Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 142 Doug Lynch, come and challenge!

Lin Zihan looked at the situation on the field and couldn't help rubbing his eyes.

What happened just now? The freshman named Su Gu from Xingkong Martial Arts University stretched his waist and killed his opponent in seconds?

No, it should be said that he didn't make a move at all. He just put his clenched fist on the path that Bu Ren must pass, waiting for him to hit him.

Can the battle between warriors be like this?

"Senior, was that a coincidence just now?" Jiang Lu, a freshman from Wangtianya Martial Arts University who followed Lin Zihan, asked in disbelief.

Bu Ren's ability is stronger than most of the freshmen in their class. He himself has fought with him many times, losing more than winning.

Jiang Lu never thought that Bu Ren would be killed in such a dramatic way.


This thought flashed through Lin Zihan's mind. But then he shook his head violently and excluded this idea.

As the heir of a family, Bu Ren would never make such a mistake in battle.

Having such thoughts is disrespectful to the warriors fighting on the field, and it will also make you look like a retard.

"What happened just now was not a coincidence." Lin Zihan answered her junior's question with difficulty.

"In theory, when all the movements of the warriors in battle are seen through, their next three steps are perfectly predicted."

"Can such a situation be caused?"

Completely seen through? And can the next three steps of his movements be seen in advance?

Jiang Lu opened her mouth slightly,

Bu Ren's overlapping shadow steps have always been a headache for their school. They even collected data specifically to analyze how to deal with it.

But now there is a freshman in the same grade as her who can predict the trend of the next step with just a glance.

This... this...

Jiang Lu stared at Su Gu. This guy with a tired face, can actually do such a thing?

"Too weak." Feng Yan snorted coldly and said, "Brother Su has no interest in you. If those people in the school hadn't asked him for help, he would have ignored you even if you had come to him and asked for trouble."

"Please bring something decent, otherwise Brother Su would have wanted to take a nap in here."

At this moment, in the environment of the "coalition" of the three martial arts colleges, a pin drop could be heard.

Feng Yan's voice echoed here, but no one paid attention. Many people have not figured out what happened.

Bu Ren fell to the ground, but why?

After a long time, the leader of Yiyun Martial Arts University asked with difficulty: "Who is this person? What's going on! Why didn't anyone give me his information in advance!"

As he asked each of the three questions, his voice rose eight degrees, and in the end he spoke completely in a roar.

"This man is Su Gu, and he ranked first in this year's Xingwu University freshman competition."

"We reported these things to the leaders before, but since they knew he was a civilian, they disdainfully threw the information we collected aside without even looking at it."

Soon, someone in the crowd whispered.

His words immediately changed the colors on the faces of the three leaders from anger to embarrassment.

The contempt of the noble families for ordinary civilians made them subconsciously ignore Su Gu, thinking that among the freshmen of Xingwu University, only Feng Yan was strong.

But they did not expect that this subconscious contempt in daily life would be exchanged for such a bitter fruit.

"Now that things have happened, it is useless to hold anyone responsible." The leader of Yiyun Martial Arts University said in a deep voice:

"The top priority now is that we need to unite and find a way to defeat this guy!"

"Tell us all the information you can think of about this student named Su Gu, and we must be fully prepared for the next battle."

Listening to the guy in front of them suddenly changing his words, many people couldn't help rolling their eyes.

But now we should really think about how to deal with this terrifying guy. Many people grabbed their hair and pondered over the information that had been thrown aside long ago.

And at this moment, a familiar voice sounded.

"Brother Su is good at using a knife." Feng Yan said calmly.


Didn't he just end Bu Ren with his fists? How is it related to a knife? And looking at him, he doesn't have a knife.

"Don't watch it, you bunch of trash are worthy of Brother Su's knife? Have you ever seen an adult beat a child with a weapon?"

Feng Yan didn't suppress his voice at all, and he complained about the "family college coalition" here.

These people listened to Feng Yan's words, and their faces turned pale.

"This guy's appearance of asking for a beating has really not changed at all." Doug Lynch glared at Feng Yan and said:

"If your Feng family was not a medium-sized family, you would have been beaten to death long ago!"

Feng Yan also glared back coldly, and the two looked at each other without giving in.

The leaders of the three schools looked at Doug who spoke up and rubbed their temples at the same time.

Finally, the leader of the Phoenix Martial Arts Academy said, "You go on stage next, Doug!"

After hearing this, Doug, who was arguing with Feng Yan, nodded. Then he stared at Feng Yan with a sadistic smile on his face.

"I think you admire that civilian."

"I really want to see what kind of expression you will have on your face if I beat him down in front of you."

Feng Yan listened to the other party's harsh words, as if he had suddenly heard the funniest joke in the world, and he couldn't hold it back for a moment.

He rarely fought back directly, but looked at Doug's face and said: "That bastard, you should do your best."

Then he turned around and said to Su Gu: "Brother Su, did you hear what this guy said just now? This guy has thick skin and flesh, and can take a few more hits."

After hearing this, Su Gu just waved his hand casually, as if he didn't care about this guy at all.

Doug's face immediately turned red. Compared with Feng Yan who thought he would lose, Su Gu's attitude of not caring at all hurt him more.

"Bring my sword over!"

He roared immediately, and then two students helped to carry a thick cloth wrapped in something like a log.

Doug tore the cloth strips apart, and a black giant sword about two meters long was exposed. The sword body was very thick, and it looked like a black giant wood from a distance.

Doug carried the heavy sword on his shoulder, exuding an amazing aura.

Then he leaped into the air, came to the battle stage, and stood in front of Su Gu.

"Doug Lynch from Phoenix Martial Arts University, I'm here to challenge you."

Su Gu looked at his opponent, just raised his eyelids slightly, and then ignored him.

Looking at the other party's contemptuous look, Doug's anger in his heart burned even more.

When the referee selection battle began, he immediately rushed up regardless of anything.

The long sword in his hand stabbed directly at Su Gu's face.

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