Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 107 Seven Days of Death, Forging the Foundation of the God of War (Part 2)

In the Thousand-Layered Martial Arts Tower, the higher the level of combat skills, the more precious they are. Therefore, most of the students who come here will grit their teeth and look for the combat skills they need in the highest area possible, even if they are under the pressure of high gravity.

The B-level and C-level combat skills area below is rarely visited.

This is even more true for Su Gu. Unless the B-level and C-level combat skills have extremely special functions, they are no longer of practical value to him.

For a specious guess, it is undoubtedly irrational to waste only seven days of precious learning time on these combat skills.

But Su Gu is determined to take a gamble.

Coming to the C-level combat skills area on the 200th floor, Su Gu casually pulled out a combat skill called "Shadowless Palm".

After reading it quickly, he has mastered this combat skill to a very high level.

But Su Gu did not put down this combat skill book, but started to read it for the second time. This time he turned the pages slowly and read more carefully.

In his mind, he began to compare one combat skill after another with this "Shadowless Palm".

Silently searching through the vast amount of combat skills he had mastered, he finally found a similar B-level combat skill, "Ghost Shadow Dragon Hand".

Comparing the two combat skills, Su Gu found that "Shadowless Palm" had many traces of "Ghost Shadow Dragon Hand", but it was simpler to perform, and even did not require soul power to activate, so the power was naturally greatly reduced.

Obviously, "Shadowless Palm" is a degraded version of "Ghost Shadow Dragon Hand".

Su Gu stroked his chin and murmured: "What's interesting is that the combat skill "Shadowless Palm" can only exert its maximum power when performed by an assassin. And "Ghost Shadow Dragon Hand" is made for force-sensitive warriors."

Su Gu put the combat skills in his hand back, and then he took out dozens of combat skill books from the shelf in one breath, and then quickly flipped through four or even eight books at the same time.

Su Gu began to sweep the entire C-level and B-level combat skill area at an astonishing speed.

He used Shadowless Palm as the foundation to search for combat skills one by one. Soon, he found out those combat skills that were very similar and had obvious traces of borrowing from each other.

Long-range B-level combat skills, "Hidden Shadow Arrow"; heavy-armored C-level combat skills, "Shadow Shock"; assassin's "Ghost Step"; defensive warrior's...

He was like a policeman who restored a murder case with a drop of blood and a bullet. Su Gu also restored most of the "family genealogy" of Shadowless Palm based on his own understanding of combat skills.

"Although it has not been found yet, there must have been such a combat skill. It has been widely circulated. In the process of continuous inheritance, it has been modified by different martial artists to be more suitable for themselves, and then the adapted version has been passed down. After continuous transmission, a huge "family" suitable for different martial artists has evolved."

Although tired, Su Gu's eyes were shining with excitement.

"Just like there are no identical leaves in the world, even if warriors with the same qualifications and professions practice the same skills, the final results will be different."

"After hundreds of years of inheritance by different warriors, a combat skill will naturally be changed beyond recognition."

After confirming the correctness of his guess, Su Gu closed his eyes and sat cross-legged on the ground.

He didn't know what the original combat skill was that could derive so many combat skills, but he wanted to give it a try.

Try to recreate this combat skill with his own ability!

The dozens of low-level combat skills that he had just learned were arranged in Su Gu's mind.

Who borrowed from whom in these combat skills?

Why did they make such modifications? What kind of warriors practiced what kind of skills to think of changing combat skills in this way?


One question after another was raised by Su Gu. Those various combat skills that were arranged side by side in his mind began to be analyzed by him.

In the constant elimination of the dross and the retention of the essence, he was slowly approaching the origin of this combat skill.

Big drops of sweat fell from Su Gu's forehead. In this world, no one has ever spent so much effort to learn a combat skill like him.

He is the only one in this world who can do this.

As Su Gu indulged in this self-abuse combat skill learning method, he himself did not notice that the "Wanxiang Tianyuan Gong" began to operate unconsciously.


More than 20 minutes passed, and Su Gu was exhausted and lay on the ground, with big drops of sweat dripping from his head. This was the first time in his life that he learned a combat skill, and he was so tired.

But fortunately, with every breath, the voice echoing in his head told him that it was all worth it.

[Has already comprehended and mastered the A-level combat skill, "Piyun Guaying Dao"! ]


[The proficiency of the A-level combat skill "Piyun Guaying Dao" has broken through, and the current level has a glimpse of the way. ]


[The proficiency of the A-level combat skill "Piyun Guaying Dao" has broken through, and the current level has made a small progress. 】


[A-level combat skill "Piyun Guaying Dao" proficiency breakthrough, current level perfect mastery. 】


[A-level combat skill "Piyun Guaying Dao" proficiency breakthrough, current level mastery. 】


[A-level combat skill "Piyun Guaying Dao" proficiency breakthrough, current level mastery. 】


After working so hard for so long, Su Gu finally has a combat skill that has broken through mastery and reached the level of mastery!

However, Su Gu was not too excited at the moment. He lay on his back and looked at the Martial Arts Thousand-Layer Tower from a perspective he had never seen before. From this moment on, the Martial Arts Thousand-Layer Tower had become a different scene in his eyes.

The previously isolated combat skills books seemed to be interwoven and connected by different threads. Behind each combat skill book, there stood a martial arts predecessor who worked hard to improve combat skills and wanted to pass on his hard work to future generations.

From this moment on, the Martial Arts Thousand-Layer Tower itself was no longer just a secret realm that passed on martial arts. It seemed to have become a book, a history book that recorded the human race's martial arts since the Dark Ages.

"There is a golden house in the book." Su Gu said softly.

After feeling the changes in his own state of mind, he stood up and put the combat skills books back in place.

Then he began to extract another B-level combat skill as he had previously extracted "Shadowless Palm"...

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