
Bai Yujing turned to look at Yu Cunxiao, frowning slightly.

What is this guy thinking? There is obviously a conflict between Kuang Zhen and Sugu, otherwise he would not temporarily transfer him to be the team leader.

And I heard that Feng Yan lost to Sugu again by a narrow margin in the finals of the freshman competition.

These two people have grudges with Sugu. Wouldn't inviting him over intensify the conflict?

"Is Kuang Zhen Feng Yan's team leader?"

"That's right."

Then it all makes sense, Sugu thought silently in his heart.

With Kuang Zhen's attitude of going to suppress a new student who threatens his position, it would be strange if he didn't conflict with Feng Yan.

I just didn't expect that the fight would start so quickly.

"How far will it go? Will it mean life or death?"

Bai Yujing frowned and said: "The two of them just had a conflict. It is expected that there will be blood. Depending on the situation, someone may be seriously injured and hospitalized. It is not a matter of life and death. If it reaches that level, the teacher will need to step in and it will not be our student union's turn." "

"That's a small matter." Sugu said with a smile.

He picked up the chopsticks, picked up the noodles and continued:

"As long as no one is killed, let them fight for a while. I have to take care of these things first. The damn fat man agreed to let me eat freely. If he can't eat and it hurts, then I won't be in a good mood."

On the sidelines, Ma Mingjie was shocked to learn that he had been included in the military list. After hearing these words, he shook his belly, stared at Su Gu with his eyes faintly and said:

"You bitch, can you be a human being?"

After Bai Yujing heard this, she frowned slightly.

As long as no one is killed, don't you just ignore it? What he said was a bit irresponsible.

Because of Su Guqian's elegant conversation, the good impression in her mind was downgraded a bit.

Yu Cunxiao opened his mouth, he wanted to persuade him something else. As a result, Bai Yujing stopped her with her eyes.

"Let's go quickly. These two are going to join the military. Don't let them really cause trouble."


The three elements of wind, thunder and fire intertwined on Feng Yan's swords and struck Kuang Zhen's Eight Desolate Halberds.


After the weapons of the two collided, they began to wrestle. The powerful soul power stirred up, sending a gust of wind pressure outward, bending the surrounding street trees.

"This guy Feng Yan has improved a lot after the battle with Sugu." On both sides of the battle between the two men, stood members of the same group as them.

They watched Feng Yan's fighting performance and kept sighing with emotion.

Although the power Feng Yan displayed at this moment was not as domineering as when the freshman Dabi went crazy. But because it is controllable, the power is expressed more precisely.

"It's just that his personality is too strong. Although I would be angry if I was asked by a senior to serve tea and water, and if I was reprimanded in public for not making the tea well, I would be angry if I drew my sword to chop, and then challenged him directly in public. I could never do this kind of thing."


The two of them wrestled to determine the winner. Feng Yan's body flew backwards, and he had to take more than ten steps back to stabilize his body, while Kuang Zhen stood firmly on the spot.

The two stood on the left and right sides, staring at each other and facing each other.

"After all, they are fourth graders. They have stayed in this realm longer than us, and their accumulation is deeper." Wu Zhen and others sighed.

But Kuang Zhen himself felt something else. A sweet smell came out of his throat, and he swallowed the rising blood with difficulty.

In order to save face, he forced himself to stand where he was without retreating or giving up his strength, and took Feng Yan's strength. It is natural for such a situation to occur.

"Damn it, it's just Sugu, why is this year's first grader still a pervert?" Kuang Zhen cursed in his heart.

"No, we can't continue playing. Otherwise, even if I can win, if I, a fourth-year student who is about to graduate, have such a hard time beating a first-year student, my prestige in front of the other freshmen will be completely gone."

He looked at Feng Yan and said in a deep voice: "You must have understood the gap between us just now. I don't blame you for the tea thing. Return to the team obediently and obey my orders honestly from now on."

Feng Yan glanced at him lightly and continued:

"It seems that you are also a warrior, but your level is far behind Brother Su. In the same position, you can't keep your status in the school team."

After hearing these words, Kuang Zhen seemed to be shocked by the touch, and his eyes suddenly darkened. The hand holding the Eight Desolate Halberds also began to tremble slightly.


Feng Yan snorted coldly and continued: "Don't think that I don't know about your scandal. The trouble you caused with Brother Su was dealt with. I guess the school removed you from Brother Su's school because you were too useless and brainless. Get out of the team."

Lies won't hurt, the truth is the sharpest knife.

Every word Feng Yan said was like a poisonous thorn, piercing Kuang Zhen's heart and irritating his sensitive nerves.

A vein popped out next to Kuang Zhen's temple: "Damn you! I'll tear your mouth apart!"

He could no longer restrain himself, and when he was about to fight, a voice came over.

"Both of you, please stop!"

When Bai Yujing spoke, she used some soul power, and there was a certain pressure in her voice.

"It is forbidden for students to fight on campus! You two will represent the school on a trip to the Star Force, so please exercise restraint."

Kuang Zhen's attacking posture seemed to have been pressed on the pause button. He looked at Bai Yujing's figure with a subtle and complicated expression on his face.

"Okay, I'll give the captain face."

After struggling for a moment, he lowered the Eight Desolate Halberd.

Seeing that the matter could be resolved so smoothly, Bai Yujing secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, Feng Yan's eyes flashed with cold light, and he said in a deep voice: "By the way, Brother Mingjie told me about the matter that Brother Su dealt with you before."

"The soul wrestling was directly pushed back, and the result was that you rolled on the ground like a dog."

After Feng Yan said this, the whole space became silent, and the air seemed to become much thicker.

Listening to this guy revealing the biggest scar of his life in front of the woman he liked, Kuang Zhen's patience had reached the critical point.

He roared: "Captain, I accept the punishment! I must teach this kid a lesson, and I will be locked up after the fight!"

"Come on." Feng Yan's eyes flashed with fighting spirit, and he said with disdain: "If you want to punish, punish, do you think I will pay attention to you!"



The two figures crossed each other quickly, and they fought again. And the two of them no longer held back, and the fighting skills they used showed more and more killing intent.

Looking at the current situation, Bai Yujing's brows twisted into a "chuan" character.

Damn it, Kuang Zhen is already a troublesome thorn in the side on weekdays, and only she can control him among the same class. Now there is another Feng Yan who is even more troublesome.

"Chairman, think of a way." Yu Cunxiao said anxiously.

This is not a battle in the virtual spirit world. Even if you die, you will be mentally depressed for a while. These two people are obviously fighting a real fire. If you can't stop it, I'm afraid something will happen if you are not careful.

"You contact the infirmary and the teacher." Bai Yujing said in a deep voice.

In his hand, a longbow made of ice and snow energy condensed, and the bowstring was pulled open by her like a full moon.

She didn't like to do this, but now it really takes some violence to stop the two of them.

"Both of you, stop."

At this moment, a calm but majestic voice came out.

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