and wanted to regain the ground in terms of strength. But at this time, Su Gu had already withdrawn his hand. He turned his gaze to Instructor Lan Qing and Principal Cheng Ziwen, and directly ignored Kuang Zhen.

Feeling this silent contempt, Kuang Zhen's blood rushed to his face, and his whole body was a little red and warm.

But with several seniors in front of him, he couldn't really fight with Su Gu, so he could only hold back his anger.

"Two seniors, when can I go in?" Su Gu looked at Lan Qing and Cheng Ziwen who were blocking the entrance of the Thousand Layer Pagoda and asked with a smile.

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