Ten thousand light-years away from the solar system, there is a star field that has never been explored by humans.

One of them is a habitable planet with a mild climate suitable for carbon-based organisms to survive.

In the extreme north of the planet, there is a brightly lit city.

This city has extremely complete infrastructure, but there is no trace of any living thing, which gives it a strange atmosphere.

But the most bizarre and inconsistent thing is not this.

If any human being is lucky enough to come here, he will definitely let out an exclamation.

Every building in this city can find references in human civilization.

Modern skyscrapers are placed together with mysterious pyramids. Next to the ancient temple, steam trains, coal-fired trains, high-speed trains... to the Star Dome Train, all transportation tools from all ages of mankind can be seen here.

The Great Wall crosses the alleys of the city. In the majestic temples and pagodas, where the Buddha statues are enshrined, there are Greek marble human sculptures.

The city's furnishings are as messy as a giant child throwing models around.

But it's like...

A research institute used by gods to study humans.

And in the sky in the center of the city, Yu Si, the only "person" in the city, opened his eyes.

When he opened his eyes, the planet began to rotate faster, and his location quickly switched from night to day because he opened his eyes.


This was the first thing Yuji said with his squirming lips after opening his eyes.

He spoke slowly but with a strong tone, as if he wanted to carve these two words into his heart.

"My lord."

After the planet's rotation accelerated, the king-level aliens who had been stationed on this planet immediately noticed it. He spread his wings, which were enough to cover the entire city, and rushed towards Yuji quickly.

After approaching Yu Si, his huge body transformed into a human form, and then he knelt on one knee in front of Yu Si.

He knew that the adult in front of him had a special love for human civilization.

So I deliberately used human language and said respectfully:

"My lord, you woke up a little earlier than expected. As expected, you personally took action and easily eliminated the obstacles to the plan."

After hearing the praise from his subordinates, Yu Si was silent for a while, and then said slowly:

"The reason why I came back early is because the plan completely failed."

The king-level alien's expression froze and he continued:

"After all, this is the first time for our clan to try to integrate a being like you into human society. Although we have the help of the Tachibana family among the ten, accidents are bound to happen."

"It's probably because of the mistakes of the Tachibana family's losers that the monsters lurking in the human race who are of the same level as you were aware of the plan, which led to this failure."

"I think you don't have to worry about it. You will definitely succeed if you try it a few more times."

After hearing these words, Yuji was silent for a moment.

Then he said: "This plan was not noticed by those monsters. The Ju family was fully prepared for this matter. They even allowed me to parasitize a ray of spiritual thought into the body of their clan's genius to avoid detection.

The only condition is that I can be the grandfather of that genius of mankind and help the Ju family train him for a period of time. "

"Everything done by Tachibana is perfect."

This king-level alien lowered his head, not daring to look at Yu Si's face.

Both flattery hits were on the horse's legs. At this moment, he seemed to be mute and didn't know what else to say.

This silent and awkward atmosphere did not last long.

Yu Si took the initiative and said: "The failure this time was not because of those monsters among humans, but because of a warrior in the Seeking Me Realm."

"This young warrior has terrifying insight and decisive action. On his own, he hindered several commander-level saints who were sent to protect me, and he also successfully killed my container. "

"I paid the price and allowed the remaining spiritual thoughts to be attached to the dead vessel, just to kill such a genius among human beings in advance."

At this point, Yuji paused for a moment, and then said slowly: "Unfortunately, I failed."

"The potential of this human being is much more terrifying than I expected."

"He defeated me head-on in a battle in the same realm."

"Same level, defeated you!"

The king-level alien opened his eyes wide, as if he couldn't believe what he heard.

Although Lord Yuji only had a ray of spiritual thought, he could not use any of his racial talents and could only use the human martial arts system to fight against humans.

But Sir, you have been obsessed with studying human beings for many years. If you are only at a low level, how can you lose to the so-called genius of mankind?

"That's right." Yu Si nodded: "This is very bad news, but we have to face this."

"In today's human world, a monster no weaker than Ji Liuwu was born."

Ji Liuwu? !

These three words made the king-level alien's pupils shrink suddenly.

At that time, the saints had captured the earth, the ancestral planet of mankind. All the warriors were full of momentum and prepared to take this opportunity to conquer the human race in one fell swoop.

Unexpectedly, on the conquered earth, among the humans they took as slaves, a peerless monster was born.

He gathered his comrades and partners to face enemies several times his number on the earth, and continued guerrilla warfare. Obtain the blood bathed in the saints and continuously improve your own abilities to quickly become stronger.

In the end, he single-handedly killed the mythical creature that guarded the earth, and the other two mythical creatures that came to help from the Saints were also killed one after another.

This is what Ji Liuwu did in the Holy War era.

He almost single-handedly took the earth back from the Saints.

For humans, he is undoubtedly a hero who liberated the earth.

And for the aliens, this is an enemy who will be engraved in the genes and passed down from generation to generation!

The king-level alien knelt on his knees and then said in a deep voice: "My Lord, please tell us the name and appearance of that human."

"I will use all the power I can use, even at the cost of my own life, to kill this person!"

"I am willing to donate everything for the future of my Saints."

Don't say that it's just the same potential.

Even if the conditions are completely similar, Ji Liuwu's growth cannot be replicated. What's more, the current situation of the human world is completely different from the dark age.

But even so, the Star Alien Clan would never want to see the possibility of the birth of a second Ji Liuwu.

Looking at his subordinates who volunteered to fight, Yu Si suddenly smiled.

He stared at the king-level alien and suddenly said like a teacher asking a question to a student:

"I guess your ancestors also engraved everything about that man in their genetic memory, so you can understand the horror of Ji Liuwu."

"In that case, guess what the final fate of this man who was respected by humans as a liberation fighter was?"

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