Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 115: Fight the top assassin with instinct!


In the ghost cave of the Yin Domain, Su Gu's figure was like a ghost, freely shuttling between the complex stone pillars.

And no matter how he moved, the man with a strange whistle in his movements followed him closely like a maggot attached to his bones.

Su Gu suddenly turned back, and the broken sword flowing between his fingers drew a perfect arc, stabbing the neck of the pursuer behind him.

And Kagura seemed to have anticipated this attack long ago, and the Soul Devouring Sword in his hand changed from reverse grip to normal grip.


Su Gu and Kagura quickly crossed each other, and the broken sword and dagger collided many times in the air, and the sparks splashed like fireflies that strayed into the dark cave.

Neither of them had any wounds on their bodies, and this fight ended in a draw again.

However, Su Gu's flowing water protective light was torn open by the Soul Devouring Sword again, and this gap was quickly filled by his soul power.

"This has happened three times. Every time the Almighty Martial God attacks, Kagura Hassan perfectly defends against it. And because of the attributes of the Soul Devouring Sword, the Almighty Martial God's magical skills of defending against sound waves have been broken many times."

"As one side gains and the other loses, the Almighty Martial God is like a prey that is constantly bleeding and consuming its soul power meaninglessly, while Kagura Hassan is a hunter who has completely mastered the initiative."

"This is the unstoppable dominance displayed by the top assassin!"

"For the Almighty Martial God, if he doesn't find a way to change the situation, when his soul power is consumed and he can't even maintain his defensive skills, the situation will be completely irreversible."

Sau Rui explained seriously.

Ma Mingjie, who was standing by, snorted disdainfully. Although this guy is a bit biased, he is fair when explaining the live footage to the audience.

No longer paying attention to the guy who has been nagging him, the fat man looked at the two people in the arena who had stopped playing the cat-and-mouse game.

"What? You gave up just now?" In the ghost cave of the Yin Realm, Kagura asked Su Gu, who had stopped moving and stood still.

Even though the opponent had stopped moving, Kagura did not rush in. He used words to test him while slowly moving in small steps in his direction.

The opponent had left a deep impression on him in the previous fights.

He was able to fight against himself in the basic skills of assassins.

If it weren't for the attributes of the Soul Devouring Sword and the control effect of the sound wave combat skills, he might not be able to take advantage of the almighty martial god in a head-on confrontation.

Kagura decided to be careful and careful, and he wanted to win this victory steadily.

"Your combat skills are very interesting."

Just as Kagura's thoughts flashed, Su Gu smiled brightly.

While speaking, he once again made a move that made everyone dumbfounded.

The flowing water protective light surrounding him slowly dissipated under Su Gu's will.

In the sound range of the soul-losing spell, without the protection of the protective light, the terrifying sound waves poured into his body from his ears and every pore without any hindrance.

Su Gu frowned. The power of this combat skill was beyond his imagination. It was worthy of being a powerful family's century-old combat skill.

"Why? Has Brother Wushen's soul power been exhausted?"

"How is it possible? Even if you only look with the naked eye, you can see that Brother Wushen obviously has some spare power."

"Then why give up defense? Has Brother Wushen given up?"


Now, all the people who are qualified to watch this duel in the audience are warriors in the realm of seeking me. They looked at Su Gu's actions and made waves of discussions.

"Is he crazy?" Anderson and Schiller exclaimed at the same time. The two of them opened their eyes wide and showed incomprehensible expressions on their faces.

In the soul-losing spell, warriors outside the Hassan family may lose consciousness at any time.

Even if he only lost consciousness for three seconds, for a top assassin, there are too many things he can do during this time.

The Almighty Martial God voluntarily gave up the means of resistance, which they thought was almost the same as surrendering.

In the arena, Su Gu felt that his soul was being pulled away from his body by some force, and his consciousness was gradually dissipating.

"You disappoint me." Kagura looked at his opponent and said slowly.

I thought that the Almighty Martial God who had been passed down for a long time would be different. Sure enough, under the assassination technique of the family, he was just a lamb to be slaughtered.

Brave Stage, I have no opponent.

Kagura stopped moving and looked at Su Gu quietly.

It takes time for the soul-losing spell to take effect. Although the enemy has given up resistance, he still has to end him when the opponent is at his weakest.

This is the stability of a top assassin.

When Su Gu's eyelids closed and his arms were slightly lowered. Kagura's body rushed up as if instinctively.

The soul-eating knife in his hand pointed directly at the throat of the unconscious Almighty Martial God.

Seeing this scene, many people in the audience sighed in their hearts. After all, there is no invincible person in this world.

Ma Mingjie tightly grasped the table on the commentary stand, and his heart was extremely nervous.

"Is it over?"

Just when this thought came to everyone's mind.


Su Gu's arm suddenly raised, and his fingertips still tightly grasped the broken swords.

The broken swords and daggers collided, staggering the fatal blow.

"How is this possible!" Sao Rui couldn't help but screamed.

A look of surprise flashed across Kagura Hassan's face, but his body seemed to have triggered some kind of mechanism, and he reacted instinctively in an instant.

A-level combat skill, sixteen instant stabs!

The Soul-Eating Sword in his hand produced several phantoms, and stabbed at the vital points of Su Gu's body at the same time.

But Su Gu took a step forward, ignoring the daggers stabbing at him.

A-level combat skill, Iron Mountain Lean!

The Soul-Eating Sword left a bloody hole in Su Gu's body.

At the same time, Kagura's body was knocked back and flew out, breaking several stone pillars like a cannonball, and then fell to the ground.

Everyone in the audience fell silent, and many people swallowed their saliva, as if they couldn't believe what they had just seen.

Didn't the Almighty God of War lose consciousness? It should be Kagura who completed the end, how could such a thing happen?

"In the three seconds when he lost consciousness, he actually relied entirely on his body's instincts to fight with Kagura Hassan!" Ke Yuya said in a lost voice.

She didn't control the volume of her voice.

This sentence spread in the silent audience.

Fighting the top assassin only with instinct?

"This... is impossible, it should be some special fighting skills?" Someone whispered.

At this time, the camera that the audience saw pulled back from the distant view to the close view.

The picture gave a close-up of Su Gu's face. At this moment, his eyelids were still closed, and he looked as if he was asleep.

What the man just said was actually true? !

This monster really relied on the instinct of his body to confront the assassin of the Hassan family who could leave a name in human history?

Everyone felt a dizzy feeling.

When facing the top assassin who wanted to kill you, who dared to make such a crazy move and such a decision? Only the madman Almighty Martial God.

"It hurts."

Su Gu woke up. This was the first sentence he said after waking up and looking at the wound on his body.

No one thought that he said this sentence to complain about the blood hole left on his body. Because in his tone, there was only the excitement of being immersed in the battle.

Kagura Hassan also walked out of the smoke and dust caused by several broken stone pillars. At this moment, he covered his hit abdomen and confronted Sugu from a distance.

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