Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 144 Time power? The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment

Su Gu's expression was calm when he spoke, without any hint of publicity.

His tone was also very calm, without any aggressiveness at all.

But at this moment, Doug Lynch was knocked to the ground and unconscious. In this calmness, there was a sense of domineering.

At this moment, everyone in the "coalition" of the three aristocratic universities looked at each other, and for a moment, no one went up to respond.

Lin Zihan looked at Su Gu, who was standing on the court with a calm face, and a bitter smile appeared on his face.

Fortunately, I said in my heart that if "this guy is our junior from Wangtianya Martial Arts University, I will definitely teach him a lesson."

I didn't say this, otherwise I would be treated as a joke and laughed at by those guys from Xingwu University for a long time.

Just now, he put himself in Doug Lynch's perspective, and he found that even if he went up, he couldn't find any chance of winning.

Obviously, this guy named Su Gu is just a freshman. But it made Lin Zihan feel like he had no bottom.

"He is only a freshman now, and he can still study at Xingkong Martial Arts University for four years. I guess as long as he is there, no one can challenge Xingkong Martial Arts University's position in these four years."

"Even our Wangtianya and Kaiyang will be threatened."

Lin Zihan said this softly, and then he looked at Arnold who had been standing aside without saying a word.

His eyes were fixed on Su Gu.

"I guess he feels the same as me." Lin Zihan said silently in his heart.

At this moment, the silent atmosphere of the "Family College Coalition" was finally broken.

The leader of the Phoenix Martial Arts Academy said with difficulty: "Brothers, what should we do next? Fight or not fight."

Three martial arts colleges challenged Xingkong Martial Arts University at the same time, and it stands to reason that there is still a battle.

But is there any meaning in the next battle, whether to fight or not?

Su Gu gave them the feeling of a deep well with no bottom. They sent the tall Doug to test the depth, but he drowned as soon as he went in.

The well didn't even have any waves.

Doug Lynch came on the field, but he didn't even use one of his fighting skills?

They looked at Min Xing who was waiting on the side. Although he had a powerful time ability, they felt that they had little chance of winning when facing Su Gu.

"Damn it, how could this happen?" Someone cursed angrily.

They really couldn't figure it out. According to the experience of previous years, they could take over the Starry Sky Martial Arts University steadily. The only variable might be Feng Yan.

But now, how could such an insurmountable wall appear?

How did the Starry Sky Martial Arts University recruit such a student, and how could such a person be trained with the little resources of the civilian class?

"Can it be faster? You don't think you can fool it by just procrastinating like this." Feng Yan's sarcasm came as expected without any surprise.

"Damn it!"

Hearing the harsh words, someone couldn't help but curse. But after saying these two words, there was no follow-up sound.

When you don't have strength, no matter what you say, you will feel that you lack confidence.

They have been ridiculed by Feng Yan, but they can't find any point to refute.

"We can win!"

Just when the atmosphere was suppressed to the lowest point, the white-haired Min Xing spoke.

He seemed to have squeezed out his last breath from the cracks in his bones, and continued: "This guy named Su Gu is very strong, but now that he doesn't have a knife on him, he can't exert his strongest strength in his bare hands."

"And I am not weak either. I have a time ability beyond common sense. Who can underestimate me! I may not have no chance of winning this battle."

After hearing this, the people who were originally a little desperate slowly raised their heads again.

Yes, Min Xing is right, we haven't lost yet!

The opponent has only one person. Can he really defeat our three colleges alone?

"In that case, Min Xing, you go on stage." Finally, the leader patted Min Xing on the shoulder and said in a deep voice.

Min Xing, who was ordered to do it in a critical moment, also nodded firmly.

"Come on, Min Xing, kill him."

"Don't think this kid looks relaxed now, maybe he's just pretending, Doug has exhausted his physical strength!"

"That's right, maybe the enemy is just a paper tiger!"


Although they didn't believe these words themselves, they still tried their best to support Min Xing.

Amid the cheers of the crowd, Min Xing slowly walked onto the battle stage carrying his weapon, the Dragon Power Cannon.

A long-range warrior with white hair, carrying a cannon with an exaggerated dragon head carved on the gun head. Such an image is really a bit special.

Su Gu looked at his opponent and showed an interested look. He was most looking forward to this battle.

Time - this ability that you can tell from the name is linked to the word powerful, he has long wanted to experience it.

The battle begins!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Min Xing raised the Dragon Power Cannon and bombarded it three times in a row!

Three dragon shadows rushed out of his gun muzzle and rushed towards Su Gu.


Amid a strong explosion, the entire battle platform was shrouded in a cloud of smoke.

A-level combat skills, Dragon Cannon!

"This... this is." Jiang Lu widened his eyes, unable to believe what he saw.

The three shots just now, any one of them is not something that an ordinary heavy armor can withstand. And this guy named Min Xing can actually do it instantly!

This is not in line with the common sense of a long-range warrior.

"This is Min Xing's ability." Lin Zihan said softly: "A-level ability, self-acceleration."

"Under the effect of his ability, ordinary long-range warriors have to accumulate attacks for a long time, but he can use it as a flat attack."

"Of course, using A-level combat skills continuously like this is also a huge consumption for him. He was indeed forced into a hurry by Su Gu, otherwise he would not use the ultimate move right away."

Lin Zihan's eyes swept across the smoke and dust.

But... is this really useful?

Min Xing's body flashed with a little light, which was the trace of his ability to accelerate the speed of soul power stacking just now.

He was panting, and his body was almost at the limit after shooting these few shots in a row.

"Damn, I don't believe that a monster like you can be fine after being hit head-on!" Min Xing thought bitterly.

At this moment, a voice sounded beside his mind.

"Is that all?"

Min Xing's face suddenly changed. As a long-range warrior, he was silently approached by the enemy.

He subconsciously twisted his body and the Dragon Cannon sounded again!


The opponent had already read his trajectory in advance, and with a slight turn of his head, the fatal attack passed by his shoulder.

"Is that really all?" Su Gu's voice sounded again.

Min Xing was stunned for a moment. He was too panicked just now. Now he listened carefully and felt the disappointment in his opponent's words.

"Your ability can only reduce the time of charging?" Su Gu asked with his eyes staring.

For some reason, Min Xing felt a little guilty when he met that look.

He subconsciously replied: "Yes."


Su Gu sighed slightly, and the expression on his face became uninterested.

It's true that the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment. It turns out that this kind of thing requires superpowers.

Can it be considered a time superpower if it can only be done like this?

After waiting for so long, Su Gu felt that his time was wasted by this broken time ability.

"What are you pretending to be!"

Min Xing shouted angrily. He felt the contempt in his opponent's heart and the weakness in his heart just now.

A feeling of anger and shame surged up.

He began to accelerate all his body functions, even if this move cost him his life, he would not hesitate!

Now he couldn't care so much.

And at this moment, he suddenly felt a black in front of his eyes, and Su Gu's hand knife had already cut his neck.

In the gap when Min Xing activated his ability and increased his strength, Su Gu finished it.

What happened here?

"Don't waste your life on meaningless things. It doesn't matter to me how much your body function improves." Su Gu said calmly.

This guy is still concerned about his opponent when fighting?

Min Xing smiled bitterly at the end, and then fainted completely.

The whole venue was silent.

No matter how these people feel, at this moment, the challenge of the three schools to the Starry Sky Martial Arts University has completely failed.

And he was stopped by one person.

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