Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 140 Are you guys from Starry Sky Martial Arts University crazy?

"Hello everyone from Xingkong Martial Arts University."

Lin Zihan, the leader of Wangtianya Martial Arts University, greeted them with a smile.

Arnold, who was standing behind him, was as taciturn as he looked. He stood silently in the back row without saying a word.

"You two want to fight with us? Then you are late. Our school is too popular. We just sent away three people who wanted to fight. If you want to fight, you may have to queue up."

Don't hit a smiling person. Bai Yujing stepped forward to entertain. She was a rare beauty. At this moment, she smiled and made the audience feel happy.

"And the schools you two are in are ranked above us. Why do you have to compete with us for a position?"

Faced with Bai Yujing's question, Lin Zihan didn't say anything. Instead, he took out a stack of information from his arms and handed it over.

Bai Yujing suspiciously opened the stack of paper information. When she saw the content on it, her face changed slightly and she said, "What do you mean by this?"

Looking at the captain's appearance, the others naturally became a little curious. After taking a few glances, his face began to change.

"Yiyun Martial Arts University, Huangji Martial Arts College, Kurong Martial Arts College."

"This is the information we collected about the three schools that challenged you, and now it's all sent to you." Lin Zihan said with a smile.

"The content here is the common tactical analysis of these three schools, as well as the analysis of the combat skills, weaknesses, and functions of some major combatants."

"Believe me, you will never find a more detailed and comprehensive analysis than this in a short time."

After Lin Zihan finished speaking, his face was smug, and he was obviously quite pleased with what he gave away.

"So, why do you want to help us? What do we have to pay?" Bai Yujing did not immediately accept the stack of information, but asked vigilantly.

"You don't have to give anything, this is free for you."

"Is there such a good thing that falls from the sky?"

Arnold, who had been in the back without speaking, said slowly at this moment:

"You can't be unaware of the current situation of the major martial arts colleges. The interference of the aristocratic families has become more and more serious."

"Among the top ten martial arts colleges, except for our three teams, the composition of the teams is still mainly civilian students. The other teams have become private gatherings for the descendants of those small families to communicate."

"Because of our three families' deep foundation, it is not so easy for them to be usurped. But in the long run, we can't stand the siege of so many aristocratic families."

"The three schools are now in a relationship of mutual destruction. Your Xingwu University is the weakest and is bitten the hardest by those schools. If you fall, the next one will be our Kaiyang or Wangtianya."

At this point, Arnold lowered his head like a machine that ran out of power, and kept silent again.

Lin Zihan completed the last sentence:

"Now you understand, we are here to help you a little, is it difficult to understand?"

After listening to these people's explanation, everyone in Xingwu University had a complicated expression on their faces.

It turned out that the three schools were treating them as soft persimmons. Kaiyang and Wang Tianya also thought that they had little chance of winning, and now they ran over to take a sip.

Bai Yujing handed over the stack of information with a complicated expression, and then said carefully:

"We appreciate your kindness, but we can't play so many rounds with the people from these three schools. These things are a bit of a waste for us."

Can't play so many rounds?

Lin Zihan frowned, he noticed something strange.

"What is the schedule you have decided?"

"Send freshmen, one game to decide the winner."

"Freshmen? One game to decide the winner?!"

Lin Zihan rubbed his ears, as if to confirm whether he heard it wrong.

"Do you know how many uncertain factors determine the outcome of a battle? They are the challengers, and you are the challenged. If they lose, they will not suffer any loss, but if you lose, you will lose your current position?"

"I know."

"Do you know that the people who can represent these schools in this trial are all the heirs of those small families. The martial arts resources they have consumed since childhood are not comparable to those of ordinary civilians like us. Each one should not be underestimated."

"I know."

"If you only fight one person, it means you have won one school, and the other two schools have a reason not to give you time to rest and continue to challenge you. If you let those people challenge you in turns, you will only expose more and more cards, and the round-robin battle will be extremely disadvantageous to you."

"We know."

After confirming again and again that the beautiful female leader of Xingwu University is not only beautiful but also smart, Lin Zihan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"In that case, let's quickly negotiate with those people to see if we can change the rules of the competition?"

"No need." This time, the entire Xingwu University team answered him. They almost said in unison:

"We will win."

This mysterious confidence made Lin Zihan and Arnold beside him speechless.

It turns out that what I just advised for a long time was a chicken talking to a duck. What's going on with Xingwu University this time? Why is it so out of tune?

He found Su Gu in the eyes of the Xingkong Wudao crowd. After realizing that he was the center of the crowd, he stepped forward and asked:

"Xingkong Wudao University chose you as the representative?"


After confirming, Lin Zihan took the stack of information from Bai Yujing's hand, and then kept looking through it and muttering:

"According to the ranking of strength among the freshmen, Yiyun should choose Bu Ren. Here is his information, you should take a good look at it."

"As for Huangji, there is no doubt that Doug Lynch will play. He is a force-defending warrior, and his family swordsmanship is..."


"What are you doing!" Lin Zihan said angrily.

After he handed the information he had finally found to Su Gu, the other party threw it aside without even bothering to look at it.

"In terms of combat, I don't like 'spoilers'. It's best to understand what the enemy is like while fighting." Su Gu smiled and said, "So thank you for your kindness, senior, but I really don't need these."

Lin Zihan's face twitched wildly, and he only hated that this kid was not from Wang Tianya, otherwise he would have taught him a lesson no matter what.

"Forget it, you Xingwu University can do whatever you want, I don't care." He said in self-abandonment.

After that, Lin Zihan hugged the information he brought into his arms and prepared to leave. Before leaving, he seemed to have thought of something and finally said to Su Gu:

"Let me remind you at the end. If you can really fight to the end, you will most likely face Min Xing sent by Ku Rong Martial Arts Academy."

"He has a very rare time-related ability."

After saying that, he left without looking back, obviously very angry.

Su Gu, who was a little sleepy, stopped yawning and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Time-related ability? !

At this moment, Arnold, who had been silent all the time, narrowed his eyes slightly, and it was this familiar feeling again.

He was so familiar with this casual temperament.

Although he had a lot of doubts in his heart, he didn't say anything, and also followed Lin Zihan and turned to leave.

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